segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2011

Lawrence Lessig - Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress

Talk by Lawrence Lessig author of "Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress -- and a Plan to Stop It" given October 22, 2011 at Town Hall Seattle, Seattle, WA

Conversations with Great Minds - David Korten, The Great Turning

Conversations with Great Minds - David Korten, The Great Turning. P 2

For tonight's Conversations with Great Minds - Thom Hartmann is joined by David Korten. David is an economist, author, and former Professor of the Harvard Business School. His political activism has made him a prominent critic of corporate globalization. His 2006 book "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community" argues that the development of empires about 5,000 years ago initiated unequal distribution of power and social benefits to a small portion of the population.

Glenn Greenwald On “America’s Lawless Elite”

Listen to this story

From Watergate to Gitmo to Occupy, we’ll hear from Salon’s Glenn Greenwald on what he calls the rise of an American “lawless elite.” 

Glenn Greenwald studied law and spent ten years as a litigator in federal and state courts across the country. Now he’s a big two-fisted progressive blogger and columnist for And he’s out with a blistering critique of what has happened to American law. We’ve stopped applying it to everyone, says Greenwald.

We’ve carved out an exemption for Americans in the halls of power. We’ve created what Greenwald calls a “lawless elite” that is running roughshod over our economy and national policy. Over American law.

This hour On Point: Glenn Greenwald, and liberty and justice for some.

- Tom Ashbrook 

Charles Eisenstein: Money and the Turning of the Age

Money and the Turning of the Age: Part 2

About the significance of the economic crisis in the evolution of human civilization and consciousness. Filmed by Katie Teague, December 2010.

domingo, 30 de outubro de 2011

Jared Diamond: Why societies collapse

Why do societies fail? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day Montana, Jared Diamond talks about the signs that collapse is near, and how -- if we see it in time -- we can prevent it.

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

El gobierno de las palabras - Juan Carlos Monedero

"Necesitamos pueblos más quijotescos y menos hamletianos, pueblos que dialoguen, no que monologuen".
El capitalismo pelea recurrentemente sus crisis, al tiempo que muestra un abanico de respuestas cada vez más limitado. El Estado moderno intenta resistir los embates de soluciones más exitosas que lo desbordan territorialmente por arriba y por abajo. El pensamiento moderno, agotado en el esfuerzo de cabalgar sobre la idea de progreso, renuncia al combate y cede las soluciones racionales a supercherías, sectarismos religiosos, remedos de espiritualismo de consumo rápido y libros de autoayuda. Época de transición y confusión. ¿Puede brindar ayuda la reinvención de la política? El lenguaje es una herencia poderosa que nos habla. Biendecir es dialogar; maldecir, monologar.
Recuperar la política es desterrar los monólogos y regresar a diálogos que den sentido a la vida. Despensar los nombres de la política --democracia y gobernabilidad, desarrollo y modernización, consenso y gobernanza- para luego repensarlos al servicio de un nuevo sentido común a la búsqueda de soluciones atrevidamente humanas. Frente al auge de libros que invitan a soluciones individuales, estamos ante un libro de "autoayuda colectiva" que quiere devolver a lo político la dignidad extraviada.

Entrevista a José Luis Sampedro - Encuentros POR - Piensa Opina Reacciona [Completo]

"Me sumo a lo que el 15M representa; una recreación, un replanteamiento extraordinario, es esencial pensar en el futuro ... nos condicionan y nos educan mal para que no tengamos un pensamiento libre y es por esto que los jóvenes piden ahora una democracia real"
Otra vez Sampedro nos deslumbra con su pensamiento.
Entreviosta realizada por Iñaki Gabilondo en los Encuentros POR.

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011

Transition vers la décroissance - Paul Ariès

Interview de Paul Ariès lors de sa conférence de soutien à la candidature de Julien Darochat à Lons le Saunier le 14 mars 2011.
Paul Ariès est le rédacteur en chef de la revue "Le Sarkophage"

PRIMEIRA TERRA - EPÍLOGO - TERRA FUTURA - Arquitetura Ecológica Integral

PRIMEIRA TERRA - Arquitetura Ecológica Integral

FIRST EARTH - Uncompromising Ecological Architecture

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

Surfing the Waves of Change

Surfing the Waves of Change is an animation exploring the idea of community resilience using the metaphor of a surfer to explain how communities can make themselves more resilient in these changing times. This project is supported by The Carnegie UK Trust, Comhar Media Fund and Trocaire.

