segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011
Gasland: A film by Josh Fox
"The largest domestic natural gas drilling boom in history has swept across the United States. The Halliburton-developed drilling technology of "fracking" or hydraulic fracturing has unlocked a "Saudia Arabia of natural gas" just beneath us. But is fracking safe? When filmmaker Josh Fox is asked to lease his land for drilling, he embarks on a cross-country odyssey uncovering a trail of secrets, lies and contamination. A recently drilled nearby Pennsylvania town reports that residents are able to light their drinking water on fire. This is just one of the many absurd and astonishing revelations of a new country called GASLAND. Part verite travelogue, part expose, part mystery, part bluegrass banjo meltdown, part showdown."
Gasland documentaire sur le Gaz de Schistes VOSTFR
Gasland est un film documentaire de 2010 écrits et réalisé par Josh Fox. Le film se concentre sur des communautés américaines touchées par le forage du Gaz de Schistes et plus précisément, un procédé connu sous le nom de « fracturation hydraulique ».
sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011
Paul Ariès: Quelle Société voulons-nous?
Dimension anthropologique de l'objection de croissance, capitalisme et socialisme existentiel.
Partage, don et gratuité.
quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011
Oito pessoas bebendo vinho em Kettering
Oito pessoas bebendo vinho em Kettering - 2 de 5
Oito pessoas bebendo vinho em Kettering - 3 de 5
Oito pessoas bebendo vinho em Kettering - 4 de 5
Oito pessoas bebendo vinho em Kettering - 5 de 5
Episódio 4 de 4 do documentário Century of the Self.
Legenda traduzida para português.
Título original: Eight people sipping wine in Kettering
Documentário da BBC sobre como aqueles no poder usaram as teorias freudianas para controlar multidões perigosas numa era da democracia de massas.
Esse episódio fala sobre como a esquerda nos EUA e no Reino Unido usaram as técnicas de grupo focal para transformar a política num negócio e tratar os eleitores como consumidores, trocando suas políticas tradicionais por políticas que atendiam a desejos individualistas.
Martha Argerich plays Bach toccata in C Minor BWV 911
Martha Argerich plays Bach toccata in C Minor BWV 911 - Part 2
Marta Argerich (
Programa de TV censurado em Portugal - Plano Inclinado (SIC Notícias)
Este é o mais recente programa de televisão censurado pelo sistema político português. Nesta última emissão do "Plano Inclinado", transmitido na SIC Notícias a 12 de Fevereiro, o fiscalista Henrique Medina Carreira e o ex-dirigente socialista Henrique Neto explicam que os partidos políticos funcionam como máfias e estão a levar Portugal à bancarrota económica pela segunda vez na História de Portugal.
Henrique Neto revelou a forma como a Maçonaria controla os partidos (ver minuto 26:33). Depois deste programa ir para o ar, a SIC cancelou todas as emissões seguintes.
Os convidados também concordam que não existe nenhuma alternativa dentro do parlamento, com partidos como o Bloco de Esquerda e o Partido Comunista a defenderem ideias retrógradas do séc. XIX.
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011
Effects of Feeding GMO Potatoes To Rats
Effects of Feeding GMO Potatoes To Rats (Pt. 2)
Dr. Arpad Pusztai discusses his research on the effects of feeding GMO potatoes to rats.
segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011
END:CIV - Resist or Die - documentary
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END:CIV examines our culture's addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"
The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system — it seems to be coming apart already.
Scientists under Attack - Genetic Engineering in the magnetic Field of Money TRAILER
Árpád Pusztai and Ignacio Chapela have two things in common. They are distinguished scientists and their careers are in ruins. Both scientists choose to look at the phenomenon of genetic engineering. Both made important discoveries. Both of them are suffering the fate of those who criticise the powerful vested interests that now dominate big business and scientific research.
Statements made by scientists themselves prove that 95% of the research in the area of genetic engineering is paid by the industry. Only 5% of the research is independent. The big danger for freedom of science and our democracy is evident. Can the public -- we all -- still trust our scientists?
domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2011
Noam Chomsky - Noam vs. Michel Foucault (Eng. subs)
Noam Chomsky - Noam vs. Michel Foucault (Eng. subs) Part 2
Chomsky and Foucault discusses the nature of power, amongst other things.
Sociedade do Espetáculo - Guy Debord (1973)
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Guy Debord em seu antifilme Sociedade do Espetáculo (1973) demonstra que a Revolução pode sim trazer a liberdade. Os Situacionistas, ou seja, aqueles que criam situações que propiciam o avanço e a materialização dos conceitos libertários conseguiriam pela proliferação de sua prática neutralizar o controle e o efeito nocivo que a televisão, o cinema e os gandes meios de comunicação exercem sobre as massas. O fim dessa repressão psicológica e física sobre o povo representaria a realização da arte, da poesia, da utopia.
