quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2010
Mercearia Paraopeba (2010)
(Brasil, 2010 - 7min. - Direção Rusty Marcellini)
Comentários - Isabela Nunes: Interessante documentário de 7 min sobre a história da Mercearia Paraopeba, em Itabirito-MG, um resgate de nossas tradições e da simplicidade que perdemos com o tempo. Seu José e o filho ainda tocam a singela e rica mercearia que já foi de seus antepassados, comercializando produtos da região, muitas vezes na base de trocas, com muita dedicação e respeito ao ser humano.
Isto sim, pra mim, é praticar a Agroecologia em sua essência!
Extraído de: http://docverdade.blogspot.com/
"Creative Destruction" and Fascism
Austerity Not a Solution Pt.5 with Robert Pollin
To watch a multi-part episode, click the link Below:
The Mean World Syndrome Preview
Now Available on DVD @ http://www.mediaed.org
The Mean World Syndrome
Media Violence & the Cultivation of Fear
A new film based on the late George Gerbner's groundbreaking analysis of media influence and media violence.
Featuring George Gerbner and Michael Morgan
For years, debates have raged among scholars, politicians, and concerned parents about the effects of media violence on viewers. Too often these debates have descended into simplistic battles between those who claim that media messages directly cause violence and those who argue that activists exaggerate the impact of media exposure altogether. The Mean World Syndrome, based on the groundbreaking work of media scholar George Gerbner, urges us to think about media effects in more nuanced ways. Ranging from Hollywood movies and prime-time dramas to reality programming and the local news, the film examines how media violence forms a pervasive cultural environment that cultivates in heavy viewers, especially, a heightened state of insecurity, exaggerated perceptions of risk and danger, and a fear-driven propensity for hard-line political solutions to social problems. A provocative and accessible introduction to cultivation analysis, media effects research, and the subject of media influence and media violence more generally.
Opus Dei - Una cruzada silenciosa
El nombre "Opus Dei" (Obra de Dios) resulta sorprendentemente familiar en Chile. Todo el mundo lo ha oído alguna vez y muchos –sabiéndolo o no- lo viven en su vida diaria, especialmente en la educación. Muy pocos, por lo demás, se escandalizan al escuchar sobre su presencia en los círculos económicos y de poder. Y es que casi nadie sabe exactamente qué es la organización católica extremista fundada por Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. Después de I love Pinochet, Marcela Said, chilena radicada en Francia, trató de averiguarlo junto a Jean de Certeau, montajista de documentales y productor de I love..., que firma aquí su primera realización. Cuatro años después, y tras todo tipo de dificultades, Opus Dei, una cruzada silenciosa vio la luz con algunas presentaciones en salas y festivales, pero principalmente al pasar por televisión, para la que fue concebido. En Chile debiera verse más adelante. la actitud es lo más imparcial posible, motivada por una curiosidad respetuosa, aunque sin esconder la postura crítica. Si hay "denuncia" es a través de la enunciación. Si hay juicio, en última instancia es el espectador quien lo formula tras escuchar a unos y otros. En Opus Dei... por lo demás, la palabra está dada prioritariamente a los propios miembros de "la Obra" (nombre con el que es conocido el grupo entre sus miembros). Un punto fuerte del panorama entregado por Said y De Certeau es la variedad de las visiones "desde dentro". No hay una voz oficial, sino que el cuadro que logramos armarnos, aunque incompleto, está compuesto por personalidades con más autoridad, numerarios, parientes de miembros, supernumerarios, y un chocante descubrimiento (para los ignorantes en cultura Opus): las numerarias auxiliares, reclutadas entre las clases populares para las tareas más básicas, como las domésticas, y que además de vivir permanentemente en subordinación ("Dios creó el orden social por algo, no hay que tratar de cambiarlo", reza su credo) entregan su sueldo a la Obra. También se vislumbra la relación entre la secta y los grupos de poder a través testimonios de figuras como Ronald Bown (presidente de la Asociación de Exportadores de Chile) o simplemente descubriendo el cruce de nombres en las distintas esferas
terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 1
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 2
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 3
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 4
Grande Reportagem da RTPN acerca do impacto ambiental gerado pela nova barragem do Sabor.
