terça-feira, 27 de abril de 2010

Cooperatives: A Counterpoint to Corporatism.  Pt. 2 - Pier Carlo Padoan from ICTV Victoria on Vimeo.

Note: If the video playback is choppy, try setting the 'HD is On' button to OFF on the video screen.

Dr. Pier Carlo Padoan Deputy Secretary-General, OECD talks with Dr. Joan Russow about the state of global economic affairs just after the financial crisis of Sept. 2008.

Mr. Padoan has a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Rome and has held various academic positions in Italian and foreign universities.

Cooperatives: A Counterpoint to Corporatism - Pt.1

This video page courtesy of Vancity.

©2008/2010 Lazarus Productions
©2008/2010 Modea Productions