Author of Blowback, The Sorrows Of Empire and Nemesis: The Last Days Of The American Empire, Chalmers Johnson has literally written the book on the concept of American Hegemony. A former naval officer and consultant of the C.I.A., he now serves as professor Emeritus at UC San Diego. As co-founder and President of the Japan Policy Research Institute, Mr. Johnson also continues to promote public education about Asia's role in the international community.
In this exclusive interview, you will find out why the practice of empire building is, by no means, a thing of the past. As the United States continues to expand its military forces around the globe, the consequences are being suffered by each and every one of us.
Las mujeres conforman el 52% de la población mundial y soportan el 40% del Producto Interior Bruto. El vídeo “Invisibles”, que ha realizado La Antena Sociedad Cooperativa Valenciana para la comisión de género de ATTAC, pone de manifiesto cómo el sistema neoliberal imperante consolida y apuntala la estructura patriarcal y un modelo de poder, en el que las mujeres no tienen cabida, a pesar de estas cifras. La actual coyuntura de crisis económica está demostrando que el capitalismo no funciona. Esta crisis es una oportunidad única para cambiar el sistema con todas las aportaciones que las mujeres pueden ofrecer tras siglos y siglos de invisibilidad. Existen alternativas muy claras por parte de las mujeres para empezar a pensar que Otro mundo es posible.
Oportunidades e desafios para transformar a sociedade através da economia solidária em um mundo onde é agora evidente a insustentabilidade do sistema capitalista financeiro, promovido e apoiado pelos próprios governos. Euclides André Mance, entre os principais teóricos das redes de economia solidária, do IFIL (Instituto de Filosofia da Libertação) e, explica como a economia pode desempenhar um papel de apoio em influenciar e reorientar as políticas públicas para uma economia baseada em valores sociais, ambiental e bem-viver.
Paul Ariès, l'un des pères de la "décroissance", rencontré par nos correspondants alpins lors d'une conférence dans l'entre-deux-tours des régionales, revient sur ses propositions de rupture avec le productivisme. Il expose aussi ses différents avec l'étoile de l'écologie politique française du moment, Dany Cohn-Bendit, en se positionnant par rapport aux différentes forces politiques de "gauche".
Et si l'effondrement environnemental était une chance pour inventer une gauche antiproductiviste et optimiste où l'on apprendrait à vivre beaucoup mieux avec beaucoup moins ?
C'est en substance le message porté par Paul Ariès, professeur de science politique et théoricien de la décroissance, à destination des partis politiques de gauche dans son dernier ouvrage La simplicité volontaire contre le mythe de l'abondance. En fait, la question de la décroissance traverse aujourd'hui l'ensemble des courants de gauche, et plus seulement la mouvance écologiste. C'est que l'idée selon laquelle il fallait toujours faire croître le gâteau (PIB) avant de pouvoir le répartir plus équitablement est désormais désuète puisqu'il est de plus en plus évident qu’il n’est pas possible d’avoir une croissance infinie dans un monde fini.
Le 19 mars dernier, Paul Ariès était l'invité d'une conférence-débat organisé par Les Amis de la Terre à Annecy, Devant plus de 200 personnes, il a tenté de convaincre de l'urgence et de la nécessité de rompre avec le productivisme, "fossoyeur de notre humanité", pour changer de société. Un discours bien rôdé qui pulvérise les idéologies du progrès et de la croissance, et qui n'a pas laissé sans réaction le public, en témoigne les deux heures de débat qui ont suivi. A l'issue de ce dernier, nous sommes allés poser quelques questions à Paul Ariès...
Interview : Elodie Chabert
Images et montage : Mikaël Chambru
Eric R. Kandel, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, examines whether the brain's two major memory systems, implicit and explicit, have any common features. Implicit and explicit memory both have a short-term component lasting minutes, such as remembering the telephone number you just looked up, and a long-term component that lasts days, weeks, or a lifetime, such as remembering your mother's birthday. Short-term memory is mediated by modifications of existing proteins, leading to temporary changes in the strength of communication between nerve cells. In contrast, long-term memory involves alterations of gene expression, synthesis of new proteins and growth of new synaptic connections.