Glenn Greenwald: Civil Liberties in the Age of Obama

Glenn Greenwald at Brown University
Sponsored by Brown Antiwar Action, International Socialist Organization, Rhode Island Mobilization Committee, Brown ACLU.
Filmed by Paul Hubbard

Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies

We feel instinctively that societies with huge income gaps are somehow going wrong. Richard Wilkinson charts the hard data on economic inequality, and shows what gets worse when rich and poor are too far apart: real effects on health, lifespan, even such basic values as trust.

terça-feira, 25 de outubro de 2011

Managing Without Growth with Dr. Peter Victor

Economic growth is the over-arching policy objective of governments worldwide. Yet its long-term viability is increasingly questioned because of environmental impacts and impending and actual shortages of energy and material resources. Furthermore, rising incomes in rich countries bear little relation to gains in happiness and well-being . Growth has not eliminated poverty, brought full employment or protected the environment. Results from a simulation model of the Canadian economy suggest that it is possible to have full employment, eradicate poverty, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain fiscal balance without economic growth. It's time to turn our attention away from pursuing growth and towards specific objectives more directly relating to our well-being and that of the planet.

Dr. Peter Victor , author of Managing without Growth. Slower by Design, not Disaster, is a professor in environmental studies at York University. He has worked for nearly 40 years in Canada and abroad on economy and environment as an academic, consultant and public servant. Dr. Victor was the founding president of the Canadian Society of Ecological Economics and a past-president of the Royal Canadian Institute for the Advancement of Science. Currently he is a member of the Board of the David Suzuki Foundation and several advisory boards in the public and private sectors. See .

Christian Felberg - La Economía del Bien Común

Modelo Económico Alternativo al sistema de mercado capitalista y a la economía planificada. Un modelo económico sostenible.

Sir Ken Robinson - Changing Paradigms

Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson will ask how do we make change happen in education and how do we make it last?

The Great American Bank Robbery, Hammer Museum

William K. Black, the former litigation director of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board who investigated the Savings and Loan disaster of the 1980s, discusses the latest scandal in which a single bank, IndyMac, lost more money than was lost during the entire Savings and Loan crisis. He will examine the political failure behind this economic disaster, in which not only massive fraud has taken place, but a vast transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class continues as the federal government bails out the seemingly reckless, if not the criminal. Black teaches economics and law at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and is the author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One.

segunda-feira, 24 de outubro de 2011

The Reith Lectures 2009 - Michael Sandel: A New Citizenship
A New Politics of the Common Good

Listen now (45 minutes)
Professor Michael Sandel delivers four lectures about the prospects of a new politics of the common good. The series is presented and chaired by Sue Lawley.

Sandel makes the case for a moral and civic renewal in democratic politics. Recorded at George Washington University in Washington DC, he calls for a new politics of the common good and says that we need to think of ourselves as citizens, not just consumers.

Vandana Shiva: Earth Democracy at PCC

A talk by Dr. Vandana Shiva at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, USA on February 24th, 2011.

sexta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2011

Bruce Levine: Get Up, Stand Up (extended)

Hervé Kempf, à Rimouski

Présenté en collaboration avec : Greenpeace Québec, NON à une marée noire dans le St-Laurent, le CACE - Comité d’action et de concertation en environnement du Cégep de Rimouski, le Département de philosophie du Cégep de Rimouski, le Syndicat des Enseignantes et Enseignants du Cégep de Rimouski et le CADUCC.

Le 6 Mai 2011, Hervé Kempf, journaliste (le Monde) et écrivain français, était au Cégep de Rimouski pour discuter de son dernier livre : «L'Oligarchie ça suffit, Vive la Démocratie».

Cette vidéo présente l'intégralité de son discours.

