World War II -- "Narrated by Oliver Stone, this new one-hour series features human events that at the time went under reported, but crucially shaped America's unique and complex history. The first chapter explores the birth of the American Empire by focusing on Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. Through examination of key decisions during World War II, discover unsung heroes such as American Henry Wallace and explore the demonization of the Soviets." (source:
terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012
The Untold History of the United States ~ Oliver Stone
World War II -- "Narrated by Oliver Stone, this new one-hour series features human events that at the time went under reported, but crucially shaped America's unique and complex history. The first chapter explores the birth of the American Empire by focusing on Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin. Through examination of key decisions during World War II, discover unsung heroes such as American Henry Wallace and explore the demonization of the Soviets." (source:
domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012
Richard Wilkinson, The Age of Unequals
Simon Fraser University's Centre for Dialogue present's Richard Wilkinson for the 2010 Bruce and Lis Welch Community Dialogue.
Richard Wilkinson's work has shaped research on the social determinants of health for over thirty years. Prior to this lecture, he co-authored the international best-seller The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better with Kate Pickett, a ground breaking book that has transformed our views on the interactions between income inequality and health. Dr. Wilkinson co-founded the Equality Trust to further public education about inequality and its consequences, and why reducing income disparity benefits all members of society.
Dr. Wilkinson has played a formative role in public awareness and policy development for thirty years. He began his academic career at the London School of Economics where he studied economic history and then transitioned to the field of epidemiology. He currently is Emeritus Professor of Social Epidemiology at the University of Nottingham, and an honorary professor at both the University College London and the University of York. He has written a dozen books and numerous research papers, and his work has been published in ten languages.
Introduction: Clyde Hertzman, UBC School of Population and Public Health and Director of Human Early Learning Partnership
Moderator: Mark Winston, Academic Director and Fellow, SFU Centre for Dialogue
About the Bruce and Lis Welch Community Dialogue
This annual event is generously supported by the Bruce and Lis Welch Award, and engages the community at large to explore innovative approaches to local issues through dialogue.
Richard Wilkinson on The Age of Unequals
One of Britain's leading social epidemiologists, Richard Wilkinson, looks at what it means to live in a new age of inequality. Wilkinson is the co-author of the groundbreaking, international bestseller The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone.
Le chantier d'un sanctuaire conçu pour durer cent mille ans. Creusée dans le nord de la Finlande, à Onkalo, cette gigantesque grotte abritera des déchets nucléaires. S'adressant aux générations futures, ce documentaire en forme de film de science-fiction montre ces travaux gigantesques - cinq kilomètres de galeries plongeant 500 mètres sous terre - et pose la problématique de l'élimination des déchets radioactifs sous l'angle de la temporalité. Impliquant une responsabilité millénaire, celle-ci nous oblige à adopter une autre échelle de durée.
Every day, the world over, large amounts of high-level radioactive waste created by nuclear power plants is placed in interim storage, which is vulnerable to natural disasters, man-made disasters, and to societal changes. In Finland the world’s first permanent repository is being hewn out of solid rock - a huge system of underground tunnels - that must last 100,000 years as this is how long the waste remains hazardous.
Simplicité volontaire et décroissance 3 (changer, et changer le Monde)
Dernier volet d’une série de trois documentaires.
Ce film réalisé et produit par Jean-Claude Decourt, approfondit les deux premiers volets, interroge nos peurs, nos manques, nos aliénations, les systèmes de dominances, les échecs des révolutions et des alternatives... Avec la participation de Miguel Benasayag, Lydia Müller, Jean-Pierre Muyard, Sabine Rabourdin, Catherine Aimelet-Périssol,...)
A quoi s’accroche l’imaginaire néo-libéral (que vous pouvez appeller capitalisme, ou société marchande) et sa religion... la croissance ?
Pouvons-nous changer le Monde, si nous ne comprenons pas ce qui nous meut ?
Simplicité volontaire et décroissance 2 (autres réflexions et pas de côté)
Réalisé et produit par Jean-Claude Decourt, avec la complicité de Jeff, Elsa Decourt, Gérard Clanet, Claude Fages, Jean-Marc Cougrand.
Ce documentaire approfondit les réflexions du film 1 et donne la parole à des femmes et des hommes qui pensent et vivent autrement.
Avec également des interventions de : Pierre Rabhi, Alain Dufranc, Sabine Rabourdin, Lydia Müller, Jean-Claude Besson-Girard, Miguel Benassayag, Françoise Gollain, jacques Grinevald, Isabelle Soccorsi, Jo Sacco, Fabienne Brutus, Jocelyn Patinel, Françoise Matricon, Serge Latouche ...
Décroissance Montréal / Montreal Degrowth - John Fullerton & Joshua Farley
Séance plénière sur la finance et la décroissance.
Plenary session on finance and degrowth.
Plenary session on finance and degrowth.
Compreender a Dívida Pública
Apprenez le fonctionnement de la création monétaire par le crédit, de l'article 123 du traité de Lisbonne et des réserves fractionnaires sans lesquelles il est impossible de comprendre l'origine des dettes publiques et privées qui inondent l'économie occidentale.
Consultez aussi les différentes rubriques associées à la vidéo :
- Des questions ? Des doutes ? Consultez l'argumentaire de la vidéo.
- Quelques liens et références.
- Où la vidéo a-t-elle été vue ?
- Les différentes versions de la vidéo.
Cette vidéo a été corrigée avec l'aide d'André Jacques Holbecq (auteur de "dette publique, une affaire rentable").
Étienne Chouard : les enjeux de la création monétaire
The Monetary Creation Stakes
Conférence d' Étienne Chouard à Marseille le 23 avril 2011 : les enjeux de la création monétaire.
Diffusez le message :
culture libre :
sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2012
O Banco que não cobra juros! JAK Bank Report (2007) LEGENDADO PT
(Uma reportagem sobre um Banco Cooperativa que não cobra juros nos empréstimos! Gravada na Suécia e na Alemanha em Agosto de 2007.)
Na Suécia existe uma cooperativa com 36 500 membros com um crescimento associativo anual de 5%, onde os seus membros membros emprestam dinheiro uns aos outros sem cobrar quaisquer taxa de juro e que acabou por se tornar num banco, propriedade dos seus associados, um banco que não cobra taxas de juro.
Não se trata de um conto de fadas, esse banco existe, situa-se na Suécia e chama-se JAK Medlemsbank.
Além de ser uma instituição bancária, esta associação é sobretudo um movimento social criado em 1965 e reconhecido oficialmente como banco em 1997. Este sistema financeiro inovador está assim muito próximo da economia real, não necessita de ir buscar dinheiro aos mercados financeiros especulativos, prova que é possível emprestar dinheiro sem juros e que existem soluções para uma sociedade mais justa.
O sistema é relativamente simples, um associado que necessita de um empréstimo, terá, ao mesmo tempo o que o reembolsa mensalmente, de criar uma conta paralela de poupança de igual montante durante o mesmo período do empréstimo. No fim, quando acabar de pagar o empréstimo, poderá levantar a totalidade dessa sua conta paralela de poupança. Durante esse período, o banco vai utilizar essa conta poupança para financiar outros associados. No final o empréstimo não terá sido sujeito a qualquer taxa de juros.
Um exemplo prático:
Um dos sócios, com um depósito nulo no banco, necessita de 14 000 euros para um período de 11 anos. Vai ter de pagar:
15 euros por mês de despesas de funcionamento
106 euro por mês de reembolso do empréstimo
106 euros por mês numa conta poupança obrigatória
No total deverá pagar por mês 15 + 106 + 106 = 227 euros por mês
Ao fim de 11 anos, o empréstimo estará pago e simultâneamente, a sua conta poupança terá 14 000 euros, que poderá levantar ou deixar para a eventualidade de ter de vir a pedir outro empréstimo e nesse caso terá que criar uma conta poupança obrigatória de um montante inferior.