José Manuel Naredo y Manuel Delgado Cabeza: Economia, poder y megaproyectos
Conversación José Manuel Naredo y Manuel Delgado Cabeza: Economía, poder y megaproyectos Categoría: Conferencias y Entrevistas; UNIA ArteyPensamiento, UNIA Académica Duración: 01:32:00 Fecha de grabación: 2009/06/19 Serie: Sobre Capital y Territorio II. UNIA ArteyPensamiento. Sinopsis: Reflexión sobre las actividades que constituyen el núcleo central del capitalismo actual, que suponen un desplazamiento de lo económico desde la producción de riqueza a la mera adquisición y apropiación de la misma, dando lugar a procesos de polarización y concentración de la capacidad de disponer de personas y territorios por parte de quienes controlan los resortes del poder y manejan las reglas del juego. En este contexto se sitúan las raíces y las consecuencias de la crisis económica actual, apuntándose las tendencias y lo que podría y debería hacerse a la vista de las reflexiones y las experiencias referidas. Temática: Ciencias Económicas, Ciencias Sociales Descriptores: Política, Economía. Geográfico: Sevilla / Andalucía / España Año y Producción: 2009-06 Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Realización: Realización y edición, Manuel Pérez Vargas y José Luís Tirado. Nacionalidad: España UNIA.284
Manuel Delgado: Una nueva economía para el cambio
Selección de momentos de la ponencia de Manuel Delgado , economista, Univ. de Sevilla, en la mesa de Debate Ciencia y Cambio Global. Reflexiones sobre conceptos e ideas como: Pensamiento Cero / Crisis… / Cambio Climático / Economía / Dinero / Sostenibilidad / Desigualdad / Ganadores y perdedores / Nueva conciencia.
Michela Mayer: Gestionar el cambio desde el pensamiento complejo
Selección de momentos de la ponencia de Michela Mayer, física de la Univ. de Roma en la mesa de Debate “Ciencia y Cambio Global”. Reflexiones sobre conceptos e ideas como: Causa y efecto / Palabras, palabras... / Globalización / Nuevas Reglas / Pensamiento complejo / Complejo no es complicado / Somos espacio y tiempo / la Tierra como madre.
Temática: Ciencias económicas, Ciencias sociales; Ciencias agrarias y Ambientales; Ciencia y tecnología Descriptores: Ciencia, ecología, economía, medio ambiente
Geográfico: Sevilla / Andalucía / España
Año y Producción: 2008-02 Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. Realización: SAV- Servicio Audiovisual UNIA. Nacionalidad: España. Equipo Técnico: Enrique Antonio Martínez, dirección; Daniel González, realización y edición. Yolanda Macias, producción UNIA.
Glenn Gould - Bach Goldberg Variations, BWV 988 [12 - 19]
Pianist: Glenn Gould (1932 - 1982)
Photos: All rights reserved to Life magazine
The majority of the photos were taken during the recording sessions for Gould's 1955 debut recording of the Goldbergs.
Arthur Rubinstein - Grieg Piano Concerto
E.Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.16 - I.Allegro molto moderato
E.Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.16 - II.Adagio
E.Grieg Piano Concerto in A minor, Op.16 - III.Allegro moderato molto e marcato
Arthur Rubinstein, piano
London Symphony Orchestra, André Previn
sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011
Sed de Oro - Pascua Lama (español)
Una pelicula excelente sobre Barick Gold y Pascua Lama. (Explotación de oro en Chile)
Crude Impact
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Crude Impact é um filme de 2006 escrito e dirigido por James Jandak Wood. Trata-se de um documentário sobre os efeitos dos combustíveis fósseis na era do aquecimento global. Aborda as ações do governo em busca de um solução para o problema e os crimes ambientais praticados pelas indústrias ao redor do mundo.
La Era de la Adaptacion
Documental corto producido según la filosofía de "código abierto", es decir, de libre distribución. Examina la íntima relación entre tres factores convergentes que resultan claves para comprender la situación actual: El cambio climático, la desigualdad social y la inestabilidad económica, tanto a nivel local como global. Intenta plantear un mensaje urgente que pueda alejarnos a tiempo de nuestro actual modelo de desarrollo, el cual está basado en la ilusión del crecimiento infinito a toda costa, y cuestiona frontalmente al paradigma sagrado del Producto Bruto Interno, esa especie de mantra que recitan todos los políticos y economistas, con preguntas profundas tales como: ¿más crecimiento de qué, y para qué? Asimismo pone de manifiesto las nuevas retóricas que han surgido para convertir el drama planetario del cambio climático en un negocio, a partir de nuevas tecnologías "verdes" y supuestamente ecológicas, tales como el "carbón limpio" y los sistemas de compensaciones de carbono, cuyas pretensiones son resolver el desequilibrio climático a través de los mismos mecanismos de mercado conocidos, pero sin modificar en nada nuestros hábitos de consumo.
Los subtítulos en español fueron elaborados por la Red de la Transición de la Comarca Andina (Patagonia, Argentina), y hasta el momento es la única edición existente en español de este documental.
Para ver la ficha técnica completa y un resumen más detallado, visitar:
Documental Blind Spot (Punto Ciego)
Este documental viene a ser algo así como un curso acelerado sobre los nuevos paradigmas que ya estamos enfrentando ante la gran anomalía planetaria denominada Pico del Petróleo. Participan una serie de especialistas de impecable y reconocida trayectoria en sus respectivas áreas profesionales y de investigación, quienes ofrecen en conjunto las piezas fundamentales para que el espectador pueda armar su propio mapa de la situación.