Voyez son site internet:

'Redirect' by Timothy D. Wilson

In this RSA talk Professor Wilson reveals how many conventional psychological therapies and interventions, including most self-help books, can do us more harm than good. Presenting the very latest research, he shows that the key to transforming our lives lies simply in learning to redirect the stories we tell ourselves.

Listen to the full audio:

RSA Animate - Renata Salecl: Choice

In this new RSAnimate, Professor Renata Salecl explores the paralysing anxiety and dissatisfaction surrounding limitless choice. Does the freedom to be the architects of our own lives actually hinder rather than help us? Does our preoccupation with choosing and consuming actually obstruct social change?

quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Nassim Taleb on Wall Street Protest, Banking

Nassim Taleb, author of "The Black Swan" and a New York University professor, discusses the "Occupy Wall Street" protest and his view of the global banking system. Taleb, speaking with Erik Schatzker on Bloomberg Television's "InsideTrack," also discusses the need to apply the principles of "Hammurabi's Code" to the banking system. (Source: Bloomberg)

Crisis y Paraísos Fiscales

¿Por qué siempre pagamos los del siempre? Este es un video didáctico en que se explica el efecto que tiene, en la crisis, que grandes empresas y grandes fortunas evadan pagar sus impuestos depositando sus fondos o invirtiendo en paraisos fiscales y su consecuencia en el déficit público y en la destrucción del estado de bienestar social.
Apoya esta campaña con tu firma en​es/​

quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011

Visualizing a Plenitude Economy

Produced by the Center for a New American Dream

This fun animation provides a vision of what a post-consumer society could look like, with people working fewer hours and pursuing re-skilling, homesteading, and small-scale enterprises that can help reduce the overall size and impact of the consumer economy. Narrated by economist and best-selling author Juliet Schor (

terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

Chris Hedges on the rise of the corporate class. f.s.

Social critic and author Chris Hedges talks about his latest book "Death of the Liberal Class", in which he argues that democracy is on life support in the U.S. He blames the liberal elites in media, labour, religious groups and academia, for allowing the unfettered rise of the corporate class.

segunda-feira, 17 de outubro de 2011

A Simple Solution to the Debt Crisis - Positive Money

Have you ever wondered why there's so much debt? Or why the experts and authorities seem completely unable to solve the current debt crisis?

Well the reason they can't solve it is because they're trying to fix and repair the existing banking system. But the existing banking system is completely flawed. It's the existing system that has buried all of us under a massive mountain of debt.

In the next 3 minutes I'll show you how the design of the banking system guarantees that the vast majority of people will end up in debt, and why allowing the banks to go back to business as usual would be the worst thing for the economy and for society as a whole.

The Big Idea - Why Equality is Better for Everyone

Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett present some hard evidence to show how many measuress of wellbeing (including life expectancy, mental illness, violence, illiteracy) are not related to how wealthy a society is, but to how equal it is.

Their work is based on years of research presented in their groundbreaking book The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone

To read more about the authors and the topics discussed in this talk visit: The Equality Trust

This talk was filmed at Dartington during the Dartington Interrogate Festival 2011

Peter Bane - How I'm Preparing for the Local Future: Permaculture

Permaculture - (n) agricultural system or method that seeks to integrate human activity with natural surroundings so as to create highly efficient self-sustaining ecosystems

Educator Peter Bane is preparing for the local future, beyond the global economy and after peak oil. Bane's talk is the story of the history of permaculture, and how he has used permaculture methods to move towards a self-sustaining homestead using free or low-cost techniques.

Peter Bane is the publisher of Permaculture Activist Magazine for 20 years. He is a garden farmer in Bloomington, Indiana. He teaches permaculture design for Indiana University. He has a bachelors from University in Illinois in political design. Bane has a diplomna in permaculture design from the British Academy of Permculture design. He served on the peak oil task force for the City of Bloomington, Indiana, which was adopted in 2009 December. Bane is currently working on a permaculture handbook for people who live in the suburbs.

In this talk, Bane describes, in his own words, how he is moving beyond the money economy, to providing his essential needs from his homestead, and how he is utilizing the principles of permaculture.

This talk immediately followed Nicole Foss's talk on how she prepared her family for peak oil and economic uncertainty.

