quinta-feira, 12 de março de 2009

The Stony Brook Mind Brain Lectures

The Swartz Foundation

In our approach to supporting brain research, the Swartz Foundation operates from the philosophical and scientific perspective that properties of the mind, from sensory perception to learning to thinking to consciousness, are a direct product of the intrinsic physical properties of the brain. The mind is the brain at work.

Results from brain research are converging to show that much of what the brain does can be understood computationally. Understanding the relation between neural computation and mental function is now the work at hand. We believe that this goal is achievable. Getting there will require the collaboration of investigators from many disciplines, and perhaps it will require principles and technology not yet conceived.

Understanding the mind/brain relationship is an Everest of science, as well as one of the enduring conundrums of philosophy. This lecture series is presented by the Swartz Foundation and the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook to acquaint the University community and the public with current research and thought on this topic.
Larry F. Abbott, PhD

Previous Lectures:


2006 - 10th Anniversary Lecture:
Helen Fisher, PhD