Los subtitulos en español fueron realizados en forma autogestionada por el Movimiento de Transición de la Comarca Andina, Patagonia Argentina, contando para ello con la valiosa colaboración de Aluminé, Bárbara, Gilberto, y la titánica tarea de Muxu desde España, quienes transcribieron a texto varios fragmentos de la película.
Para ver la ficha técnica completa y un resumen más detallado de este documental, visitar:
sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011
MELISSMELL : Aux armes ! Acoustique HD incontournable
Melissmell: à ne pas manquer
Sélectionné par les étudiants européens
Crise alimentaire - Comment Wall Street affame le monde
Crise alimentaire - Comment Wall Street affame le monde Enviado por Cosmo765.
Amy Goodman, sur Democracy Now, interroge Frederick Kaufman, rédacteur du Harper’s Magazine, qui vient de publier une enquête intitulée : "La bulle alimentaire : comment Wall Street a affamé des millions de personnes dans le monde sans être inquiété."
L'article du Harper's Magazine:
Amelie- Comptine D' un Autre Ete
Composed by Yann Tiersen.All the Amelie music bought Yann Tiersen in limelight and now he is compared with other musicians like Chopin, Erik Satie, Phillip Glass and Michael Nyman.His music is recognized by its use of a large variety of instruments in relatively minimalist compositions, often with a touch of either European classical music or french folk music, using primarily the piano, accordion or violin together with instruments like the melodica, xylophone, toy piano, ondes martenot, harpsichord and typewriter.
quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011
Les insurgés de la Terre
Les insurgés de la Terre Part 2
Les insurgés de la Terre Part 3
Les insurgés de la Terre Part 4
Les insurgés de la Terre Part 5
Documentaire "Les insurgés de la Terre" diffusé sur ARTE en février 2011.
Monte Culebra, Cooperativismo, agroecología y comunicación en Venezuela
documental 68 min : Creative Commons BY-SA-NC.
Desde una perspectiva agroecológica y alternativa a la globalización capitalista, "monte culebra" se acerca a los procesos productivos y organizativos de experiencias colectivas campesinas en el occidente de Venezuela.
Una mirada crítica al modelo de desarrollo agrícola que impulsa la reforma agraria del gobierno bolivariano en las cooperativas rurales como estrategia para lograr la soberanía alimentaria. Además, la valoración de experiencias campesinas autogestivas que practican la agroecología hace 30 años, y participan de una red de producción y distribución de alimentos a través de ferias de consumo urbanas.
"monte culebra" recorre la historia del desplazamiento rural venezolano (denominador común en las poblaciones campesinas mundiales) y sus resistencias.
En un contexto de dictadura mediática corporativa, la televisión comunitaria surge como herramienta de lucha contrahegemónica acompañando las experiencias de vida rural. Las prácticas agroecológicas, inspiradas en los métodos ancestrales y la racionalidad campesina, insurgen al paradigma agroempresarial-educativo y desafían la creatividad de un gobierno que ensaya nuevas formas de acción política territorial.
terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011
Deep Cover in the Green Movement
It's not the first time we've seen authorities express concern over environmental activists, but we have to wonder if it's not the first time they've gone this far. For example, Mark Kennedy, a metropolitan police officer, who infiltrated and lived in deep cover for 7 years with environmental activists, seems to have switched sides. Will Potter, founder of explains.
Philippe Bihouix : Planète minée « No future » pour les métaux ?
Les métaux, ressources minérales naturelles non renouvelables, sont a la base de notre civilisation industrielle. Moins médiatique que le changement climatique ou les enjeux énergétiques, leur raréfaction sera pourtant un des défis majeurs du 21e siècle : notre modèle de développement, qui repose sur la croissance économique et un accroissement continu du prélèvement des ressources, se heurte a la finitude de la planète.
Chaplin, The Great Dictator, Final
Charles Chaplin in the final scene beginning with the intro by Herr Garbitsch
The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human
Recorded at D.G. Wills Books, La Jolla, CA.
V.S. Ramachandran is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and Professor with the Psychology Department and the Neurosciences Program at UC San Diego. A former BBC Reith Lecturer, he wrote Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind (with Sandra Blakeslee), and is the author of A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness: From Impostor Poodles to Purple Numbers. His latest book, The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human explores human uniqueness and illustrates how we can better understand the normal by studying the abnormal. Called “The Marco Polo of neuroscience” by Richard Dawkins and “The modern Paul Broca” by Eric Kandel, Ramachandran has also been celebrated in the epidemic of medical melodramas: in the episode "The Tyrant" of the television show House, MD., Dr. House cures phantom limb pain using Ramachandran's mirror box.
segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011
NCMHD Module 3 - Bias, Stereotyping, and Prejudice
NCMHD Module 3 - Bias, Stereotyping, and Prejudice Part 2 of 3
NCMHD Module 3 - Bias, Stereotyping, and Prejudice Part 3 of 3
Presented by David Jull-Johnson, PhD. Copyright 2006 NCMHD Center of Excellence for Nutritional Genomics.