Recorded at the International Conference on Sustainability: Energy, Economy, Environment 2010 hosted by Local Future and directed by Aaron Wissner.

Nicole Foss - How I Prepared My Home for Peak Oil and Economic Uncertainty

Nicole Foss, senior editor of financial blog The Automatic Earth, where she writes as Stoneleigh, describes her personal preparation for peak oil and economic uncertainty.

Foss returns to North America in November 2011 for the International Conference on Sustainability, Transition and Culture Change: Vision, Action, Leadership organized by Local Future non-profit, and directed by Aaron Wissner.

Foss has delivered her Century of Challenges talk hundreds of times.

1. The first 20-minutes of her talk regarding peak oil is available here:

2. To view her full talk, visit The Automatic Earth at:

3. To view a full Q&A session with Mrs. Foss, following her presentation, click here:

To learn more about Mrs. Foss, visit:

Immanuel Wallerstein: Capitalism Collapse? 'Cash grab system cannot survive storm'

There is barely a corner of the globe that has not been touched by the current financial meltdown. But a senior sociology scholar at Yale University thinks the crisis is far wider than the economic crash - it is capitalism itself which is collapsing.

Natural Gas Company Propaganda is BULL S*!T!

The fossil fuel industry has left out a few details in their informational video about the process of drilling for natural gas. Comedian Julianna Forlano fills in the gaps in this special edition of The Ironic News Report.

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

Leida Rijnhout: Growth, Exploitation and Global Justice

[en] Beitrag von Leida Rijnhout, Executive Director bei ANPED im Podium 1 «Wachstum, Ausbeutung und globale Gerechtigkeit» auf dem Attac-Kongress «Jenseits des Wachstums» in Berlin, 21.5.2011.

Prof. David Barkin - Degrowth and Politics

International Degrowth Conference in Barcelona

A la rencontre de Pierre Rabhi

Biographie de Pierre Rabhi

 Agriculteur, écrivain et penseur français d'origine algérienne, Pierre Rabhi est un des pionniers de l'agriculture biologique et l’inventeur du concept "Oasis en tous lieux".

In conversation with: Prof. Steve Keen

Ross Ashcroft from Renegade Economist speaks with Steve Keen whilst he was in London to launch a new, expanded and extensively revised version of his book Debunking Economics: The Naked Emperor Dethroned?

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2011

Dangerous banks: can we tame them? - Tony Greenham

Tony Greenham, head of Finance and Business at nef (the new economics foundation) and former investment banker, outlines why he thinks banks in the UK are dangerous for economic prosperity, social justice and ecological sustainability.

This talk was originally presented to Café Diplo, run by Friends of Le Monde Diplomatique in March 2011.

Where does money come from?

What is money? How is it created? How does it enter into circulation? These are simple and vital questions it might seem, but the answers remain contested and often muddled.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

"Billionaires" defend the 1% At Occupy Wall Street

Laura Flanders interviews a group posing as "Billionaires" at the Occupy Wall Street rebellion in New York City.

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

The Crisis of Credit Visualized - HD

The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis -- The Full Version

By Jonathan Jarvis.

The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated.

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

La Era de la Adaptacion

Documental corto producido según la filosofía de "código abierto", es decir, de libre distribución. Examina la íntima relación entre tres factores convergentes que resultan claves para comprender la situación actual: El cambio climático, la desigualdad social y la inestabilidad económica, tanto a nivel local como global. Intenta plantear un mensaje urgente que pueda alejarnos a tiempo de nuestro actual modelo de desarrollo, el cual está basado en la ilusión del crecimiento infinito a toda costa, y cuestiona frontalmente al paradigma sagrado del Producto Bruto Interno, esa especie de mantra que recitan todos los políticos y economistas, con preguntas profundas tales como: ¿más crecimiento de qué, y para qué? Asimismo pone de manifiesto las nuevas retóricas que han surgido para convertir el drama planetario del cambio climático en un negocio, a partir de nuevas tecnologías "verdes" y supuestamente ecológicas, tales como el "carbón limpio" y los sistemas de compensaciones de carbono, cuyas pretensiones son resolver el desequilibrio climático a través de los mismos mecanismos de mercado conocidos, pero sin modificar en nada nuestros hábitos de consumo.