Eric R. Kandel, Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, probes into the mind to demonstrate how it is much more complex than just a series of processes carried out by the brain. The brain produces our every emotional, intellectual and athletic act. It allows us to acquire new facts and skills, and to remember them for as long as a lifetime. Memory exists in two major forms, each located in different brain regions. Explicit memory is for people, places, and objects. In contrast, implicit memory serves perceptual and motor skills. In concert, these two memory systems help make us who we are.
Chris Hedges spoke to the The 8th Annual Western Regional International Health Conference on War and Global Health, in Seattle April 23, 2010. In this powerful and significant talk, Chris gets across the message of his 2002 book by the same name, better than ever. Event cosponsored by the Department of Global Health in the UW School of Medicine and the School of Public Health, Physicians for Social Responsibility and others.
In Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth, economist and bestselling author Juliet B. Schor offers a groundbreaking intellectual statement about the economics and sociology of ecological decline, suggesting a radical change in how we think about consumer goods, value, and ways to live.
Humans are degrading the planet far faster than they are regenerating it. As we travel along this shutdown path, food, energy, transport and consumer goods are becoming increasingly expensive. The economic downturn that has accompanied the ecological crisis has led to another type of scarcity: incomes, jobs, and credit are also in short supply. Our usual way back to growth — a debt-financed consumer boom — is no longer an option our households, or planet, can afford.
Responding to our current moment, Plenitude puts sustainability at its core, but it is not a paradigm of sacrifice. Instead it’s an argument that through a major shift to new sources of wealth, green technologies, and different ways of living, individuals and the country as a whole can actually be better off and more economically secure.
And as Schor observes, Plenitude is already emerging. In pockets around the country and the world, people are busy creating lifestyles that offer a way out of the work and spend cycle. These pioneers’ lives are scarce in conventional consumer goods and rich in the newly abundant resources of time, information, creativity and community. Urban farmers, D.I.Y renovators, Craig’s List users, cob builders — all are spreading their risk and establishing novel sources of income and outlets for procuring consumer goods. Taken together, these trends represent a movement away from the conventional market and offer a way toward an efficient, rewarding life in an era of high prices and traditional resource scarcity.
Based on recent developments in economic theory, social analysis, and ecological design, as well as evidence from the cutting edge people and places putting these ideas into practice, Plenitude is a road map for the next two decades. In encouraging us to value our gifts — nature, community, intelligence, and time — Schor offers the opportunity to participate in creating a world of wealth and well-being.
Frédéric Lordon est un économiste spécialisé dans la finance. C'est un économiste hors cadre, d'inspiration marxiste, dit-il lui même. Pédago, caustique et plein d'humour, ses analyses sont des bouffées d'air frais, mais il refuse la plupart des interviews dans les grands médias, et les accuse d'adopter la "stratégie de la vaseline". Il s'en explique lors d'un débat organisé par ACRIMED, l'association critique des médias, puis chez lui, où nous l'avons rencontré .
sábado, 29 de maio de 2010
Entrevistamos a José Luis Sampedro en Jaca.
Nos Habla de sus novelas, de su relación con Zaragoza, de sus proyectos
Talk at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists and book signing.
Parenti spares no punches in taking a look at religion's dark side and how that interplays with politics.
El economista y escritor José Luis Sampedro asegura que "si no se hacen ciertas cosas, volveremos a otra crisis cuando salgamos de ésta". Además, aboga por un "cambio de sistema", porque, a su juicio, el actual está "descompuesto"
Que el mundo esta “patas arriba” ya lo sabemos…
¿Que otro mundo es posible...? ¡Lo intentaremos!
Varias historias en las que sus protagonistas nos cuentan cómo han abierto caminos alternativos para transformar esta realidad a través de la propuesta, creando alternativas locales con criterios democráticos, ecológicos y solidarios.
Lo que se supone que es una utopía, hoy forma su día a día. Esto no es cuento… Es el mundo que llevamos dentro.
Cooperativa "Del Campo a Casa", Cooperativa "Rebelión en la Huerta", Central Piurana de Cafetaleros (CEPICAFE), Comisión de Comercio Justo de la Federación Aragonesa de Solidaridad, Grupo "La Veloz" Sociedad Cooperativa, Red de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria de Aragón (REAS), "El Esqueje" Cooperativa (Bar "Birosta"), Centro de Tiempo Libre "El Trébol", Centro de Rehabilitación Psicosocial "Parque Delicias", Asociación Financiación Solidaria y Cooperativa de Servicios Financieros COOP57 Aragón.