Scientific American Frontiers : Chimp Minds
A visit with an engaging if unruly bunch of cousins that we formally broke up with about 6 or 7 million years ago.
A Cognitive Perspective on How People Learn: Implications for Teaching
Norman discusses how the mind interprets and absorbs knowledge, and how educators can benefit from knowing this.
Prejudice: The Roots of Discrimination
Psych in the City 2007
Prejudice: The Roots of Discrimination may be Deeper than We Think
Dr. Stephen Wright
What does it mean to say that someone is prejudiced? Are things like racial prejudice or sexism a thing of the past?
Research in social psychology shows that prejudice is much more than thinking negative thoughts or treating people from other groups badly. Prejudice can also be found in our unconscious thoughts and feelings, and can leak out in our unintended actions.
The way that we think about ourselves and our own groups can also create and maintain prejudice and discrimination against others.
While alarming and disappointing to people who do not want to believe they are prejudiced, these new ways of recognizing and understanding prejudice also offer important insights into how we can combat it and reduce inequality.
Web site:
Noam Chomsky: The Conscience of America
For more than 30 years author, scholar, and political activist Noam Chomsky has been one of America's most outspoken critics. Some consider him the most important intellectual living today. Noam Chomsky joins Allan Gregg to discuss the conscience of America.
domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011
Noam Chomsky : US Terrorism
Joe Friendly
Noam Chomsky delivers the 5th Annual Edward Said Memorial Lecture: The Unipolar Moment and the Culture of Imperialism at Columbia University School for International Affairs for the Heyman Center for the Humanities. After paying homage to Edward Said's stressing imperialism as central to our culture Chomsky builds his case with telling quotes of American leaders rationalizing and denying extermination of Native Americans on through US terrorism in Latin and South America, like in Chile, Brazil, El Salvador, Panama, Nicaragua, and the Middle East. camera, audio: Joe Friendly
Transition Town: What's it all about?
Several activists of the Transition Network explain the Transition idea.
Produced by: apple & eye - filmpromotion for non-profits/cc-license: by-nc-nd 3.0/2009/
Noam Chomsky: How Climate Change Became a 'Liberal Hoax'
In this sixth video in the series “Peak Oil and a Changing Climate” from The Nation and On The Earth Productions, linguist, philosopher and political activist Noam Chomsky talks about the Chamber of Commerce, the American Petroleum Institute and other business lobbies enthusiastically carrying out campaigns “to try and convince the population that global warming is a liberal hoax.” According to Chomsky, this massive public relations campaign has succeeded in leading a good portion of the population into doubting the human causes of global warming.
Known for his criticism of the media, Chomsky doesn't hold back in this clip, laying blame on mainstream media outlets such as the New York Times, which will run frontpage articles on what meteorologists think about global warming. “Meteorologists are pretty faces reading scripts telling you whether it’s going to rain tomorrow," Chomsky says. "What do they have to say any more than your barber?” All this is part of the media’s pursuit of “fabled objectivity.”
Of particular concern for Chomsky is the atmosphere of anger, fear and hostility that currently reigns in America. The public’s hatred of Democrats, Republicans, big business and banks and the public’s distrust of scientists all lead to general disregard for the findings of “pointy-headed elitists.” The 2010 elections could be interpreted as a “death knell for the species” because most of the new Republicans in Congress are global warming deniers. “If this was happening in some small country," Chomsky concludes, "it wouldn’t matter much. But when it’s happening in the richest, most powerful country in the world, it’s a danger to the survival of the species.”
Go here to learn more about "Peak Oil and a Changing Climate," and to see the other videos in the series.
- Kevin Gosztola
sábado, 12 de fevereiro de 2011
Sommes-nous prêts pour la décroissance?
- Hervé Kempf, journaliste au quotidien «Le Monde» et auteur de «L’oligarchie ça suffit, vive la démocratie». Collection Histoire immédiate aux éditions du Seuil.
→ Blog :
- Paul Aries, rédacteur du journal «La Décroissance», directeur du journal « Sarkophage » et auteur de «La simplicité volontaire contre le mythe de l’abondance». Collection «Les empêcheurs de penser en rond», aux éditions La Découverte.
sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011
Chris Hedges on the rise of the corporate class. f.s.
Social critic and author Chris Hedges talks about his latest book "Death of the Liberal Class", in which he argues that democracy is on life support in the U.S. He blames the liberal elites in media, labour, religious groups and academia, for allowing the unfettered rise of the corporate class.
L'ère de l'après pétrole
L'ère de l'après pétrole - partie 1/3
L'ère de l'après pétrole - partie 2/3
L'ère de l'après pétrole - partie 3/3 Enviado por krollesque.
Reportage réalisé par Yves Billon diffusé sur la chaine LCP Assemblée Nationale le 28 juin 2009.