Los subtítulos en español fueron elaborados por la Red de la Transición de la Comarca Andina (Patagonia, Argentina), y hasta el momento es la única edición existente en español de este documental.
Para ver la ficha técnica completa y un resumen más detallado, visitar:​site/​sinpetroleo/​cine/​ageofadaptation

Sobredosis - La Próxima Crisis Financiera

El mapa de la gran crisis sistémica que enfrentamos está compuesto por cuatro elementos principales, altamente interrelacionados entre sí: Economía, Energía, Presión Demográfica y Medio Ambiente.

En tiempos de crisis las sociedades buscan líderes fuertes y soluciones simples. Pero... ¿Qué pasaría si las soluciones económicas que se están planteando constituyen los mismos errores que provocaron el desastre?
Este documental describe y analiza la historia de la mayor crisis económica de nuestra época: la que aún está por venir.

Cuando estalló la burbuja financiera global, la solución fue bajar las tasas de interés e inyectar miles de millones de dólares sin respaldo a un sistema bancario enfermo. Justamente esa solución generó un problema mayor, y por eso la próxima crisis será peor aún. Los gobiernos ya se están quedando sin combustible para alimentar la economía. Puede ser que todavía estén en condiciones de salvar a los bancos, pero de ahora en adelante la pregunta más inquietante es quién salvará a los gobiernos...

Los subtítulos en español para este documental fueron realizados por la Red de la Transición de la Comarca Andina (Patagonia, Argentina), y hasta el momento es la única versión en nuestro idioma de esta película. Para ver la ficha técnica completa y mayor información del documental, ir a la siguiente página:​site/​sinpetroleo/​cine/​overdose

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

earthrise - The Great Seed Bank

Kew's Millennium Seed Bank partnership in Sussex is the largest off-site plant conservation project in the world. Working with partners in more than 50 countries, they had by 2009 banked the seeds of 10 per cent of the planet's wild plant species.

Arundhati Roy: Revolts and Rebellions

Kashmir, Post-Colonial States, India's War Against its People, the strength of the Maoist movement and the participation of women. A wide ranging interview with Arundhati Roy by Alternative Radio's David Barsamian. Filmed in India, February 2011

Democracy and Dissent in China and India - Arundhati Roy with Dibyesh Anand

The University of Westminster hosted a conference on Democracy and Dissent in China and India. Find out more here:

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011

Hartmann: Occupy Wall Street & The Real Boston Tea Party

There's pressure mounting on the young people in Manhattan - many of whom refer to themselves as "the other 99 percent of us" or the "99ers" - to lay out some clear reasons as to why they are occupying Wall Street In fact - the mainstream media has turned to ridiculing the movement - because there isn't a set agenda or clearly defined goal. Even though the real reason why the mainstream media is ridiculing the movement is because it doesn't fit within their corporate-friendly narrative. But first - in case there were still doubts as to why the 99% of us should be upset with how the top 1% have hijacked our economy - and why people are now taking to the streets to do something about - consider some history & facts. Then Lee Fang w/ Think Progress joins Thom Hartmann to talk about how the growing protests against transnational corporations' love affair with greed resembles another historic protest...the Boston Tea Party?

terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Lifting the Veil

Barack Obama and the failure of capitalist 'democracy'

Taking Control of Our Money

Our sovereign currency and credit has been usurped for private gain instead of public good. Let's take back control of our money from Wall Street and build prosperity on Main Street by creating state, county, and municipal public banks. Public tax monies should be leveraged by public officials, not speculators and swindlers. Check out for more information.

segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2011

Dave Montgomery - Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations

Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Author David Montgomery has discovered that the three-foot-deep skin of our planet is slowly being eroded away, with potentially devastating results. In this engaging lecture, Montgomery draws from his book 'Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations' to trace the role of soil use and abuse in the history of societies, and discuss how the rise of organic and no-till farming bring hope for a new agricultural revolution.

domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

La doctrina del shock, documental completo

Basado en el libro de Noami Klein: "la doctrina del Shock", narra la forma en la que los llamados "chicago boys" de milton freeman, utilizaron el descubrimiento de los electroshock de la psicología para borrar los recuerdos y regresar al sujeto a un estado infantil, y poder reescribir su historia, lo trasladan al contexto socio económico de los países en vías de desarrollo, para propinar shocks económicos (alza de impuestos, eliminación de subsidios y políticas sociales, aumento de precios, etc.) y así, permitir mejor saquear los recursos naturales y enriquecer a las trasnacionales.