Numa economia como a nossa, baseada nas taxas de juros, o dinheiro é transferido dos mais pobres para os mais ricos, até se concentrar nas mãos de uma minoria. Actualmente a massa total do dinheiro que circula no mundo, é constituída, quase exclusivamente, pelo dinheiro proveniente das dividas e das suas taxas de juros. Este dinheiro especulativo não assenta em qualquer valor real, isto é em bens e serviços.
É o crescimento exponencial dessa massa monetária especulativa que irá acabar por atingir um ponte de rotura e provocará o desmoronamento da economia mundial tal como a conhecemos actualmente.
Esta iniciativa bancária prova que é possível construir uma economia sustentável e mais equitativa.
Vídeo Original:
Mais info sobre o Banco:
Como as desigualdades de rendimentos prejudicam a sociedade... PORTUGUESA!
TED com Richard Wilkinson + Dados PORDATA..
"Nós sentimos instintivamente que uma sociedade com enormes diferenças de rendimentos é o caminho errado. Richard Wilkinson coloca em gráficos dados concretos sobre a desigualdade econômica e mostra o que piora quando ricos e pobres estão muito distantes: os efeitos reais sobre a saúde, vida, e mesmo sobre valores tão fundamentais como a confiança."
Richard A. Werner é Professor Catedrático em Banca Internacional na Universidade de Southampton e Director do Centro Para a Banca, Finanças e Desenvolvimento Sustentável.
Vida e Dívida, 2001 | 420doc#8
Países arrasados pelos "ajustes estruturais" exigidos pelo FMI e Banco Mundial em troca de empréstimos não é novidade nenhuma. Até Portugal já conhece essa experiência. Jamaica é mais um país, que privatizou e abriu o seu mercado para receber uns míseros dólares. O prejuízo a curto prazo foi muito maior que o próprio empréstimo. A sua economia desmoronou.
O que torna este documentário imperdível é o facto de mostrar as táticas e manobras dessas duas instituições - que representam um grupo de banqueiros mundiais - para transformar esses países em lugares cada vez mais miseráveis, para assim levar seus recursos naturais. No caminho colocam os países num ciclo de empréstimo e pagamento de juros, que tende a se eternizar... Todas táticas denunciadas no livro "Confissões de um Assassino Econômico" de John Perkins.
A Resistência Final de Salvador Allende (1998)
Direção: Patricio Henríquez
Origem: Chile, Canadá e França
Ano: 1998
Idioma: Castellano
56 minutos - legendado pt/br
Na madrugada de 11 de setembro de 1973, o telefone tocou na residência presidencial do Chile trazendo uma notícia que mudaria para sempre a história de um povo: as forças navais chilenas tinham se levantado em Valparaíso. Poucas horas mais tarde, todo o poderio militar exigiria que o presidente deixasse o cargo. O golpe era um fato. Três anos antes, Salvador Allende, o candidato da União do Povo, ganhou a eleição do primeiro regime socialista da América Latina eleito democraticamente à presidência. Mas nem toda a sociedade chilena comemorou a vitória. As associações de extrema-direita, alinhadas com as principais potências mundiais e apoiadas principalmente pelos EUA, se uniram para derrubar o governo Allende. As últimas palavras de Salvador Allende dedicadas ao seu povo, as imagens angustiantes do bombardeio militar, as ordens severas dadas pelo ditador Augusto Pinochet e o depoimento de sobreviventes que acompanharam o presidente até o último minuto de sua vida, mostram vividamente os acontecimentos daquele 11 de setembro de 1973, dia em que o povo chileno começou a viver uma ditadura longa e sangrenta. O documentário foi produzido pela produtora canadense Télé-Québec e francesa France 3 e descreve o que aconteceu no Palacio de La Moneda durante as longas horas de resistência. - Sinopse OmniDoc
Mais documentários em:
Docs TV
Ano: 1998
Idioma: Castellano
56 minutos - legendado pt/br
Na madrugada de 11 de setembro de 1973, o telefone tocou na residência presidencial do Chile trazendo uma notícia que mudaria para sempre a história de um povo: as forças navais chilenas tinham se levantado em Valparaíso. Poucas horas mais tarde, todo o poderio militar exigiria que o presidente deixasse o cargo. O golpe era um fato. Três anos antes, Salvador Allende, o candidato da União do Povo, ganhou a eleição do primeiro regime socialista da América Latina eleito democraticamente à presidência. Mas nem toda a sociedade chilena comemorou a vitória. As associações de extrema-direita, alinhadas com as principais potências mundiais e apoiadas principalmente pelos EUA, se uniram para derrubar o governo Allende. As últimas palavras de Salvador Allende dedicadas ao seu povo, as imagens angustiantes do bombardeio militar, as ordens severas dadas pelo ditador Augusto Pinochet e o depoimento de sobreviventes que acompanharam o presidente até o último minuto de sua vida, mostram vividamente os acontecimentos daquele 11 de setembro de 1973, dia em que o povo chileno começou a viver uma ditadura longa e sangrenta. O documentário foi produzido pela produtora canadense Télé-Québec e francesa France 3 e descreve o que aconteceu no Palacio de La Moneda durante as longas horas de resistência. - Sinopse OmniDoc
Mais documentários em:
Docs TV
Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically-Modified Seeds
For more go to:
Bill talks to scientist and philosopher Vandana Shiva, who’s become a rock star in the global battle over genetically modified seeds. These seeds -- considered “intellectual property” by the big companies who own the patents -- are globally marketed to monopolize food production and profits. Opponents challenge the safety of genetically modified seeds, claiming they also harm the environment, are more costly, and leave local farmers deep in debt as well as dependent on suppliers. Shiva, who founded a movement in India to promote native seeds, links genetic tinkering to problems in our ecology, economy, and humanity, and sees this as the latest battleground in the war on Planet Earth.
BBC HARDtalk - Vandana Shiva - Environmental Campaigner (19/11/12)
HARDtalk speaks to the original tree hugger. The phrase was coined back in the seventies when she, along with a group of women in India, hugged trees to stop them from being chopped down. In the decades since, Vandana Shiva has become known throughout the world for her environmental campaigns. She says a billion people go hungry in the world because of the way greedy international companies go about their business. So is it a naïve world view or could we really end poverty and improve everyone's life by returning to old fashioned ways of farming?
Interviewed Guest - Vandana Shiva
Presenter - Sarah Montague
Helena Norberg-Hodge : an overview of localization
Helena Norberg-Hodge's plenary talk at ISEC's Economics of Happiness Conference, Berkeley, California, March 2012. For more information about the conference, The Economics of Happiness film, or ISEC's work, go to
sexta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2012
James Robertson - It's Our Money Anyway
James Robertson ( talks frankly about democratising our money supply. Money as debt is not sustainable.
Why We Can't Shop Our Way to a Better Economy : Stacy Mitchell at TEDxDirigo
Stacy Mitchell is a researcher and writer at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), a national nonprofit organization that challenges corporate consolidation of the economy and champions policies to nurture community-scaled enterprise.
Stacy directs two ILSR initiatives on independent business and community banking. Her analysis has helped inspire many grassroots campaigns and provided empirical support for changes to local and state policy.
Stacy's articles have appeared in Business Week, The Nation, Grist, Utne Reader, Sojourners, and many daily newspapers. Her book, Big-Box Swindle: The True Cost of Mega-Retailers and the Fight for America's Independent Businesses, was named one of the top ten business books of 2007 by Booklist.
In 2006, she helped launch the Portland Independent Business & Community Alliance, which has a membership today of over 400 local businesses and runs Portland's popular "buy local" campaign.