Democracy and Participation: Rousseau, Social Contract, I-II
Watch it on Academic Earth
quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2011
The financial Empire / O Império Financeiro
A brief depiction on how the bankers were able to enslave us and how the money is sucked up into the state, corporations, banks and owners.Understand why a financial collapse is eminent. These facts are real and searchable.
quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011
Dmitry Orlov: Peak Oil Lessons From The Soviet Union
Dmitry Orlov, engineer and author, warns that the US's reliance on diminishing fuel supplies might be sending it down the same path the Soviet Union took before it collapsed.
In this fifth video in the series "Peak Oil and a Changing Climate" from The Nation and On The Earth Productions, Orlov, who was an eyewitness to the collapse of the Soviet Union, asserts that run-away debt and national bankruptcy will lead the US to its demise, just as it did for Moscow. As oil becomes more expensive and scarcer, the US will no longer be able to finance its importation and the economy will hit a wall, he says.
"Sixty percent of all of our transportation fuels are imported—a lot of that is on credit. A large chunk of the trade deficit is actually in transportation fuels. When those stop arriving because of our inability to borrow more money, then the economy is at a standstill," he says.
Visit to learn more about "Peak Oil and a Changing Climate," and to see the other videos in the series.
Reaganomics Sucked Wealth Up, Did Not Trickle It Down
Michael Hudson on Reagan Centennial: Creating an economy for predators is not respect for a "free market"
Denis Meadows
Dennis Meadows at World Resources Forum 2009 in Davos (CH): Growth versus Development.
terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011
Barry Schwartz: Using our practical wisdom
In an intimate talk, Barry Schwartz dives into the question "How do we do the right thing?" With help from collaborator Kenneth Sharpe, he shares stories that illustrate the difference between following the rules and truly choosing wisely.
José Mário Branco - Do Que Um Homem É Capaz
No Teatro Tivoli em Lisboa para o Programa Vozes Que Abril Abriu no dia 25 de Abril de 2009.
Letra e música de José Mário Branco
Do que um homem é capaz
As coisas que ele faz
Para chegar aonde quer
É capaz de dar a vida
Para levar de vencida
Uma razão de viver
A vida é como uma estrada
Que vai sendo traçada
Sem nunca arrepiar caminho
E quem pensa estar parado
Vai no sentido errado
A caminhar sòzinho
Vejo a gente cuja a vida
Vai sendo consumida
Por miragens de poder
Agarrados alguns ossos
No meio dos destroços
Do que nunca vão fazer
Vão poluindo o percurso
Com as sobras do discurso
Que lhes serviu pr'abrir caminho
À custa das nossas utopias
Usurpam regalias
Para consumir sòzinho
Com políticas concretas
Ímpões essas metas
Que nos entram casa dentro
Como a Trilateral
Com a treta liberal
E as virtudes do centro
No lugar da consciência
A lei da concorrência
Pisando tudo pelo caminho
Para castrar a juventude
Mascaram de virtude
O querer vencer sòzinho
Ficam cínicos, brutais
Descendo cada vez mais
Para subir cada vez menos
Quanto mais o mal se expande
Mais acham que ser grande
É lixar os mais pequenos
Quem escolhe ser assim
Quando chegar ao fim
Vai ver que errou o seu caminho
Quando a vida é hipotecada
No fim não sobra nada
E acaba-a sòzinho
Mesmo sendo poderosos
Tão fracos e gulosos
Que precisam do poder
Mesmo havendo tanta gente
Para quem é indiferente
Passar a vida a morrer
Há principios e valores
Há sonhos e há amores
Que sempre irão abrir caminho
E quem viver abraçado
À vida que há ao lado
Não vai morrer sòzinho
E que morrer abraçado
À vida que há ao lado
Não vai viver sòzinho
José Mário Branco - Música do album Resistir é Vencer
Salad slaves: Who really provides our vegetables
The Costa del Sol is famous for its tourists and beaches but just behind them is a hidden world of industrial greenhouses where African migrants work in extreme conditions
El Marketing de la Locura - Vendiendo la Enfermedad
EL Marketing de La Locura
Un vídeo de los canales Ankesenaton y SaavedraAbel
La compra-venta de la enfermedad es una estrategia altamente exitosa que convierte las situaciones normales de la vida en condiciones de enfermedad psiquiátrica, haciendo que la gente de todos los estratos sociales se preocupe acerca de la "enfermedad mental" más reciente; y que soliciten una pastilla.
GRITtv: Helena Norberg-Hodge: The Economics of Happiness
"Economics has a lot to do with unhappiness," says Helena Norberg-Hodge, co-director of The Economics of Happiness. "We have an economic system that is systematically creating job scarcity worldwide," she notes, and it's time that we stopped obsessing about bottom lines, corporate growth, and income at the top and started to think about other ways of measuring positive effects in global society. Helena is also the author of Ancient Futures, and she joins us in studio to talk about the need for economic literacy, new models of measuring happiness, and finding a balance between rural and urban life.
domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2011
Keny Arkana - Pachamama - Album "Desobeissance" - 2008
Recois l'amour de tes enfants qui veulent retrouver ton sein
Qui viennent se connecter ensemble pour retrouver le grand Un
Qui ont conscience que nous sommes tout, et qu' à la fois nous ne sommes rien
Qu' on te doit tout chère mamam, déjà mère de nos anciens
Pardonne le monde et son égo, bien trop ingrat pour voire le bien
Louons ta gloire et ta splendeur pour préparer le jour prochain
Tu es la reine, la mère chérie, martyrisée par nos angins
Aux vibrations bien trop pures pour nos ames de demis- humains
Recois l'amour de tes enfants qui ont conscience et intuitons
Qui malgré les interférences n' ont pas oubliés la mission
Chevalier dans la brume, qui entend sonner le glas
Levant un sabre de feu devant un paradis de glace
Pardonne nous la division, Diablo a bien fait son travail
On a retrouvé ta chaleur sous leur béton et leur gravas
Siècle charnier, c'est le changement qui vient frapper à notre porte
Accueillons- le le coeur léger pour passer à une autre époque
Oh Pachamama!