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

Crise financière - crise écologique : interview d'Hervé Kempf

Hervé Kempf est journaliste, écrivain et spécialisé dans les questions d'écologie. FINANcité a profite de son passage en Belgique en mars 2011 pour l'interviewer.

Jonathan Friedman : Globalizing Fantasies Trenchant Realities

Jonathan Friedman is a distinguished professor of anthropology at UC San Diego and Directeur d'études, EHESS, Paris. Arguing for the necessity of a global systemic perspective in understanding the contemporary situation, Friedman speaks on a global anthropology of contemporary crisis and the failures of the globalization framework to deal with the phenomenon.

Exponential Growth - Arithmetic, Population and Energy (Full - Updated)

Dr. Albert Bartlett discusses the implications of unending growth on economies, population, and resources. Presented at UBC on 5/19/2011.

This compelling lecture is easy to pay attention to and gives a basic introduction to the arithmetic of steady growth, including an explanation of the concept of doubling time. He explains the impact of unending steady growth on population. He then examines the consequences steady growth in a finite environment and observes this growth as applied to fossil fuel consumption, the lifetimes of which are much shorter than the optimistic figures most often quoted.

He proceeds to examine oddly reassuring statements from "experts", the media and political leaders - statements that are dramatically inconsistent with the facts. He discusses the widespread worship of economic growth and population growth in western society. Professor Bartlett explains "sustainability" in the context of the First Law of Sustainability:

"You cannot sustain population growth and / or growth in the rates of consumption of resources.

This 1708th presentation of this matierial by Dr. Bartlett brings the listener to understand and appreciate the implications of unending growth on a finite planet, and closes noting the crucial need for education on this topic.

Professor Bartlett has given this celebrated one-hour lecture beginning in September, 1969, to audiences with an average attendance of 80 in the United States and world-wide. His audiences have ranged from junior high school and college students to corporate executives and scientists, and to congressional staffs. 

Joseph Tainter Interview with Jim Puplava

Political disintegration is a persistent feature of world history. The Collapse of Complex Societies, though written by an archaeologist, will therefore strike a chord throughout the social sciences. Any explanation of societal collapse carries lessons not just for the study of ancient societies, but for the members of all such societies in both the present and future. Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching theory that accounts for collapse among diverse kinds of societies, evaluating his model and clarifying the processes of disintegration by detailed studies of the Roman, Mayan and Chacoan collapses.

Howie Hawkins: Ecological Socialism vs. Capitalist Exterminism

Howie Hawkins: Ecological Socialism vs. Capitalist Exterminism (2)

Blind Spot - Punto Ciego

Este documental viene a ser algo así como un curso acelerado sobre los nuevos paradigmas que ya estamos enfrentando ante la gran anomalía planetaria denominada Pico del Petróleo. Participan una serie de especialistas de impecable y reconocida trayectoria en sus respectivas áreas profesionales y de investigación, quienes ofrecen en conjunto las piezas fundamentales para que el espectador pueda armar su propio mapa de la situación.

Los subtitulos en español fueron realizados en forma autogestionada por el Movimiento de Transición de la Comarca Andina, Patagonia Argentina, contando para ello con la valiosa colaboración de Aluminé, Bárbara, Gilberto, y la titánica tarea de Muxu desde España, quienes transcribieron a texto varios fragmentos de la película.

Para ver la ficha técnica completa y un resumen más detallado de este documental, visitar:​site/​sinpetroleo/​cine/​blindspot

De la Servidumbre Moderna - Jean Francois Brient

Complexity - Secret Life of Chaos - BBC 2010

This is a video from the BBC that attempts to explain in the most simplest terms how simple systems can turn into very complex systems.