Stacy is a graduate of Macalester College, where she studied U.S. labor and environmental history. She lives in Portland with her husband.
terça-feira, 20 de novembro de 2012
Os Quatro Ginetes/Cavaleiros do Novo Apocalipse
Os Quatro Ginetes/Cavaleiros do Novo Apocalipse : 2
Os Quatro Ginetes/Cavaleiros do Novo Apocalipse : 3
"À medida que a economia mundial continua em queda livre, um maior número de vozes críticas tenta encontrar a solução para o problema. Vinte e três pensadores de todo o mundo juntaram-se nesta série documental para quebrar o silêncio e explicar como o mundo realmente está concebido. Os seus pontos de vista transcendem nos principais meios de comunicação e descrevem em termos simples o que é necessário abordar nas nossas universidades, nos governos e nas estruturas corporativas, se não quisermos enfrentar um futuro ainda mais sombrio. No entanto, não incidiremos no mesmo de sempre, não daremos uma seca aos banqueiros, não criticaremos os políticos nem procuraremos teorias conspiratórias. Examinaremos os sistemas sob os quais decidimos viver e sugeriremos fórmulas que podemos mudar. O Odisseia oferece-lhe um interessante debate sobre as medidas que seria necessário tomar para a chegada de uma nova ordem económico-mundial, um sistema que permitiria melhorar substancialmente a qualidade de vida em todos os países."
quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2012
Economics - "Debt : The First 5,000 Years" - Book TV
David Graeber talks about the history of debt and its impact in the world over thousands of years. During this event from Melville House Bookstore in Brooklyn, New York, Professor Graeber is in discussion with Left Business Observer editor Doug Henwood, author of "Wall Street" and "After the New Economy"
David Graeber teaches anthropology at University of London's Goldsmiths College. He is the author of "Towards an Anthropological Theory of Value," "Lost People," and "Possibilities: Essays on Hierarchy, Rebellion, and Desire."
Source :
Greek Parliament Approves Contentious Law to Expand Privatization
Dimitri Lascaris : New budget makes it clear Greece will never pay off its debts, real aim of austerity is to break unions and privatize public assets
More on Greece :
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2012
Noam Chomsky : An Uninformed Electorate Votes Against Its Best Interests.
ExplodedView MEF
Noam Chomsky explains how public opinion and political policy differ and why often undecided voters vote for policies that are opposite public opinion. This was an excerpt from a talk sponsored by the Center for Popular Economics in Amherst, MA on Sept 27, 2012 called "Who Owns the World? Resistance and the Way Forward." More excerpts to come.
Exploded View ( is a project of the Media Education Foundation (
1929 : The Great Crash
Examining the causes of the Wall Street
Crash, when the US stock market lost a third of its value over six
desperate days in October 1929, causing the loss of more than $25billion
in individual wealth. 3,000 banks later failed and took investors'
savings with them. People who lived through that turbulent period
describe the biggest financial catastrophe in history.
domingo, 21 de outubro de 2012
Rise of the Machines - USA
For downloads and more information visit:
Most people see drones as a controversial weapon prowling over foreign battlegrounds. But as America's military campaigns wind down, these machines are coming home and set to change civilian lives forever.
"This is a powerful technology. No amount of hand-wringing is going to stop it", says drone expert, Peter Singer. Whether it's a floating TV station streaming live to the web, the prying lens of the paparazzi, the police chasing a criminal or a government agency spying, small domestic drones are experiencing an exponential growth. At the world's largest drone convention in Las Vegas a salesman tells the crowd, "this can be used in law enforcement, disaster relief and industrial applications. It's also very good at dusting floors. Every home owner should have one". And as the technology advances at a frightening speed, anyone with a few hundred dollars can buy one over the counter. These hobby drones can fly for miles and provide sharp video feedback to the pilot. "I wouldn't cheat on your wife!", laughs columnist Charles Krauthammer. But jokes aside, there are real fears over the "political, legal and ethical issues that play out with this", argues Singer. In 3 years time an order from the US congress will see tens of thousands of drones legally occupy an already crowded sky, raising numerous questions about basic safety, terrorism and civil liberty. As companies rush to cash in on this new billion dollar industry, experts warn, "we're not ready for this".
ABC Australia
The Entropy of Capitalism and the Food System : An Interview With Robert Biel
Edited interview with Robert Biel - author of "The Entropy of Capitalism". Produced by Luigi Russi ( London, UK. August 1, 2012
Ozzie Zehner "Solar Cells and Other Fairy Tales : Symbols and Expectations for a Clean Energy Future"
CSTMS Berkeley
This event was held at the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society at the University of California, Berkeley.
The seductive tales of wind turbines, solar cells, and biofuels foster the impression that with a few technical upgrades, we might just sustain our current energy trajectories without consequence. Media and political coverage lull us into dreams of a clean energy future juxtaposed against a tumultuous past characterized by evil oil companies and the associated energy woes they propagated. Like most fairy tales, this productivist parable contains a tiny bit of truth. And a whole lot of fantasy.
This talk does not expose a scandal or cover-up in the traditional sense, but rather explores a particular alignment of interests and priorities that presents equally provocative questions to the environmental community. Solar cells shine brightly within the idealism of textbooks and the glossy pages of environmental magazines, but real-world experiences reveal a scattered collection of side effects and limitations that rarely mature into attractive realities.
This talk is based on Ozzie's forthcoming book, Green Illusions: The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism (University of Nebraska Press, June 2012).
This event sponsored by STSC
Extraordinary Popular Delusions And The Madness Of Markets
Grant Williams
My recent presentation at the Resource Investor's Forum and Mines & Money explores economic bubbles and the classic 'Bubble Wave' and takes a look at the twin bubbles of today: Government bonds (which are set to burst) and gold (which is getting ready to enter the mania phase).
sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012
Professor Simon Kirby : "The Language Organism : evolution, culture, and what it means to be human"
Professor Simon Kirby delivered his inaugural lecture entitled "The Language Organism: evolution, culture, and what it means to be human" on 22 March 2011.
For my public Inaugural Lecture, I will be trying to give a broad accessible summary of the importance of some of the recent research in the LEC.
Our species can do something utterly unique in the natural world - a behaviour so transformative that it has reshaped the mechanisms of our own evolution. We are able to take a novel thought and cause another person to share that thought simply by recombining sounds we learned to make as children. Virtually all species communicate, but only humans have this trick called Language.
But where does this unique trait come from? How did it evolve? Why are we the only species that has it? The quest to answer these questions starts in the familiar world of biological evolution. Perhaps we have evolved an "organ" for language, just like other animals have their own specialised biological apparatus. However there is something very peculiar about language that makes such simple answers suspect. In recent years, work pioneered in Edinburgh has demonstrated that language itself is a new kind of evolutionary system -- one we are only just beginning to understand.
In this talk, I will survey the progress made in making sense of this system and what it means for our understanding of language and of ourselves. Along the way we will see how we can study language evolution in the laboratory; what birds and foxes might tell us; and why culture might be changing the way we evolve.
Suspicious Coincidences in the Brain : Terrence J. Sejnowski
Brains need to make quick sense of massive amounts of ambiguous information with minimal energy costs and have evolved an intriguing mixture of analog and digital mechanisms to allow this efficiency. Analog electrical and biochemical signals inside neurons are used for integrating synaptic inputs from other neurons. The digital part is the all-or-none action potential, or spike, that lasts for a millisecond or less and is used to send messages over a long distance. Spike coincidences occur when neurons fire together at nearly the same time. In this lecture I will show how rare spike coincidences can be used efficiently to represent important visual events and how this architecture can be implemented with analog VLSI technology to simplify the early stages of visual processing.
On February 24, 2012, the Vermont Complex Systems Center at the University of Vermont invited Professor Terrence Sejnowski to discuss this topic as part of the Complex Systems Spire Speaker Series. Terrence Sejnowski is the Francis Crick Professor at The Salk Institute for Biological Studies where he directs the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory, an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and a Professor of Biology and Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, where he is Co-Director of the Institute for Neural Computation.