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 2
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 3
Barragem do Sabor - Grande Reportagem da RTPN - pt 4
Grande Reportagem da RTPN acerca do impacto ambiental gerado pela nova barragem do Sabor.
segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010
Your Bank's Crimes Crashed the Economy
In this scene from Danny Schechter's investigative documentary 'PLUNDER: THE CRIME OF OUR TIME', fraud and collusion between mortgage companies, banks, and Wall Street firms is exposed.
domingo, 26 de setembro de 2010
Debaixo da floresta da gente tem gente 30' | There are people inside our forest
Este vídeo é um retrato do modo de vida de comunidades caboclas do Rio Arapiuns (Santarém PA) em sua busca por novas oportunidades de desenvolvimento socioambiental em parceria com o Projeto Saúde e
Alegria. Através de registros realizados ao longo dos últimos dois anos (2008/2009), podemos vislumbrar caminhos e conhecer um pouco mais sobre esta gente.
A Eletrocooperativa, em parceria com o Núcleo Oikos, foi responsável pela filmagem, edição, produção e montagem do vídeo "Debaixo da Floresta da Gente tem Gente".
A history about the way of life of the "caboclos" comunities in Arapiuns River (Pará - Brazil) on their search for new opportunities of social and environmental development.
A Crisis in Business Confidence?
Stimulus Works, Why is Unemployment So High?
To watch a multi-part episode, click the link Below:
Ecodome: casas ecológicas
The California Institute of Earth Art and Architecture es una vanguardista ONGen el uso de la tecnología de la tierra para la arquitectura. Fundada en 1986 por su director, Nader Khalili (1936-2008), las innovaciones que ha introducido abarca técnicas publicadas por la NASA para la construcción en la Luna y en Marte, así como el diseño de viviendas para personas sin hogar y el desarrollo mundial de las Naciones Unidas.
Continuando con su tradición, los asociados de Khalili y los aprendices se dedican a la investigación y la educación del público en las artes y la arquitectura orientada ecológicamente. Su filosofía se basa en el equilibrio de los elementos naturales de la tierra, agua, aire, fuego, y su unidad al servicio de las artes y la humanidad.
David Harvey fala sobre os rumos do capital
David Harvey fala sobre os rumos do capital [12-04-2010] from Lucas Mello on Vimeo.
O geógrafo e professor David Harvey, especialista em sociologia urbana, conversou sobre os rumos da economia mundial nesta segunda década do século XXI, caracterizada por crises imprevisíveis.
sábado, 25 de setembro de 2010
Trailer Caminhos do Rio
Assista o trailer do vídeo Caminhos do Rio, produzido pela Cipó Caboclo Vídeos (http://cipocaboclovideos.blogspot.com/) e pela Articulação de Agroecologia do Rio de Janeiro sobre diferentes experiências em agroecologia no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O vídeo foi produzido em 2010 e lançado no Segundo Encontro Estadual de Agroecologia.
NATURALEZA VIVA: Agroecologia en Accion
Muestra un emprendimiento agro ecológico para las actividades productivas dirigidas a establecer nuevos paradigmas sobre la producción ecológica y el manejo ecológico y sustentable del campo, que a su vez genera empleo y bienestar para las familias, con miras a lograr un equilibrio entre las necesidades de producción y el bienestar del medio ambiente.
El Gran Casino Europeo
"El Gran Casino Europeo" (http://www.ecologistasenaccion.org/) es un spot producido por Enlazando Alternativas sobre las políticas aplicadas por la Unión Europea como parte de la campaña contra la Europa del capital, la guerra y sus crisis; por la solidaridad entre los pueblos.
enlazandoalternativas.org hablamosdeeuropa.org
Austerity Not a Solution
Roughly 18 months after governments throughout the world, including the U.S., enacted large-scale deficit financing policies to counteract the Great Recession, a new wave of opposition to large-scale fiscal deficits and support for austerity policies has emerged. PERI Co-Director Robert Pollin reviews the four main arguments developed by various leading deficit hawks: 1) large fiscal deficits will cause high interest rates and inflation; 2) deficits are eroding business confidence; 3) the multiplier for fiscal stimulus policies is close to zero; and 4) we are courting disaster with huge long-run deficits. Pollin argues that none of these deficit hawk positions stand up to scrutiny. He also shows that by critiquing the four deficit-hawk positions, we can bring greater clarity to workable recovery program now.
