terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Ralph Nader urging the Super-Rich to Save US

Ralph Nader offers the vision of some of our super-rich changing the political narrative and returning Congress to the people. He talks up his new book, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us, imagining in detail what 18 of the super-rich could be urged to accomplish, selecting those who already have demonstrated an interest in saving our society. At All Souls Unitarian Church NYC, March 12, 2010, camera: joefriendly 

Ralph Nader Q and A after Super-Rich Save Us Talk 

Ralph with his usual brilliance handles some hostile questions, like how can we trust people who managed to get rich by immoral means. Answer: in their twilight years some of the super-rich have demonstrated a willingness to pay back society and actually do good deeds.