For more information, go to :
Ozzie Zehner - Green Illusions
Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the UBC Reads Sustainability Lecture Series. Ozzie Zehner is the author of Green Illusions and a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. His recent publications include public science pieces in Christian Science Monitor, The American Scholar, The Humanist, The Futurist, Women's Studies Quarterly and The Economist as well as educational resources in Green Technology (Sage, 2011) and Green Culture (Sage, 2011). Zehner's research and projects over the previous two decades have been covered by CNN, MSNBC, USA Today, Science News Radio, The Washington Post, Business Week and numerous other media outlets. He also serves on the editorial board of Critical Environmentalism. Zehner primarily researches the social, political and economic conditions influencing energy policy priorities and project outcomes. His work also incorporates symbolic roles that energy technologies play within political and environmental movements. His other research interests include consumerism, urban policy, environmental governance, international human rights, and forgeries.
Authors@Google : Ozzie Zehner - Green Illusions
"Ten years from now, will we think of renewable energy as clean and green? Emerging research on the side effects and limitations of solar cells, wind turbines, biofuels, electric cars and other alternative energy strategies will likely transform conventional wisdom about what's green, and what's not. Which players will be left in the dust? Who will innovate the next green revolution? And how?
The Sunday Times describes Ozzie Zehner an "an academic who is causing shockwaves." He is the author of Green Illusions and a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. He lectures at universities and public policy organizations."
Constructive memory : Remembering The Past to Imagining The Future
As part of UBC Psychologys 5th Annual Quinn Memorial Lecture (QML), held on Friday, 9 October 2009, from 4:30 - 5:30 pm. The title of this lecture is "Constructive memory: Remembering the past to imagine the future. " Daniel L. Schacter is Kenan Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. Schachter is a renowned researcher whose research on memory and amnesia memory has had a profound impact on psychological science in general and cognitive neuroscience in particular. This webcast is sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
A Cognitive Perspective on How People Learn : Implications for Teaching
Norman discusses how the mind interprets and absorbs knowledge, and how educators can benefit from knowing this.
Project Censored 2012 : Dispatches from the Media Revolution
Arlene Francis Center for Spirit Art and Politics
99 6th St. Santa Rosa, CA
Reports and dialogue on this part year's top censored stories and media analysis by Media Freedom Foundaton President Peter Phillips, Project Censored Director Mickey Huff, Associate Director Andy Roth, Abby Martin of Media Roots, Michael Levitin of the Occupy Wall Street Journal, Dennis Bernstein (poet and KPFA Flashpoint producer) Nora Barrows-Friedman (Electronic Intifada) and many more.
Celebrate Project Censored's latest book Censored 2012: Sourcebook for the Media Revolution.
Censored 2012 involved over 100 professors and 250 students from 19 colleges and universities all over the world. Books can be purchased online at or by coming to the event March 15th
Der grosse Ausverkauf - The big sellout
THE BIG SELLOUT ( is a political film. In various episodes the abstract phenomenon of privatisation is depicted in stories about very concrete human destinies around the globe. The documentary tells tragic, tragicomic but also encouraging stories of the everyday life of people, who day by day have to deal with the effects of privatisation politics, dictated by anonymous international financial institutions in Washington D.C. and Geneva, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
In his film, author and director FLORIAN OPITZ reveals the reality of the privatised and globalised world, which is supposed to be effective and shiny. He examines the effects of THE BIG SELLOUT, the worldwide privatisation of basic public services, such as water supply, electricity, public transportation, and even public health care. In South America, Asia, Africa, but also in Europe and the United States, OPITZ meets people, for whom these promises are nothing more than hollow phrases. And what he finds is that THE BIG SELLOUT has only just begun.
FLORIAN OPITZ talks to the architects of the new economic world order, as well as to ordinary people who have to deal with the politics of the former. He tells the story of a South African activist who helps poor families in Soweto, who are disconnected from electricity by the to-be privatised electricity supplier ESKOM, because they cannot afford to pay the high electricity bills anymore. Hunted by the Police and the company's security he and his team of guerilla electricians reconnect these families back, illegally.
Another storyline is about a Philippine mother living with her family in a slum area in Metro-Manila. For years now she has been struggling to find money to pay for the dialysis, her son needs twice a week. If she doesn't succeed until the end of the week, her son will die.
A humorous British train driver and union activist is the protagonist of the third episode. Having proudly started his career in the most efficient railway system in Europe, some years later he finds himself in a privatised, totally fragmented, and run down industry whose service regularly collapses. He is constantly fighting for his colleagues who have been facing more and more pressure from their private employers over the recent years. Pressure that has already lead to a numerous deadly accidents in the British railway system.
Last but not least, THE BIG SELLOUT tells us about the fight of the Bolivian citizens of Cochabamba against an US corporation that had tried to take over the municipal water supply. The tempted takeover lead to the first “water war” in human history, in which tens of thousands Bolivian citizens fought against the Bolivian police and military.
Allthough depicting the tragic privatisation failures all over the world there is a lot of hope in the episodes. In a desperate situation that seems to have no alternative to a „survival of the fittest“ mentality, people unite and stand up against a seemingly all-powerful enemy.
In the documentary, Joseph Stiglitz, one of the world's best known economists and Nobel Prize winner for economy makes the viewer understand where the dogma of privatisation came from, who profits from it, and what societies lose, when following it blindly. As refined former director of the World Bank, he comes from the world of financial institutions, but today he is fighting for the losers of the privatisation process, triggered by these same organizations.
THE BIG SELLOUT is a very special film: The different storylines of the film are not narrated one after the other, but woven together and carefully intertwined in a thrilling, episodical structure that is as compelling as truthful, and results in a film that is even more exciting than the sum of its parts.
David Cay Johnston : Law, Politics, and the Media Lecture Series 2011
The Institute for the Study of the Judiciary, Politics, and the Media presents "Our Societal Panic: Why Our Tax and Economic Debates are Irrational."
The goal of this lecture series is to engage in a dialogue about the court system and its environment as a single, integrated subject of study. The lectures complement the Law, Politics, and the Media course and involve sitting judges, practicing lawyers, and working journalists.
Terra para Rose (1987), por Tetê Moraes
A história de Rose, agricultora sem-terra que, com outras 1.500 famílias, participou da primeira grande ocupação de uma terra improdutiva, a fazenda Annoni, no Rio Grande do Sul. O filme aborda a sensível questão da reforma agrária no Brasil, no período de transição pós-regime militar, retratando o início de um polêmico e importante movimento social, o MST. Rose deu à luz o primeiro bebê que nasceu no acampamento e foi morta em estranho acidente. (e-Pipoca)
Heather Brooke : My battle to expose government corruption
Our leaders need to be held accountable, says journalist Heather Brooke. And she should know: Brooke uncovered the British Parliamentary financial expenses that led to a major political scandal in 2009. She urges us to ask our leaders questions through platforms like Freedom of Information requests -- and to finally get some answers.
Heather Brooke campaigns for freedom of information, requesting one secret document at a time. Full bio »
sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012
James Hansen - "Human-Made Climate Change : A Scientific, Moral and Legal Issue"
A great lecture aimed towards the general public by Dr. James ("Jim") Hansen. He gives a clear and engaged description of the science and the challenges that lies ahead. One of the best talks I've seen.
The talk was recorded at James Hansen's New Zealand tour in spring 2011 at the University of Otago, NZ.
The lecture draws much from the paper "The Case for Young People and Nature: A Path to a Healthy, Natural, Prosperous Future" by James Hansen, Pushker Kharecha, Makiko Sato, Paul Epstein, Paul J. Hearty, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, Camille Parmesan, Stefan Rahmstorf, Johan Rockstrom, Eelco J.Rohling, Jeffrey Sachs, Peter Smith, Konrad Steffen, Karina von Schuckmann, James C. Zachos. The paper can be downloaded from James Hansen's homepage : (under 2011)
Dr James E. Hansen is the director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City. He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University.