>> Download “Austerity Is Not a Solution: Why the Deficit Hawks Are Wrong”
Tim Jackson: Prosperity Without Growth
So much of the analysis of how we respond to climate change assumes that economic growth and emissions reduction are compatible goals. But is this wishful thinking? To question maximizing economic growth as an organizing principle of society seems close to economic heresy.
Enter Tim Jackson, a professor of Sustainable Development and author of the book, Prosperity Without Growth. He argues it's time to re-think the very notion of growth and what it means to be genuinely prosperous.
Jackson is speaking as part of the 2010 Alfred Deakin Lecture series, "Brave New World?" Curated by Tim Flannery, the 2010 Deakins presents the climate change challenge from ten different perspectives, with a focus on ten different spheres of life.
Are we, the series asks, willing to take the hard personal, political and economic choices that will truly reduce emissions? Are we brave enough to make the changes -- in thought and deed -- that are required of us? Are we able to shape this new world, or will it shape us?
Taking Back Our Lives from the Wall Street Mafia
Peak Moment 180: "Get rid of Wall Street!" says David C. Korten, author of Agenda for a New Economy and The Great Turning. Wall Street is about phantom wealth - real wealth is about food, shelter, education, and mutual support. David advocates rebuilding local economies for healthy families, communities and the earth. To do that, we must change the rules to reduce the power of corporations, the politicians in their pocket, and a destructive money system.
sexta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2010
Paul Mason on Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global
The Census Bureau’s latest report shows that the numbers of Americans living in poverty and without health insurance have skyrocketed. 43.6 million people—about one in seven—lived below the poverty level of $22,000 for a family of four in 2009, pushing the national poverty rate to a fifteen-year high of 14.3 percent. We speak with British journalist Paul Mason about his new book, Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global.
![]() |
http://www.haymarketbooks.org/pb/Live-Working-or-Die-Fighting |
It is a story of urban slums, self-help cooperatives, choirs and brass bands, free love, and self-education by candlelight. And, as the author shows, in the developing industrial economies of the world, it is still with us. Live Working or Die Fighting celebrates a common history of defiance, idealism, and self-sacrifice, one as alive and active today as it was two hundred years ago. It is a unique and inspirational book.
About the author
Paul Mason is an award-winning journalist who reports regularly on labor rights and social justice stories as economics editor for BBC World News America and BBC Newsnight. In addition to Live Working or Die Fighting, which was shortlisted as a 2007 Guardian First Book Award, Mason is the author of Meltdown: The End of the Age of Greed (Verso Books).
"A Departure to Be Welcomed": Robert Scheer on Resignation of White House Economic Adviser and Deregulation Proponent Lawrence Summers
The makeup of President Obama’s economic team is being shaken up some more as Lawrence Summers has announced he is resigning as director of the National Economic Council later this year to return to Harvard University. According to Bloomberg News, the White House is considering naming a "prominent corporate executive" to replace Summers in order to counter Wall Street criticism that the administration is "anti-business." We speak to veteran journalist Robert Scheer, author of The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street.
quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2010
Economía Transdisciplinaria para la Sustentabilidad
Economía Transdisciplinaria para la Sustentabilidad from Gilberto Goyes on Vimeo.
Postulados de Alfred Max-Neef:
1.La economía está para servir a las personas y no las personas para servir a la economía.
2.El desarrollo se refiere a las personas y no a los objetos.
3.El crecimiento no es lo mismo que el desarrollo y el desarrollo no precisa necesariamente de crecimiento.
4.Ninguna economía es posible al margen de los servicios que prestan los ecosistemas
5.La economía es un subsistema de un sistema mayor y finito que es la biosfera y por lo tanto el crecimiento permanente es imposible.
Manfred Max-Neef, clase magistral: "El mundo en rumbo de colision"
Manfred Max-Neef, clase magistral: "El mundo en rumbo de colision" Parte 2
Manfred Max-Neef, clase magistral: "El mundo en rumbo de colision" Parte 3
Manfred Max-Neef, clase magistral: "El mundo en rumbo de colision" Parte 4
Manfred Max-Neef, clase magistral: "El mundo en rumbo de colision" Parte 5
Manfred Max-Neef, clase magistral: "El mundo en rumbo de colision" Parte 6
El Premio Nobel Alternativo de Economía Manfred Max-Neef ha indicado que con el dinero que se ha usado para "salvar" a los bancos de la situación financiera actual habría "600 años de un mundo sin hambre".
Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef: US Is Becoming an "Underdeveloping Nation"
While President Obama is reporting looking into tapping a former corporate executive to become his next top economic adviser, many economists question the path the United States is on. We speak to the acclaimed Chilean economist Manfred Max-Neef. He won the Right Livelihood Award in 1983, two years after the publication of his book Outside Looking In: Experiences in Barefoot Economics.
quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2010
Megan Stack: An Education in War
Megan Stack started life as a war correspondent almost accidentally. She was 25 years old, a National Correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, and holidaying in Paris when the 2001 September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center occurred. Her vacation was cut short, she flew in to Afghanistan, and from there Stack officially became a war correspondent.
Since then, Stack has been a foreign correspondent in over 22 countries and has covered war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel and Lebanon. It's an experience she recounts in her book, Every Man In This Village Is A Liar: An Education In War.
In this talk at the Byron Bay Writers Festival, Megan Stack discusses her career as a war correspondent. She gives insights into the wars she has covered, many of which still rage on today explaining why in war "You can survive and not survive, both at the same time."
She is joined by journalist Mungo MacCallum who replaces the intended compare for the event Kerry O'Brien (whose plane was delayed). O'Brien rushes in halfway through the talk, takes up his post and continues the conversation with Stack.
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010
Coup de Pouce pour la Planète - Susan George
Susan George veut renverser "l'ordre du monde" pour un monde "propre, vert, riche et juste, où chacun vivrait dignement." Utopique, Susan ? Pas du tout !
segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010
CEO Pay and the Great Recession
At a time when we should be pulling together to strengthen our shared economic futures, CEOs should not be rewarded for slashing jobs.
Voces de la transición - tráiler (español)
Voces de la transición - tráiler (español) from milpa films on Vimeo.
Un documental que atestigua la inminente "Transición agroecológica". ¿Cómo podemos organizarnos para preparar nuestros campos y nuestras ciudades para el doble desafío del cambio climático y el pico petrolero?
El escarabajo verde: Pueblos en transición - RTVE.es
Pueblos en transición from wuno on Vimeo.
¿Puede imaginarse una vida sin petróleo? ¿Qué pasaría si mañana el petróleo se convirtiera en un bien escaso y caro? La sociedad industrial se instaló en la historia de los seres humanos aportando desarrollo y riqueza pero haciéndola dependiente del transporte.
Et si le soleil devenait le "pétrole" de Cuba? - El sol, nuevo "petroleo" de Cuba?
Et si le soleil devenait le "pétrole" de Cuba? - El sol, nuevo "petroleo" de Cuba? from Anne Delstanche on Vimeo.
De Anne DELSTANCHE avec la collaboration de Rolando PUJOL
Cuba se tourne résolument vers les énergies alternatives, solaire, éolienne, hydraulique, biogaz... Le pays s'est doté d'une fabrique de panneaux solaires et a sa propre technologie. Il coopère avec plusieurs pays dans le cadre de l'ALBA. Une indépendance énergétique à base d'énergies propres est-elle envisageable à moyen terme?
De Anne DELSTANCHE, con la colaboración de Rolando PUJOL
Un documental sobre el desarollo de las energias renovables en Cuba.
Cuba da un paso decidido hacia las energías alternativas, solar, eólica, hidraúlica, biogaz... El país fabrica paneles solares con su propia tecnología. Coopera con varios países en el marco del ALBA. Será posible ser independiente a mediano plazo gracias a las energías renovables?
In Transition 1.0 - From oil dependence to local resilience (sub español)
In Transition 1.0 - From oil dependence to local resilience (sub español) from El Tránsito Necesario on Vimeo.
Video cedido para su difusión por "Transition Culture / Transition Network-org" con subtítulos en español.
En Transición 1.0 - De la dependencia del petróleo a la resiliencia local.
“In Transition 1.0” es la primera película detallada sobre el Movimiento de Transición filmado por l@s que lo conocen mejor, l@s que están haciendo que suceda sobre el terreno. El movimiento de Transición es un movimiento positivo, enfocado en buscar soluciones, viral y divertido. Una oportunidad histórica para construir un mundo renovado.
“In Transition 1.0” es fruto de la compilación de más de 100 cintas enviadas desde distintas Iniciativas de Transición de todo el mundo.