Dirección: Susana Ortega Díaz
Coordinación y asesoramiento: José Manuel Fandos y Javier Estella Rabal.
Equipo técnico: Eva Esteban Pina, Charo de la Varga
Sánchez, Pedro Paredes Arpa, Lucas Rubio Albizu y Carlos Carvajal Polo.
Ilustraciones y diseño portada: David Núñez Carabantes.
Música: Emilio Perdices Villanueva. Tema final con la letra y voz de Pepa y guitarra de Sergio Segura.
Narradora: Lourdes Azón Belarre.
Duración: 42 minutos.
Año: 2007-2008.
Realizado en el II Curso de Documental Social. Centro Joaquín Roncal (Zaragoza) con la colaboración de REAS Aragón y COOP 57 Aragón.
L'eurodéputé Daniel Cohn-Bendit s'exprime avec force sur l'aide financière à la Grèce. O eurodeputado dos Verdes Daniel Cohn-Bendit fala com inusitada força ante o Parlamento Europeu.
El filósofo Michel Serres da una lección concisa de ecología anti-publicidad: una lucha inteligente para el medio ambiente debería empezar con cuidar nuestros deseos, nuestro universo mental.
Filósofos, artistas y activistas pueden ayudarnos en esa tarea.
Le philosophe Michel Serres donne une leçon concise d´écologie anti publicité: une lutte intelligente pour l'environnement devrait commencer en prenant soin de nos désirs, de notre univers mental.
Philosophes, artistes et activistes peuvent nous aider dans cette tâche.
Primeros minutos de un debate televisivo en una televisión francesa encontrado en el canal de Halo2pc, en que se charla con el politólogo y gran inspirador del movimiento por el decrecimiento Paul Ariès.
En esencia, la idea de Ariès sería que, dado que hoy día trabajo implica producción y el subsiguiente poder adquisitivo implica consumo, la cantidad de trabajo humano que el planeta puede soportar es limitada, y habrá que plantearse cómo se reparte el trabajo o el beneficio resultante del trabajo innecesario.
El discurso de Ariès puede parecer utópico, pero es realizable con las herramientas que conocemos, y los planteamientos del movimiento por el decrecimiento serían una solución factible a los problemas de limitación de recursos a que nos vemos destinados.
No obstante, y desafortunadamente, lo más probable es que los países ricos no logren dar el auténtico cambio de valores que se debe dar para organizar una sociedad en que no sea la posibilidad de lucro y acumulación lo que confiere motivación para la gran mayoría de sus actividades. La civilización occidental debe acabar de consumirse.
Con motivo de las Jornadas de Economía Crítica organizadas en MAdrid por Economistas sin Fronteras, Attac y Plataforma 2015, AttacTv entrevista a Alejandro Nadal Egea, Doctor en Economía por la Unoiversidad de París y Profesor de Teoría Económica del Colegio de México.
Más contenidos en
Entrevista realizada por Béatrice Turpin para AttacTV en París / Mayo 2010.
Susan George nos habla sobre la crisis, Islandia, Grecia y Europa.
Interview by Béatrice Turpin for AttacTV. Susan George speaks about the crisis, Iceland, Greek and Europe.
WallaceCenter This talk is one in a series from the 2010 EcoFarm Preconference: The Business of Sustainability. The PreConference was organized by the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz, and sponsored in part by the Wallace Center at Winrock International as part of its Community Food Enterprise project. Additional resources, including the complete PreConference agenda and several of the presenters powerpoint presentations are available on the CASFS website.
This talk is one in a series from the 2010 EcoFarm Preconference: The Business of Sustainability. The PreConference was organized by the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz, and sponsored in part by the Wallace Center at Winrock International as part of its Community Food Enterprise project. Additional resources, including the complete PreConference agenda and several of the presenters powerpoint presentations are available on the CASFS website.
With the costs of higher education spiraling out of control, the rise of for-profit colleges, and more students enrolled in online classes than ever before, it's clear that a sea change is coming. People have more options for alternative education even as they continue to be priced out of traditional institutions. Anya Kamenetz describes the shifting landscape of higher education in this extended clip.
Guns and Butter - The New Junk Economics: From Democracy to Neoliberal Oligarchy - February 10, 2010 at 1:00pm
"The New Junk Economics: From Democracy to Neoliberal Oligarchy" with financial economist and historian, Dr. Michael Hudson. We discuss the Federal Reserve; money as debt; Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's misconception of the causes of the great depression of the 1930's; classical political economy versus anti-classical, so-called "neoclassical", economics; the labor theory of value; the dollar carry trade; government deficit spending; Greece.