Climate Change 2012 by Peter Sinclair
Fantastic TED style talk by Peter Sinclair on climate change at the International Conference on Sustainability, Transition and Culture Change : Vision - Action - Leadership organized by Local Future non-profit and directed by Aaron Wissner.
The Rich in America : Power, Control, Wealth and the Elite Upper Class in the United States
The American upper class describes the sociological concept pertaining to the "top layer" of society in the United States. This social class is most commonly described as consisting of those with great wealth and power and may also be referred to as the Capitalist Class or simply as The Rich. Persons of this class commonly have immense influence in the nation's political and economic institutions as well as public opinion.
Many politicians, heirs to fortunes, top business executives, CEOs, successful venture capitalists and celebrities are considered members of this class. Some prominent and high-rung professionals may also be included if they attain great influence and wealth. The main distinguishing feature of this class, which is estimated to constitute roughly 1% of the population, is the source of income. While the vast majority of persons and households derive their income from salaries, those in the upper class derive their income from investments and capital gains. Estimates for the size of this group commonly vary from 1% to 2%, while some surveys have indicated that as many as 6% of Americans identify as "upper class." Sociologist Leonard Beeghley sees wealth as the only significant distinguishing feature of this class and, therefore, refers to this group simply as "the rich."
" "The members of the tiny capitalist class at the top of the hierarchy have an influence on economy and society far beyond their numbers. They make investment decisions that open or close employment opportunities for millions of others. They contribute money to political parties, and they often own media enterprises that allow them influence over the thinking of other classes... The capitalist class strives to perpetuate itself: Assets, lifestyles, values and social networks... are all passed from one generation to the next." -Dennis Gilbert, The American Class Structure, 1998 "
Sociologists such as W. Lloyd Warner, William Thompson and Joseph Hickey recognize prestige differences between members of the upper class. Established families, prominent professionals and politicians may be deemed to have more prestige than some entertainment celebrities who in turn may have more prestige than the members of local elites. Yet, contemporary sociologists argue that all members of the upper class share such great wealth, influence and assets as their main source of income as to be recognized as members of the same social class. As great financial fortune is the main distinguishing feature of this class, sociologist Leonard Beeghley at the University of Florida identifies all "rich" households, those with incomes in the top 1% or so, as upper class.
Functional theorists in sociology and economics assert that the existence of social classes is necessary in order to distribute persons so that only the most qualified are able to acquire positions of power, and so that all persons fulfill their occupational duties to the greatest extent of their ability. Notably, this view does not address wealth, which plays an important role in allocating status and power.
In order to make sure that important and complex tasks are handled by qualified and motivated personnel, society offers incentives such as income and prestige. The more scarce qualified applicants are and the more essential the given task is, the larger the incentive will be. Income and prestige which are often used to tell a person's social class, are merely the incentives given to that person for meeting all qualifications to complete an important task that is of high standing in society due to its functional value.
"It should be stressed... that a position does not bring power and prestige because it draws a high income. Rather, it draws a high income because it is functionally important and the available personnel is for one reason or another scarce. It is therefore superficial and erroneous to regard high income as the cause of a man's power and prestige, just as it is erroneous to think that a man's fever is the cause of his disease... The economic source of power and prestige is not income primarily, but the ownership of capital goods (including patents, good will, and professional reputation). Such ownership should be distinguished from the possession of consumers' goods, which is an index rather than a cause of social standing." -Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore, Principles of Stratification. "
As mentioned above, income is one of the most prominent features of social class, but not necessarily one of its causes. In other words, income does not determine the status of an individual or household but rather reflects upon that status. Income and prestige are the incentives in order to fill all positions with the most qualified and motivated personnel possible.
quinta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2012
«L'État et les banques, les dessous d'un hold-up historique» par Myret Zaki et Etienne Chouard
Nous cherchons des traducteurs-) // Vous pouvez aussi directement rejoindre le site collaboratif de traduction à cette adresse : // Plus d'informations sur la conférence // bios, sources, liens, etc..
Version audio (podcast de la conférence) :
La Fonderie Kugler présente deux conférences en partenariat avec le journal bimensuel La Cité ( - (
Myret Zaki, rédactrice en chef adjointe du magazine Bilan, «L'État, otage du secteur financier»
Étienne Chouard, professeur d'Économie-Gestion à Marseille, chercheur indépendant, «Enjeux pour le peuple du contrôle public de l'État et de la banque». Pour y accéder directement :
Modération par Fabio Lo Verso de La Cité
En complément à la conférence de Myret Zaki, un article qui revient sur les convives du dîner du 8 février 2010 :
Un autre article sur les agences de notations : Qui se cache derrière Standard & Poor's :
En complément à la conférence d'Etienne Chouard, une analyse qui questionne l'importance de la "loi de 1973" :
La réponse point par point d'Etienne Chouard :
Excellent résumé de la conférence en une page sur le blog planetisme :
Transcription écrite de la conférence réalisée par le blog creersamonnaie / (merci à eux:)
Retrouvez ces références et d'autres informations sur notre pearltree :
Noire Finance - épisode 2 : Le bal des vautours
Le second volet montre comment, à travers l'éclatement de la bulle immobilière et la crise des subprimes des années 2000, le "piège à pauvres" s'est refermé. Il décortique les rouages de la "machine à dette" et expose avec clarté les logiques boursières qui ont mené à la crise mondiale actuelle. Dénonçant l'impunité des "banksters" et leur emprise sur la classe politique occidentale (aux États-Unis, on parle même d'un "gouvernement Goldman Sachs"), les réalisateurs concluent leur enquête sur un chiffre éloquent : les principaux dirigeants financiers mondiaux totalisent 95 milliards de dollars de salaire alors qu'ils ont accumulé 1 000 milliards de perte…
Pourquoi faut-il donner de l'argent public aux banques privées en faillite ? C'est par cette question sans ambiguïté que s'ouvre ce passionnant documentaire qui, pendant plus de deux heures, nous entraîne dans les arcanes d'un système financier devenu incontrôlable. Y répondre n'était pas gagné d'avance, tant est opaque l'univers de la finance. Mais Jean-Michel Meurice et Fabrizio Calvi (déjà coauteurs pour ARTE de Série noire au Crédit Lyonnais et de ELF : les chasses au trésor) nous ont habitués depuis longtemps à traiter sous une forme accessible des dossiers complexes. Noire finance s'inscrit dans cette veine : un montage très éclairant de propos de spécialistes, émaillé de scènes d'animation, retrace l'histoire politique des déréglementations qui ont abouti à la financiarisation de l'économie mondiale, au profit d'une spéculation criminelle.
Source :;jsessionid=8DCB16792B61BA1F1D911F81EF3E0EB6.tc6v2
Noire Finance - épisode 1 : La grande pompe à phynances
Réalisateur : Jean-Michel Meurice
Auteurs : Fabrizio Calvi, Jean-Michel Meurice
Peut-on encore arrêter la finance folle ? Une enquête magistrale au cœur d'un capitalisme financier que plus personne ne maîtrise, et qui a plongé le monde dans de graves turbulences.