Keny Arkana - Cinquième Soleil
Mon esprit s'égare l'esprit qui surchauffe
les gens se détestent la guerre des egos
21ème siecle cynisme et mépris
non respect de la terre, folie plein les tripes
frontières, barricades, émeutes et matraques
cris et bains de sang, bombes qui éclatent
politique de la peur, science immorale
insurrection d'un peuple, marché des armes
Nouvelle offre mondiale, fusion de terreur
l'homme l'animal le plus prédateur le système pue la mort
assassin de la vie, à tué la mémoire
pour mieux tuer l'avenir, des disquettes pleins la tête
les sens nous trompent, 3ème oeil ouvert car le cerveau nous ment
l'être humain s'est perdu a oublié sa force
a oublié la lune, le soleil et l'atome
Inversion des pôles vers la haine se dirige
a perdu la raison pour une excuse qui divise
l'égoïsme en devise, époque misérable
haine collective contre rage visérale
une lueur dans le coeur, une larme dans l'oeil
une prière dans la tête, une vieille douleur
une vive rancoeur là où meurt le pardon
où même la foi prend peur, allez viens, nous partons
Des lois faitent pour le peuple et les rois tyranisent
confrérie et business en haut d'la pyramyde
ça sponsorise le sang, entre chars et uzys
innocent dans un ciel au couleur des usines
un silence de deuil, une balle perdue
toute une famille en pleurs, un enfant abattu
des milices de l'état, des paramilitaires
des folies cérébrales, des peuples entier à terre
Bidonville de misère, à l'entrée des palaces
liberté volée, synonyme de paperasse
humanité troquée contre une vie illusoire
entre stress du matin et angoisse du soir
des névroses plein la tête, les nerfs rompus
caracterise l'homme moderne, bien souvent corrompu
et quand la vie s'endort, arrive tant de fois
une mort silencieuse, un S.D.F dans le froid
Prison de ciment, derrière les œillères
le combat est si long pour un peu de lumière
les familles se déchirent et les pères se font rares
les enfants ne rient plus, se bâtissent des remparts
les mères prennent sur elles, un jeune sur trois en taule
toute cette merde est réelle, donc on se battra encore
c'est la "malatripa" qui nous bouffe les tripes
Une bouteille de vodka, quelques grammes de "weed"
Certains ne reviennent pas le serrage est violents
Subutex injecté dans une flaque de sang
des enfants qui se battent, un coup de couteau en trop
ce n'est plus à la baraque que les mômes rentrent tôt
ils s'apprennent la ruse dans un verre de colère
formatage de la rue, formatage scolaire
c'est chacun sa disquette, quand les mondes se rencontrent
c'est le choc des cultures, voire la haine de la honte
Les barrières sont là, dans nos têtes, bien au chaud
les plus durs craquent vite, c'est la loi du roseau
non, rien n'est rose ici, la grisaille demeure
dans les cœurs meurtris, qui à petit feu meurent
ne pleure pas, ma sœur, car tu portes le monde
noble est ton coeur, crois en toi et remonte
n'écoute pas les bâtards qui voudraient te voir triste
même Terre-mère est malade, mais Terre-mère résiste
Donc ces cons font le monde, apprentis créateurs
qui ont tout déréglé, sanguinaires prédateurs
Babylone est bien grande mais n'est rien dans le fond
qu'une vulgaire mascarade au parfum d'illusions
maîtresse de nos esprits crédules et naïfs
conditionnement massif là où les nerfs sont à vif
dans la marche et la rage, bastion des galériens
ensemble, nous sommes le Monde et le système n'est rien
Prend conscience, mon frère, reste près de ton cœur
méfis-toi du système, assassin et menteur
éloignes-toi de la haine qui nous saute tous aux bras
humanité humaine, seul l'Amour nous sauvera
écoute le silence quand ton âme est en paix
la lumière s'y trouve, la lumière est rentrée
Vérité en nous-même, fruit de la Création
n'oublie pas ton histoire, n'oublie pas ta mission
Dernière génération à pouvoir tout changer
la vie est avec nous, n'aies pas peur du danger
alors levons nos voix pour ne plus oublier
tas de poussière d'étoiles, qu'attends-tu pour briller ?
