quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009

The Women's Building San Francisco

TORTURE: From Guantanamo to Chicago Interrogation Rooms
Socialism Conference 2008
Filmed by Paul Hubbard, Jeremy Scahill, Martina Correia, Darrell Cannon www.nodeathpenalty.org ; www.troyanthonydavis.org

New Left New Era Socialism 2009 San Francisco - Final Rally
This year, we held the annual Socialism Conference in two locations: Chicago and San Francisco. And the results exceeded our greatest expectation. Between the two conferences, more than 1,800 people attended—making Socialism 2009 by far the largest Socialism Conference to date. The success of the conference signals that we truly are, as this year's conference slogan put it, "Building a New Left for a New Era."