Dans ce premier volet, les auteurs remontent au fameux jeudi noir d'octobre 1929 à Wall Street, pour montrer comment une crise boursière se transforme en crise bancaire, qui elle-même se développe en crise économique mondiale. Des "barons voleurs" d'hier aux golden boys des années Tapie, des accords de Bretton Woods à la création de l'euro, il retrace ensuite les différentes étapes qui ont conduit à la libéralisation des flux financiers. Assurances, produits dérivés, fonds spéculatifs (hedge funds)… : les dispositifs techniques se succèdent pour accroître les profits, augmentant toujours plus le risque et la fraude systémiques.Pourquoi faut-il donner de l'argent public aux banques privées en faillite ? C'est par cette question sans ambiguïté que s'ouvre ce passionnant documentaire qui, pendant plus de deux heures, nous entraîne dans les arcanes d'un système financier devenu incontrôlable. Y répondre n'était pas gagné d'avance, tant est opaque l'univers de la finance. Mais Jean-Michel Meurice et Fabrizio Calvi (déjà coauteurs pour ARTE de Série noire au Crédit Lyonnais et de ELF : les chasses au trésor) nous ont habitués depuis longtemps à traiter sous une forme accessible des dossiers complexes. Noire finance s'inscrit dans cette veine : un montage très éclairant de propos de spécialistes, émaillé de scènes d'animation, retrace l'histoire politique des déréglementations qui ont abouti à la financiarisation de l'économie mondiale, au profit d'une spéculation criminelle.
Source :;jsessionid=8DCB16792B61BA1F1D911F81EF3E0EB6.tc6v2
La mise à mort du travail : 1) La Destruction - 2) L'Aliénation - 3) La Dépossession
Comment les logiques de rentabilité pulvérisent les liens sociaux et humains
A l'heure où certains événements bouleversent l'opinion et nous interpellent sur la place du salarié dans l'entreprise, cette série documentaire nous permet de mieux comprendre cette relation complexe entre le travail et le capital, entre des entreprises, leurs dirigeants et leurs salariés.
Dans ces trois films qui mettent en scène des caissières d'Intermarché, le patron de Carglass ou les actionnaires de Fenwick, on découvre ce qui participe de l'épanouissement des uns et de la souffrance des autres. En quoi les logiques de rentabilité des actionnaires financiers pulvérisent les liens sociaux et humains qui faisaient la force des entreprises. Pour la première fois, une série explore les méthodes de gestion dans l'entreprise. Pour la première fois, une série sur le travail parvient à allier rigueur sociologique, enquête journalistique et dramaturgie. Ce qui jusqu'alors n'était traité qu'avec une accumulation de témoignages prend ici toute sa force documentaire.
Épisode 1 : la destruction
Dans un monde où l'économie n'est plus au service de l'homme mais l'homme au service de l'économie, les objectifs de productivité et les méthodes de management poussent les salariés jusqu'au bout de leurs limites. Jamais maladies, accidents du travail, souffrances physiques et psychologiques n'ont atteint un tel niveau. Les histoires d'hommes et de femmes que nous rencontrons chez les psychologues ou les médecins du travail, à l'Inspection du Travail ou au conseil des prud'hommes nous révèlent combien il est urgent de repenser l'organisation du travail.
Épisode 2 : l'aliénation
En France, 3 salariés sur 4 travaillent dans les services. S'il il y a une crise du travail, c'est donc de là qu'il faut l'observer. Nous nous sommes installés dans une entreprise anodine, une entreprise comme il en existe aujourd'hui des dizaines de milliers dans le monde : Carglass. Mondialisée, standardisée, Carglass est une filiale du groupe anglais Belron présent dans plus de 30 pays du monde. Ici, deux crédos : une productivité maximale et un client roi totalement satisfait... Deux notions qui, aujourd'hui, dans toutes les entreprises de services du monde, imposent la mise en place d'un management de la manipulation...
Épisode 3 : la dépossession
Alors que la crise fait vaciller le capitalisme financier, La Dépossession raconte l'extraordinaire pouvoir des actionnaires sur le travail et les travailleurs. L'histoire nous transporte d'une usine Fenwick - un fabricant industriel de matériel de manutention implanté dans le centre de la France - jusqu'aux arcanes de la finance new-yorkaise. Petite entreprise française née il y a 150 ans, Fenwick est racheté en 2006 par l'un des financiers les plus redoutés des États-Unis, Henry Kravis. Un homme à la tête du fonds d'investissement KKR, dont les ventes annuelles dépassent celles de Coca-cola, Disney et Microsoft cumulées. Avec ce rachat, pour les salariés français de Fenwick, la donne va radicalement changer. Cette même histoire se déroule dans des dizaines de milliers d'entreprises à travers le monde...
Source :
[ Infrarouge ] Un Humain Presque Parfait HD 720 P
Aujourd'hui les progrès de la science sont tels qu'ils nous permettent d'imaginer un humain "augmenté". Pour la première fois de notre histoire, nous avons la possibilité de modifier radicalement ce que seront nos enfants, et nos petits-enfants. Dans les laboratoires, un nouvel individu, partiellement reconfiguré, est en train d'être imaginé, testé... fabriqué. Bientôt, promettent certains scientifiques, nous considérerons l'Homo Sapiens (c'est à dire nous !) comme une version charmante, certes, mais totalement démodée ! L'Homo Technologicus sera tellement mieux ! C'est précisément ce que propose le marché de l'amélioration de l'être. Le temps est venu, disent ses promoteurs, de passer à la vitesse supérieure : un corps parfait et sans âge, un cerveau infaillible, une reproduction maîtrisée, et à terme... l'immortalité. Quitte à acheter quelques pièces détachées pour faire du "tuning" avec notre propre corps comme certains le font avec leur automobile. Voyage à la recherche de cet homme du futur... hybride mi-homme mi-machine, humain génétiquement modifié. Un homme presque parfait.
Documentaire. Réalisé par Cécile Denjean.
Produit par Pascal Dupont, Martine Michon et Woods TV - Dissidents. Avec la participation de France Télévisions, Planète et Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image animée. Avec le soutien du Programme MEDIA de l'Union Européenne, de la Procirep Angoa et de la Région Rhône-Alpes.
Pierre Rabhi : « La croissance est un problème, pas une solution »
Par Agnès Rousseaux,
Ivan du Roy (7 mai 2012)
Pierre Rabhi : « Si nous nous accrochons à notre modèle de société, c’est le dépôt de bilan planétaire »
Et si, après une stressante campagne électorale, on respirait un peu ? Quelle société voulons-nous aujourd’hui construire ? « La croissance est un problème, pas une solution », affirme Pierre Rabhi, paysan-philosophe. Face à la disparition des questions écologiques dans le débat politique, et à la frénésie marchande qui nous a pris en otages, il invite à repenser la vie sur un mode à la fois « sobre et puissant ». Et à inventer, pour éviter des explosions sociales et un chaos généralisé, un autre modèle de civilisation. Entretien.
Pierre Rabhi : « Si nous nous accrochons à notre modèle de société, c’est le dépôt de bilan planétaire »
Et si, après une stressante campagne électorale, on respirait un peu ? Quelle société voulons-nous aujourd’hui construire ? « La croissance est un problème, pas une solution », affirme Pierre Rabhi, paysan-philosophe. Face à la disparition des questions écologiques dans le débat politique, et à la frénésie marchande qui nous a pris en otages, il invite à repenser la vie sur un mode à la fois « sobre et puissant ». Et à inventer, pour éviter des explosions sociales et un chaos généralisé, un autre modèle de civilisation. Entretien.
Basta ! : Vous défendez une société de la sobriété. Les crises actuelles et l’austérité qui menace vont-elles permettre de remettre en question le système économique dans lequel nous vivons ?