Para obter mais informação visitar: http://eltransitonecesario.blogspot.com/
sábado, 18 de setembro de 2010
Coloquio de Carlos Taibo con los asistentes a su charla
Coloquio de Carlos Taibo con los asistentes a su charla from ottoreuss on Vimeo.
Coloquio de Carlos Taibo con los asistentes a su charla el 11 de marzo de 2010 en la sede de la CNT en Ciudad Real.
La charla se puede ver aquí: vimeo.com/10138983
Answering Climate Change Skeptics, Naomi Oreskes
A presentation based off of her recent book, Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscure the Truth about Climate Change. Naomi Oreskes, author and professor of history and science studies, University of California, San Diego.
From the University of Rhode Island's Spring 2010 Vetlesen Lecture Series, People and Planet Global Environmental Change. March 2, 2010.
sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010
Matthew Taylor - 21st century enlightenment. Full edit with the audience Q&A session.
In his annual lecture, Matthew Taylor explores what we mean by 21st century enlightenment, how the idea might help us meet the challenges we face today, and the role that can be played by institutions such as the RSA
RSA Animate Matthew Taylor: Left brain, right brain
Explore how brain and behaviour research is increasingly being incorporated into political and policy debate. Watch Matthew Taylor's lecture, which inspired this Animate.
Renata Salecl - The Paradox of Choice
Fusing sociology, psychoanalysis and philosophy, Professor Renata Salecl shows that individual choice is rarely based on a simple rational decision with a predictable outcome.
The Nation: Docs Reveals Blackwater-Linked Companies Provided Intel & Security to Multinationals Like Monsanto, Chevron, Deutsche Bank and others
"Blackwater’s Black Ops"—that’s the title of an explosive new article in The Nation magazine that reveals how entities closely linked with the private security firm Blackwater have provided security and intelligence services to a range of powerful corporations over the past several years. The companies include Monsanto, Chevron, Deutsche Bank and others. Blackwater has also provided intelligence and training services to foreign governments, including Jordan, the Canadian military and the Dutch police. We speak with investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill.
Source: http://www.democracynow.org/
Lehman Brothers: Two Years and $4 Trillion after the Collapse
Dylan Ratigan Show, MSNBC--Sept. 15, 2010—$4 trillion spent to "fix" the economic collapse that began two years ago. Discussion about the meltdown which caused the current state of the country's financial landscape.
Copyright MSNBC 2010
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Lehman Brothers bailout meltdown unemployment jobs bonuses banks global U.S. economy Dylan Ratigan Mark Ames
quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010
Naomi Klein: Building a Real Left
"We have to build that independent left. It has to be so strong and so radical and so militant and so powerful that it becomes irresistible."
Who better to say such a thing than Naomi Klein, Nation columnist, author of The Shock Doctrine and No Logo, and longtime rabblerouser? Naomi makes a special visit to the GRITtv studio to talk about the recent G20 meetings in her hometown of Toronto, about Obama's recent return to a kind of populism, the looming midterm elections in the U.S., her reporting on the BP disaster in the Gulf, and what we can do to channel the growing rage in this country and in the world into a true progressive movement.
segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010
Amy Goodman Interviews Robert Scheer About ‘The Great American Stickup’
http://www.truthdig.com/ |
We’ve heard about the robber barons on Wall Street who brought on our current economic crisis, but they couldn’t have done it without the help of key political players like Bill Clinton, for one, as Robert Scheer tells Amy Goodman in this “Democracy Now!” interview about his new book, “The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street.”
Source: http://www.democracynow.org/2010/9/7/robert_scheer_on__the_great
Raj Patel: Mozambique’s Food Riots Are the True Face of Global Warming
Thirteen people died and hundreds were wounded last week in the African nation of Mozambique when police cracked down on a three-day protest over a 30 percent hike in the price of bread. The UN says the riots in Mozambique should be a wake-up call for governments that have ignored food security problems since the global food crisis of 2008, when countries around the world saw angry protests in the streets over the rising prices of basic food items. We speak with author and activist Raj Patel.
Source: http://www.democracynow.org/
sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010
Rekindling the Radical Imagination - Piven, Jones, Roy & Chomsky, March 21, 2010
Rekindling the Radical Imagination - Piven, Jones, Roy & Chomsky, March 21, 2010 from pdxjustice Media Productions on Vimeo.