tous frères et sœur, reformons la chaine
car nous ne sommes qu'un, divisés dans la chair
retrouvons la joie, l'entraide, qu'on s'élève
une lueur suffit à faire fondre les tenebres
S'éssouffle ce temps, une odeur de souffre
la fin se ressent, la bête envoute la foule
les symboles s'inversent, se confondent et s'obsèquent
l'étoile qui fait tourner la roue se rapproche de notre ciel
terre à l'agonie, mal-être à l'honneur
folie, calomnie, peu de cœur à la bonne heure
ignorance du bonheur, de la magie de la vie
choqués par l'horreur, formés à la survie
L'époque, le pire, une part des conséquences
le bien , le mal, aujourd'hui choisis ton camp
l'être humain s'est perdu, trop centré sur l'Avoir
les étoiles se concertent pour nous ramener sur la voie
cadrillage cisellé dépasse la lumière
aies confiance en la vie, en la force de tes rêves
tous un ange à l'épaule, présent si tu le cherches
dans le cœur, ne fait qu'un avec l'Esprit et le Geste
Le Grand Jour se prépare, ne vois-tu pas les signes ?
la mort n'existe pas, c'est juste la fin des cycles
cette fin se dessine, l' humain se décime
l'espoir indigo ,les playades nous designent
lève ta tête et comprend, ressents la force en ton être
dépasse Babylone, élucide le mystère
rien ne se tire au sort, que le Ciel nous bénisse
enfant du quinto sol , comprends entre les lignes
Keny Arkana - El quinto sol - 5ème soleil (subtitulado)
No soy una rapera, sino una contestataria que hace rap, afirma Kenny Arkana, quien se define así como ciudadana antes que como artista. Y, en efecto, su rap es ante todo música comprometida con el cambio social y con la filosofía de los movimientos altermundialistas, anticapitalistas, revolucionarios y anticolonialistas; música politizada que afirma su posición crítica e invita a tomar conciencia tanto de la realidad del mundo como de la necesidad de luchar contra la injusticia.
Marsellesa de madre francesa y padre argentino, Keny Arkana nació el 20 de Diciembre de 1983. A sus nueve años comienzan las fugas: primero de casa y luego de las residencias e internados a los que llegó por orden judicial. Y es que la pequeña Keny encuentra en la calle un medio de afirmar su sed de la libertad. Esta experiencia es evocada en su canción Je me barre (Me largo) o también en La mère des enfants perdus (La madre de los niños perdidos).
Richard Feynman - The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out was filmed in 1981 and will delight and inspire anyone who would like to share something of the joys of scientific discovery. Feynman is a master storyteller, and his tales -- about childhood, Los Alamos, or how he won a Nobel Prize -- are a vivid and entertaining insight into the mind of a great scientist at work and play.
In this candid interview Feynman touches on a wide array of topics from the beauty of nature to particle physics. He explains things that are hard to grasp in layman's terms much like Carl Sagan did in the cosmos series. His explanation of the scientific method covers what we know, why we know it and most importantly, what we don't know and the pleasure of figuring it out.
Professor Sir Harry Kroto, Nobel Prize for Chemistry said "The 1981 Feynman Horizon is the best science program I have ever seen. This is not just my opinion -- it is also the opinion of many of the best scientists that I know who have seen the program... It should be mandatory viewing for all students whether they be science or arts students."
sábado, 5 de fevereiro de 2011
Must Watch: Blind Spot

BLIND SPOT is a documentary that establishes the inextricable link between the energy we use, the way we run our economy and the effect it has had on our environment. It takes as a starting point the inevitable energy depletion scenario know as Peak Oil to inform us that by whatever measure of greed, wishful thinking, neglect or ignorance, we are at a crossroad which offers two paths, both with dire consequences. If we continue to burn fossil fuels our ecology will collapse and if we don’t, our economy will. Either path we choose to take will have a profound effect on our way of life.
Grim stuff. I don’t think we'll see this film on network TV. It challenges too directly fundamental assumptions on which the continuance of our corporate economy and our consumer culture is based – in particular, the unquestioned assumption that growth is good, that “expansion is tantamount to progress.”
sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011
G. A. Cohen - Against Capitalism
G. A. Cohen - Against Capitalism - Part 2
Gerald (Jerry) Cohen was a Marxist political philosopher. He was Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford and subsequently Quain Professor of Jurisprudence at University College London.
El escarabajo verde - Lo que vale un pimiento
El escarabajo verde - Lo que vale un pimiento Parte 2
Los agricultores se quejan de que les pagan poco y los consumidores también nos quejamos de los precios. Desde que sale del campo hasta que llega al plato el precio de frutas y verduras puede aumentar hasta un 700 por ciento ¿dónde va a parar esta diferencia de precio?
Para averiguarlo, seguimos a un kilo de pimientos desde que los recogen en su campo de Ciudad Real hasta que llegan al mercado. Mientras les acompañamos en su viaje vemos cómo pasan por muchas manos y el precio va aumentando progresivamente. Les preguntamos a cada uno de los intermediarios y la opinión es unánime: todos se sienten exprimidos al máximo y nadie se considera responsable de tanto incremento de precio.