Pierre Rabhi [1] : Je ne me réjouis pas de cette situation, mais je me dis finalement que l’être humain a besoin d’entrer dans des impasses pour mieux comprendre. Les impasses peuvent soit finir sur un chaos généralisé, soit permettre d’initier autre chose. Le chaos est tout à fait possible : une sorte de cocotte-minute d’incertitudes et d’inquiétudes est en train de miner les âmes et les consciences. Qu’une seule ville explose et toute la France explose. Le problème aujourd’hui n’est pas de se réjouir de cela, mais de voir ce qu’on peut tirer de cette évolution. Notre modèle de société montre son inadéquation, son incapacité à continuer. Si nous nous y accrochons, ce sera le dépôt de bilan planétaire. Tous les pays émergents veulent vivre à la moderne. Où va-t-on puiser les ressources ? ... [Lire la suite]
Neuromarketing : votre cerveau les intéresse
" Vous risquez de ne plus jamais aller faire vos courses de la même manière"
Les marques sont de plus en plus nombreuses à scruter le cerveau de leurs clients. A l'aide d'IRM ou d'électroencéphalogramme, elles se livrent à des études sur le subconscient pour pousser à acheter. C'est le «neuromarketing», une pratique interdite. Mac Donald a notamment expérimenté des odeurs artificielles sur des cerveaux de consommateurs. Un géant de l'industrie cosmétique, un service public et le secteur bancaire sont eux-aussi démasqués.
Pour vous frapper au porte-monnaie, les grandes marques ont une arme infaillible : choyer votre cerveau en le bombardant d'émotions positives — effluves agréables diffusés dans les restaurants, rires provoqués par les messages publicitaires, cadeaux offerts dans les menus « enfant »... Ainsi stimulé — et leurré —, le cerveau du consommateur produit de l'endorphine, l'hormone du plaisir. Et associe, dès lors, le passage en caisse à un acte procurant une sensation de bien-être. Une aubaine pour qui a quelque chose à vous vendre.
Pratique tenue secrète, le neuromarketing s'appuie sur des technologies réservées d'ordinaire à la médecine et à la recherche scientifique. En France, pourtant, l'usage de l'IRM à des fins commerciales est strictement interdit par la loi.
Visiblement notre cerveau primitif prend des décisions, (j'aime, j'aime pas) et finalement la conscience vient inhiber cette décision avec la manipulation des images.
António Borges, o mesmo que se propõe vender Portugal a retalho, em entrevista à BBC.
Alfredo Pereira
António Borges, o mesmo que se propõe vender Portugal a retalho, tenta mostrar ao entrevistador que os fins justificam os meios e o neoliberalismo é o caminho. Só não contava ser arrasado pelo jornalista da BBC, Stephen Sackur.
(publicado no dia em que apregoa, qual varina dos mercados, que a dívida portuguesa é linda: lá está, oportunidades de mercado)
Fonte :
Para Todos La 2 - Economía del bien común (Christian Felber)
Piratas de Galicia
Corte do programa "Para todos La 2" onde Christian Felber explica que é a economía do ben común.
Richard Heinberg : The End of Growth - Auckland, New Zealand, September 2012
Richard Heinberg is a Senior Fellow of the Post Carbon Institute and is widely regarded as one of the world's foremost Peak Oil educators. He is the author of ten books including End of Growth.
Richard brought his challenging and compelling messages on resilience, sustainability and a healthy future to Auckland on September 30, 2012. He asked and answered some of the most challenging questions we face today.
Christian Felber : La Economía del Bien Común - Conferencia en Alcoy
Conferencia de Christian Felber sobre la Economía del Bien Común- Alcoy, Febrero de 2012.
Producido por TV Alcoy y AttacTV.
Common Welfare Economy - Christian Felber
Edda Dietrich
The "Common Welfare Economy" ( comprises the basic elements of an alternative economic framework. It employs three approaches:
1. Market values and social values should no longer oppose each other. The same values that contribute to fulfilling interpersonal relationships should be awarded in the economy.
2. Conformity with the constitution. The economy should function in accordance with the values and objectives established by the constitutions of western democracies, which is currently not the case.
3. Economic success should no longer be measured with monetary indicators (financial profit, GDP), but by what is really important, i.e. utility values (basic needs, quality of life, communal values)
Market values and social values should no longer oppose each other.
The first draft of this model, including the Common Welfare Balance Sheet, was developed between 2009 and 2010 by a dozen entrepreneurs from Austria.
Practical Implementation
In the fiscal year 2011, 60 companies in three countries created the Common Welfare Balance Sheet. They were supported and advised by Common Welfare Consultants; auditors reviewed the Common Welfare Balance Sheet. Towards the end of 2011, the number of pioneers has risen to 150; over 500 companies from 13 countries support the overall process of the Common Welfare Economy.
Overall Process
Increasingly, different working parties are forming around the model and the pioneer companies. Editors, scientists, speakers, ambassadors, ... numerous people offer their skills and knowledge in order to contribute to the joint development of the Common Welfare Economy.
Energy Fields and Communities
In eight countries: Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Spain, Argentina and Honduras -- Energy Fields (regional support groups) have emerged. They surround supporting companies and communicate the idea in their local area. There have been the first requests by communities to become a Common Welfare Community.
Open Process
The model of the Common Welfare Economy is based on two core elements: the Common Welfare Balance Sheet and the 20 Cornerstones. By constantly integrating feedback, we have continually readjusted the model and will do so in the years to come. At the end of this process, economic conventions need to take place, first on a communal level, then on a nationwide level. By popular vote, parts of the model shall be anchored in the constitution.
Everyone can contribute to the Common Welfare Economy with their specific skills or interests -- be it as a company, as a consumer, as a working party or as an Energy Field, in schools and universities or in residential communities. Every day their number grows. Join the process!
quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012
Getting Real about Food & the Future
The growing oil, water, and climate
crises threaten food security in all communities. This new film by Chris
Bedford looks at the deeper issues of food security and community
survival in this new age of global chaos and scarcity. "Getting Real
about Food & the Future" features the wisdom of John McKnight, Bill
McDonough, Lester Brown, Bob Costanza, and David Korten in a 30 minute
film designed for use in classrooms, meetings, and conferences.
David Korten : From Empire to Earth Community
Joe Friendly
David Korten author of "When Corporations Rule the World" on "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community" author and co-founder of Yes! Magazine, explains our need for fundamental economic and political change. Event June 14, 2006 at The Unitarian Church of All Souls in NYC. Co-sponsored by the Peace Task Force of All Souls; The Open Center; Business Leaders for Responsible Priorities; The Unitarian Universalist United Nations Office; The First Unitarian Congregational Society in Brooklyn; and the Action for Justice Committee of Community Church of NY.
Building An Economy That Works For All, with Marjorie Kelly and David Korten
Thursday Oct. 11, 2012 at University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle
David C. Korten, 75, Author of "When Corporations Rule the World", "The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community". Economist, and former Professor at Harvard Business School, political activist, prominent critic of corporate globalization, and "by training and inclination a student of psychology and behavioral systems".
Marjorie Kelly, 59, (Tellus Institute, Cutting Edge Capital, and Corporation 20/20), is author of the new book, Owning Our Future: The Emerging Ownership Revolution. She advises private businesses on ownership and capital design for social mission. Kelly was co-founder and for 20 years president of Business Ethics magazine, best known for its listing of the 100 Best Corporate Citizens. Her first book was award-winning "The Divine Right of Capital"
Gar Alperovitz, Seattle - Oct 3, 2012
Gar Alperovitz, Seattle Town Hall - Oct 3, 2012 immediately after the public screening of the presidential debate between Romney and Obama.
terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012
A Experiência - Dobrado PT- BR (Completo)
Uma equipe de cientistas arregimenta 20 presos para uma experiência psicológica em troca de um prêmio em dinheiro. Os prisioneiros são divididos em dois grupos: oito deles fazem o papel de guardas e os outros 12, de internos. As cobaias são isoladas numa área da penitenciária onde certas regras devem ser obedecidas e mantidas pelos guardas. No início, a camaradagem reina no ambiente. Mas a violência não tarda a explodir quando um ex-repórter disfarçado de preso lidera um motim. Os guardas reagem com brutalidade crescente. O conflito se agrava com a morte de um dos presos e a captura dos cientistas que criaram o projeto.