The final plenary at the 2010 LEFT FORUM conference in New York features Frances Fox Piven, Brian Jones, Arundhati Roy and Noam Chomsky. The presentation begins with a memorial for the beloved historian, Howard Zinn, and proceeds to the theme of the 2010 conference: "The Center Cannot Hold - Rekindling the Radical Imagination."
Arundhati Roy with Avi Lewis, Conversation, 24 March 2010
Arundhati Roy with Avi Lewis, Conversation, 24 March 2010 from Lannan Foundation on Vimeo.
Arundhati Roy was born in 1959 in Shillong, India, and studied architecture in New Delhi, where she now lives. She is the author of the novel The God of Small Things, the story of young twins Rahel and Estha and their family, set in Kerala, India, during the late 1960s, when Communism rattled the age-old caste system. Roy received the Booker Prize for this book in 1997. She has written several nonfiction books, including The Cost of Living, Power Politics, War Talk, An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire, and Public Power in the Age of Empire. In addition to writing, she has worked as a film designer and screenplay writer in India. Roy was featured in the BBC television documentary "Dam/age," which is about the struggle against big dams in India. A collection of interviews with Arundhati Roy by David Barsamian was published as The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile. Her newest book, published by Haymarket, is Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers. Roy last read in Santa Fe in 2002, when she received the Lannan Cultural Freedom Prize. Distributed by Tubemogul.
sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2010
Keiser Report №75: Markets! Finance! Scandal!
This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at the scandals of "the weather in healthcare", virtual girlfriends and illegal immigrants giving up on the US economy. In the second half of the show, Max talks to independent journalist Mark "Bicyclemark" Fonseca Rendeiro, who is in Kabul to assist with the elections.
terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010
No Rain, No Grain: Who makes money on 'food crisis' fears?
RussiaToday | 6 de Setembro de 2010
The international community's worried this year's low wheat harvest may not meet demand. Drought-stricken Russia, a major global supplier, has decided it won't be exporting any grain until the end of next year's harvest. But as RT's Staci Bivens reports, fears of a global food crisis may be exaggerated by some looking to make a profit...
V. S. Ramachandran on the Uniqueness of Human Consciousness
Clip from an interview with V. S. Ramachandran from The Science Network, creators of the Beyond Belief Conference:
In this clip, he describes his view of the nature of human consciousness and how it is inexorably linked to qualia, language, meaning and the sense of self. He also proposes that there are aspects of consciousness that are uniquely human.
In the full interview, which runs for nearly two hours, topics include Galileo, phantom limbs, mirror neurones, synasthesia, metaphor, evolutionary psychology, culture and more.
V.S. Ramachandran is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and Professor with the Psychology Department and the Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego. A former BBC Reith Lecturer, he co-authored Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind, with Sandra Blakeslee, and is the author of A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness.
Visit http://thesciencenetwork.org for similar content.
Brain Neurons & Brain Evolution - The Storytelling Ape
V.S. Ramachandran is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and Professor with the Psychology Department and Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Biology at the Salk Institute. Ramachandran initially trained as a doctor and subsequently obtained a Ph.D. from Trinity College at the University of Cambridge.
Dr. Paul Broks: Into the Silent Land is a stunning look into how the human brain constructs a "self," or the essence of who we are as individuals. A neuropsychologist with twenty-five years' experience and a runner-up for the prestigious Wellcome Trust Science Prize, Paul Broks writes with a doctor's precision and clarity in a series of narratives about the fascinating world of the neurologically impaired, delving not only into the inner lives of his patients, but into a deeper understanding of how we define who we are. Fusing classic cases of neuropsychology with the author's own case studies, personal vignettes, philosophical debate, and thought-provoking riffs and meditations on the nature of neurological impairments and dysfunctions, Into the Silent Land is an illuminating study of neuroscience, and an extraordinary look into the unknown world of the self.
Dr. David Linden: David Linden is Professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Following undergraduate work at the University of California, Berkeley with Joe Martinez, he performed his doctoral research in the lab of Aryeh Routtenberg at Northwestern University, examining the role of protein kinase C in long term synaptic potentiation and modulation of voltage-gated ion channels.