El problema está en la distribución. Cinco grandes empresas y dos centrales de compras son quienes controlan el mercado y marcan los precios. Los agricultores están intentando agruparse para poder negociar en igualdad de condiciones, sin embargo, la Comisión Nacional de la Competencia considera que esto choca con las leyes del libre mercado.
Mientras, los agricultores aseguran que para no estar con la soga al cuello tendrían que vender el kilo de pimientos a 80 céntimos en vez de a los 30 que les pagan ahora. Pero mientras ellos dicen que están ahogados, en el mercado el kilo puede costar hasta dos euros y medio.
Ante esto se plantean dos soluciones. Por un lado, el doble etiquetaje para que a la hora de hacer la compra los consumidores seamos conscientes de dónde provienen los productos que nos llevamos a casa, a qué precio se han pagado al agricultor y por qué manos ha pasado.
Otra alternativa son las cooperativas de consumo que eliminan todos los eslabones de la cadena agroalimentaria y recuperan la relación agricultor-comprador. Esta solución desde luego no es más barata pero garantiza que el campesino reciba un precio justo por su trabajo.
Un documental de Aurora Redón y Arantxa Soroa
Imagen: Nico Sánchez y Juan Baño
Sonido: Jordi Sánchez
Montaje: Xavier G. Ubiergo
Sonorización: David Beltrán
quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011
The Mean World Syndrome - Desensitization & Acceleration (Extra Feature)
The Mean World Syndrome
Media Violence & the Cultivation of Fear
A new film based on the late George Gerbner's groundbreaking analysis of media influence and media violence.
Featuring George Gerbner and Michael Morgan
For years, debates have raged among scholars, politicians, and concerned parents about the effects of media violence on viewers. Too often these debates have descended into simplistic battles between those who claim that media messages directly cause violence and those who argue that activists exaggerate the impact of media exposure altogether. The Mean World Syndrome, based on the groundbreaking work of media scholar George Gerbner, urges us to think about media effects in more nuanced ways. Ranging from Hollywood movies and prime-time dramas to reality programming and the local news, the film examines how media violence forms a pervasive cultural environment that cultivates in heavy viewers, especially, a heightened state of insecurity, exaggerated perceptions of risk and danger, and a fear-driven propensity for hard-line political solutions to social problems. A provocative and accessible introduction to cultivation analysis, media effects research, and the subject of media influence and media violence more generally.
Also includes three additional short features -- ideal for classroom use -- that take a closer look at Gerbner's analysis and the Mean World Syndrome.
1. Media as Storytellers: "Nothing to Tell but a lot to Sell" -- Explores the significance of commercial media eclipsing religion and art as the great storyteller of our time. (7:32)
2. A Mean World Case Study: Child Abductions -- Provides an in-depth look at how media coverage of child abductions has fed parental anxieties out of proportion with statistical reality. (4:17)
3. Further Effects of the Mean World Syndrome: Desensitization & Acceleration -- Examines how heavy exposure to media violence normalizes violence, numbing some people to real-world violence even as it whets the appetite in others for ever-higher doses. (8:48)
The End of Poverty
Available on iTunes:
Global poverty did not just happen. It began with military conquest, slavery and colonization that resulted in the seizure of land, minerals and forced labor. Today, the problem persists because of unfair debt, trade and tax policies — in other words, wealthy countries taking advantage of poor, developing countries. Renowned actor and activist, Martin Sheen, narrates THE END OF POVERTY?, a feature-length documentary directed by award-winning director, Philippe Diaz, which explains how today's financial crisis is a direct consequence of these unchallenged policies that have lasted centuries. Consider that 20% of the planet's population uses 80% of its resources and consumes 30% more than the planet can regenerate. At this rate, to maintain our lifestyle means more and more people will sink below the poverty line. Filmed in the slums of Africa and the barrios of Latin America, THE END OF POVERTY? features expert insights from: Nobel prize winners in Economics, Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz; acclaimed authors Susan George, Eric Toussaint, John Perkins, Chalmers Johnson; university professors William Easterly and Michael Watts; government ministers such as Bolivia's Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and the leaders of social movements in Brazil, Venezuela, Kenya and Tanzania. It is produced by Cinema Libre Studio in collaboration with the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation. Can we really end poverty within our current economic system? Think again.
George Carlin ~ The American Dream
"You have to be asleep to believe it."
A short excerpt from the video "Life Is Worth Losing" (2005).
ANTÓNIO ALEIXO - na terra acho, na terra deixo
Trailer do documentário realizado por Carlos Fraga dedicado à vida e obra do poeta popular António Aleixo.
Uma produção de Livremeio Produções.
quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011
Who is Peter Joseph?
Who is Peter Joseph? A Mini-Doc by Charles Robinson. In late 2009 I was able to interview Peter Joseph, the creator of "Zeitgeist, The Movie" and "Zeitgeist- Addendum"; Founder of The Zeitgeist Movement, in his home. He described himself and his life in details in what is likely a rare interview. He was kind enough to provide me with previously unreleased media and video and I in turn did my best to create a documentary (albeit kinda poor in quality compared to his work!) that would help express who this person is.
terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011
Official Release: "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph
"In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it."
- Ernst Fischer
On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history.
This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged.
A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website [below], with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format.
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