Título no Brasil: A Experiência
Título Original: Das Experiment
País de Origem: Alemanha
Gênero: Suspense
Tempo de Duração: 119 minutos
Ano de Lançamento: 2001
Das Experiment (El experimento)
Das Experiment (El Experimento) es una película alemana de 2001 dirigida por Oliver Hirschbiegel. La cinta, un drama de suspenso, se basa en el libro The Black Box de Mario Giordano, que a su vez toma como inspiración el famoso «Experimento de la cárcel de Stanford» llevado a cabo en 1971.
Manuel Castells : The Global Financial Crisis and Alternative Economic Cultures | The New School
Study non-profit management, urban and environmental policy, human resources, and international affairs at the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy, a part of The New School in New York City. Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy |
Manuel Castells, university professor and the Wallis Annenberg Chair in Communication Technology and Society at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles will speak on "The financial crisis from 2008-2012 and the response from the grassroots: alternative economic cultures and social movements." Professor Castells will provide an analysis of the economic crisis, and then explore the relationship between social movements such as Occupy Wall Street and alternative cultures.
Professor Castells is also research professor at the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona, and professor emeritus, University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of 22 academic books and editor or co-author of 21 additional books, as well as over 100 articles in academic journals. He has received numerous awards including most recently the Holberg International Memorial Prize; the Guggenheim Fellowship; the C. Wright Mills Award from the American Society for the Study of Social Problems; the Robert and Helen Lynd Award from the American Sociological Association for his lifelong contribution to community and urban sociology; the Kevin Lynch Award of Urban Design from M.I.T; the Medal of Urbanism from the City of Madrid; the Eric Schelling Prize of Architectural Theory from the Eric Schelling Foundation, Germany; and the Compostela Award from the Compostela Association of Universities, Spain's National Prize of Sociology and Political Science.
Time for Change (Bregtje van der Haak, VPRO Backlight 2010)
Meet the new revolutionaries of the Do-It-Yourself cultures in Barcelona, Tallin and Jakarta. They are modern day heroes. They do not wait for political parties or institutions to change their world; they simply do it themselves, by creating new local currencies, by working in social networks or by simply robbing the banks and redistributing their money.
The world economy is in crisis and public trust in financial institutions has hit rock bottom. As commercial banks were bailed out with billions of taxpayers money and continued to practice their old vices, many people lost faith in bank managers and politicians. They got angry at the speculative financial system that brings extreme wealth to a few and instability and unemployment to many.
Could this dissatisfaction lead to social change? Can we imagine viable alternatives? Backlight goes on a worldwide search, with sociologist Manuel Castells and philosopher Peter Sloterdijk.
Another Life Is Possible - Homage to Catalonia II
A documentary, a research project, a story of stories about the construction of a sustainable, solidary and decentralized economy. Weaving nets that overcome the individualization and the hierarchical division of work. Thousands of people every day all over the world. Here and now.
"Homage to Catalonia II" is a documentary that is part of an academic research project. We investigate new economic cultures, new forms of living and of understanding the economy. For the IN 3, the High School Institute of Research of the University Open to Catalonia.
We study the social impact of the economics|economies that do not follow the patterns of the market, where profits are the priority, and that have the satisfaction of the needs and the desires for the persons as a goal.
A project of Joana Conill, Manuel Castells and Àlex Ruiz produced by IN3 under a Creative Commons license. This is the English version, there are also versions in Catalan and Spanish.
"Homage to Catalonia II" is a tool for research. Not a finished, conclusive and closed work, but a work in progress. We want this documentary to be open to everybody, in and out of the university realm, that's why it has a Creative Commons license.
Genetic Roulette : The Gamble of Our Lives
Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet?
When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology.
After two decades, physicians and scientists have uncovered a grave trend. The same serious health problems found in lab animals, livestock, and pets that have been fed GM foods are now on the rise in the US population. And when people and animals stop eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their health improves.
This seminal documentary provides compelling evidence to help explain the deteriorating health of Americans, especially among children, and offers a recipe for protecting ourselves and our future.
More information can be found at: and
Johan Rockstrom : Let the environment guide our development
Human growth has strained the Earth's resources, but as Johan Rockstrom reminds us, our advances also give us the science to recognize this and change behavior. His research has found nine "planetary boundaries" that can guide us in protecting our planet's many overlapping ecosystems.
Introducing 'The Doughnut' of social and planetary boundaries for development
Kate Raworth, Senior Researcher at Oxfam Great Britain introduces her discussion paper "A Safe and Just Space for Humanity: can we live within the doughnut?" Join the debate at
This discussion paper is an exploration of what such a model of prosperity might look like.
It presents a visual framework -- shaped like a doughnut -- which brings the concept of planetary boundaries together with the complementary concept of social boundaries, creating a safe and just space between the two, in which humanity can thrive.
Download the paper at
Join the conversation with Kate Raworth at
James Galbraith : Inequality and Macroeconomics Dynamics 3/5
James Galbraith, Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government and Business Relations, University of Texas speaking at the panel entitled "The Impact of Inequality on Macroeconomics Dynamics" at the Institute for New Economic Thinking's (INET) Paradigm Lost Conference in Berlin. April 14, 2012.
"Uneconomic growth" Herman Daly (Right Livelihood Award 1996) WWF
WWF Sweden made this film with Right Livelihood Award Laureate Herman Daly (RLA 1996).
Peter Victor : Managing the Global Commons 1/5
Peter Victor, Professor in Environmental Studies, York University at the panel entitled "Managing the Global Commons: Growth, Inequality, and New Thinking for Sustainable Economics" at the Institute for New Economic Thinking's (INET) Paradigm Lost Conference in Berlin. April 14, 2012.
Ecocity2011 - Peter Victor : Managing without Growth
SPEAKER: P. Victor. York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Toronto, Canada
TITLE: Managing without Growth
WHERE: At the Ecocity World Summit Montréal 2011, during the keynote "Economics of Ecocities"
WHEN: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Economic growth is the over-arching policy objective of governments worldwide. Yet its long-term viability is increasingly questioned because of environmental impacts and impending and actual shortages of energy and material resources. Furthermore, rising incomes in rich countries bear little relation to gains in happiness and well-being. Growth has not eliminated poverty, brought full employment or protected the environment. Results from a simulation model of the Canadian economy suggest that it is possible to have full employment, eradicate poverty, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain fiscal balance without economic growth. It's time to turn our attention away from pursuing growth and towards specific objectives more directly relating to our well-being and that of the planet.
segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2012
Debunking Money - The Way the World Really Works - Full Length - Damon Vrabel
Damon has had two fairly different lives—one as an overachiever serving the financial empire, and another as a hopeful advocate for the victims of the empire: local community, indigenous population, the American republic, and the individual heart. He graduated from the United States Military Academy, served as an officer in the US Army, then graduated from Harvard Business School, took a short detour on Wall Street, and had a career in Silicon Valley in several leadership positions in technology corporations. Since leaving empire service, he became a mountaineer, attended Mars Hill Graduate School, and now works toward redemption as a writer and post-neoclassical economic philosopher.
Damon can be reached at:
See the beginnings of his course on Renaissance 2.0 here :
RAP NEWS 16: OBAMA v ROMNEY - the Final Presidential Debate
thejuicemedia Juice Rap News - Episode 16: Electile Dysfunction. It's nearing the end of 2012, and bastion of world democracy (The United States of America) is displaying its free and open process of elections for the world to observe. As is customary every four years, the rigorous selection process has served up a number of philosopher kings and queens from which to choose. But why have so many choices when with a bit of effort you can whittle it down to two candidates and let the people pick from those? Especially when it makes for such scintillating debates. Join Juice Rap News stalwart host Robert Foster as he shares his dreams for the Presidential Debates... and then receives something of a rude awakening.
- Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home-studio in Melbourne, Australia - on Wurundjeri Land.
- We would like to express our deep gratitude to our donors whose generosity has made this episode possible. SUPPORT the creation of new episodes of Juice Rap News, an independent show which relies on private donations: -
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