Linden has a long standing interest in scientific communication, serving on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Neurophysiology, Neuron, and The Cerebellum. He is author of a neuroscience book for a general audience, The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams and God
Neuropsychology (I) Dr. Paul Broks
Paul Broks trained as a clinical psychologist at Oxford University and went on to specialize in neuropsychology. He has pursued a career combining both clinical practice and basic research.
What book has influenced you most? Explain how.
I read René Descartes' A Discourse on Method and Meditations in my student days. The experience has never left me. It was the Penguin Classics edition with Frans Hals's portrait of the great 17th-century philosopher staring out from the front cover. Reading the Meditations felt like dissolving into those heavy-lidded eyes and into his thought processes. Descartes' erroneous but fatally beguiling division of mind and matter has become ingrained in our way of thinking, and the apparent irreconcilability of subjective and objective points of view remains one of the great conundrums in the science of mind.
V.S. Ramachandran's The Emerging Mind, based on his recent BBC Reith Lectures, is a lucid and engaging tour of some of the most enticing territories of cognitive neuroscience.
Ian Glynn's An Anatomy of Thought: The Origin and Machinery of the Mind is a brilliant general introduction to brain science.
Paul Broks
including but not limited to development of cognitive processes, brain-behavior relationships, adult and child neuropsychology, disorders of speech and language, and very importantly the interface of neuropsychology with related areas, such as cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry.
UCL Lunch Hour Lecture : The social brain
Dr Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience)
The brain has evolved to understand and interact with other people. We are increasingly learning more about the neurophysiological basis of social cognition and what is known as the social brain. In this talk I will focus on how the social brain develops during adolescence. Adolescence is a time characterised by change - hormonally, physically, psychologically and socially. Yet until recently this period of life was neglected by cognitive neuroscience. In the past decade, research has shown that the social brain develops both structurally and functionally during adolescence.
Drowning in Debt: US students helpless to pay off education
A ticking time bomb of American debt. Over $830 billion are owed by college students in the US with $3 thousand more added on every second. The most traditional financial baggage for Americans was credit card debt. For the first time, debt belonging to college students has over taken that number one spot. "Students graduating in 2008, 2009 and 2010 are facing the worst job markets in a generation at least. And so you have people with more debt that we have ever seen before, who are having a harder time finding any job, let alone a job that pays them enough to somehow pay off all this debt."
Consciousness: The Movie in Your Mind
Consciousness: The Movie in Your Mind from Meriam Good on Vimeo.
What is the material basis of conscious awareness?
For the past 20 years, Christof Koch, Ph.D., has sought to explain how the vivid impressions of our sensory experience are generated by the interactions of networks of neurons that embody our minds. In his presentation for the Mind Science Foundation, Dr. Koch presents a lively overview of his scientific research program aimed at discovering the answer to one of the great scientific questions of our time.
segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010
Michael Persinger - Psychotropic drugs and nature of reality
Michael Persinger - Psychotropic drugs and generated neuro-realities. Persinger has a helmet - he can replicate drug states at will as well as claiming to have solved the alien encounter experience. Really interesting lecture. But this is only partially true and not an objective solution to how reality is manufactured.http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4292093832329014323
Michael Persinger - Lecture - Psychotropic drugs - Part 1
Michael Persinger - Lecture - Psychotropic drugs - Part 1
Enviado por UnnoticedAirman
Michael Persinger's lecture on psychotropic drugs, their effects, and other ways to produce the same effects on the human brain.
domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010
Maria João Pires - Discovering Sound
Maria João Pires - Discovering Sound from João Pedro Costa on Vimeo.
Um documentário realizado por Roel van Dalen, em 2004, no Centro para o Estudo das Artes de Belgais, casa da pianista portuguesa Maria João Pires.
Maria João Pires chez elle
Maria João Pires chez elle from João Pedro Costa on Vimeo.
Alain Duault à conversa com Maria João Pires, no programa "Musique & Compagnie". Realizado por Dominique Mazard na casa da pianista, em Castelo Branco, Portugal.
Damásio - Brain Education Conference at the UN (2008)
Damásio - Brain Education Conference at the UN (2008) from João Pedro Costa on Vimeo.
António Damásio lectures at the Brain Conference, at the UN, on the 20th June 2008.
António Damásio is the Director of the Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California, and author of "Descartes' Error", "The Somatic marker hypothesis and the possible functions of the prefrontal cortex", "The feeling of what happens" and "Looking for Spinoza". He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Damásio has received many awards including the Prince of Asturias Award in Science and Technology, Kappers Neuroscience Medal, the Beaumont Medal from the American Medical Association and the Reenpaa Prize in Neuroscience.
TEDxBoston - Lawrence Lessig - Of By 4
Of the People, By the People, For the People: How Campaign Funding Should be Redefined so that Citizens, Not Corporations, Elect Leaders
Bob Kaiser Event, Pt. 1
A sage politician by the name of Jesse Unruh once observed that money is the mother's milk of politics. Robert G. Kaiser believes the nation's capital is drowning in it. He discusses his new book, So Damn Much Money.
Bob Kaiser Event, Pt. 2
Bob Kaiser Event, Pt. 3
Bob Kaiser Event, Pt. 4
Bob Kaiser Event, Pt. 5
The Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of American Government
The birth and growth of lobbying in America and it's massive effect on government. In this presentation of The Massachusetts School of Law's program, Books of Our Times, Dean Lawrence R. Velvel interviews Robert G. Kaiser on his book; So Damn Much Money - The Triumph of Lobbying and the Corrosion of American Government. Mr. Kaiser is associate editor and senior correspondent of the Washington Post. The Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit mslaw.edu.
sábado, 4 de setembro de 2010
Lawrence Lessig - Rebooting Democracy
Rebooting Democracy
a public lecture by Lawrence Lessig
May 27, 2010
Filene Auditorium, Dartmouth College
The Ronna and Edward J. Goldstein 1962 Fund
for Distinguished Visitors in Film Studies
Co-sponsored with
The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center,
The Dartmouth College Library,
Dartmouth Computing Services and Research Computing,
The Institute for Security, Technology and Society
and The Department of Film and Media Studies
Bob Blum: Consciousness: What, Who, When, and Why (Small)
Bob Blum: Consciousness: What, Who, When, and Why (Small) from Monica Anderson on Vimeo.
Consciousness is critically important to our sense of the world and of ourselves. It is also one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
WHAT is the definition of consciousness? I will focus here on perceptual awareness. WHO is conscious? We accord that status to our fellow humans and to certain other animals. I introduce comparative neuroanatomy and discuss the WHEN of consciousness – when did it evolve? WHY did consciousness evolve? What’s it good for? (It confers great evolutionary advantage in a fiercely competitive and changing world (fight or flight, feed or fornicate, friend or foe?)
As preparation I recommend the essay on my website bobblum.com entitled The Mystery of Consciousness
This is a non-technical lecture suitable for the general public. Subsequent lectures will cover exciting new research on the neuroscience of consciousness as revealed by fMRI, cortical electrode arrays, and microelectrode studies
Bob Blum was an undergrad at MIT in math/neuroscience and continued his studies of neuroscience in medical school at UCSF. He then completed a PhD in computer science (AI) and biostatistics at Stanford and was on the research staff for ten years.
His team at Stanford developed the RX Project, which automated the discovery of clinical causal effects. RX garnered numerous NIH, NLM, and NSF grants. Bob then returned to clinical medicine as an emergency physician for Kaiser Hospitals. Since retirement he has returned to the study of cognitive neuroscience and its intersection with AI. That is the focus of his website, bobblum.com
sexta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2010
Think Globally Radio interviews Brendan Martin
The Working World | | | Info | | | Listen | | | ![]() |
This week, Think Globally Radio meets social entrepreneur Brendan Martin, founder of The Working World, a foundation with the mission of providing microcredit to worker-owned companies in Latin America producing fair trade products.
Mr. Martin will be discussing his experiences working on the ground in Argentina with issues such as worker democracy, sustainable development, securing community values and the challenges currently faced by microcredit institutions in the developing world.
Failing economy, failing answers
As the slumping economy continues to worsen, questions had to be asked and answered. The United States Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke was in the hot seat today over the financial crisis, he was asked questions of why the economy crashed in 2008. Nomi Prins says that Bernanke was treated lightly and it appears he has not learned from the collapse in 2008 as he continues to make banks larger.
quinta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2010
Keiser Report №73: Markets! Finance! Scandal!
This time Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at the year of records, from the record collapse in US house sales to new record temperatures, to a record year for payouts and to zombies. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Kate Sheppard, an environmental journalist at Mother Jones, about the ongoing crisis in the Gulf of Mexico and about the proliferation of corporate front groups.
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