Elinor Ostrom, cowinner of 2009 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Winner of the 2006 William H. Riker Book Award, Political Economy Section, American Political Science Association Elinor Ostrom, winner of the 2005 James Madison Award, American Political Science Association
The analysis of how institutions are formed, how they operate and change, and how they influence behavior in society has become a major subject of inquiry in politics, sociology, and economics. A leader in applying game theory to the understanding of institutional analysis, Elinor Ostrom provides in this book a coherent method for undertaking the analysis of diverse economic, political, and social institutions.
Understanding Institutional Diversity explains the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, which enables a scholar to choose the most relevant level of interaction for a particular question. This framework examines the arena within which interactions occur, the rules employed by participants to order relationships, the attributes of a biophysical world that structures and is structured by interactions, and the attributes of a community in which a particular arena is placed.
The book explains and illustrates how to use the IAD in the context of both field and experimental studies. Concentrating primarily on the rules aspect of the IAD framework, it provides empirical evidence about the diversity of rules, the calculation process used by participants in changing rules, and the design principles that characterize robust, self-organized resource governance institutions.
"Understanding Institutional Diversity is a comprehensive book on the management of the common pool. It includes overviews of major theoretical issues and empirical studies. Anyone who is interested in how common-pool problems are or are not successfully resolved by locally devised arrangement should read it."--Gary D. Libecap, The Independent Review
"This will undoubtedly be a very popular, much-assigned, and much-cited magnum opus."--Carl Simon, University of Michigan
"What emerges from Elinor Ostrom's book is precisely what the title suggests---an understanding of the diverse nature of institutions that exist in human societies to promote human cooperation or to hinder it. This is a significant work by one of the most thoughtful social scientists in the world and it will attract a large number of readers and enlighten them."--Peter Boettke, George Mason University
Directed, Written, Shot, and Edited by Leah Temper and Claudia Medina
The economic crash of 2008 revealed not only the frailty and vulnerability of the economic system, it also showed the false basis that the growth economy is built on – the financial bubble grows bigger and crashes bigger, but we don't seem to be getting any happier. To the contrary, we suffer from greater job insecurity and environmental chaos threatens.
The prescription from the mainstream economists is more growth – but is this just taking more of what ails us?
Has growth become uneconomic?
Is there another way?
This film is part of an ongoing project to document the rise of a new movement – calling not for more economic growth, but LESS. The degrowth movement, or "mouvement por le decroissance", argues that through a voluntary reduction of the economy we can work less, consume less and live better, fuller lives.
Many have been pointing out that our current economic system is leading us to an environmental
and social catastrophe. "Life After Growth" begins to point to the people and communities who are looking for ways out. These are the pioneers who are rethinking the role of economics in our lives, and are engaging in different types of economic activity, right now.
The D word is still taboo in many circles – politicians are loath to go against the growth orthodoxy that our society is based on. But everywhere people are engaging in degrowth type activity - the beginning of a wave that is laying the groundwork for a post-capitalist future...
Because it's not the size of the economy that counts, it's how you use it!
Peu importe nos croyances ou nos idées politiques, le système mis en place dans notre monde libre repose sur l'accord tacite d'une sorte de contrat passé avec chacun d'entre nous, dont voici dans les grandes lignes le contenu :
1) J'accepte la compétition comme base de notre système, même si j'ai conscience que ce fonctionnement engendre frustration et colère pour l'immense majorité des perdants,
2) J'accepte d'être humilié ou exploité a condition qu'on me permette a mon tour d'humilier ou d'exploiter quelqu'un occupant une place inférieure dans la pyramide sociale,
3) J'accepte l'exclusion sociale des marginaux, des inadaptés et des faibles car je considère que le prise en charge de la société a ses limites,
4) J'accepte de rémunérer les banques pour qu'elles investissent mes salaires à leur convenance, et qu'elles ne me reversent aucun dividende de leurs gigantesques profits (qui serviront a dévaliser les pays pauvres, ce que j'accepte implicitement). J'accepte aussi qu'elle prélèvent une forte commission pour me prêter de l'argent qui n'est autre que celui des autres clients,
5) J'accepte que l'on congèle et que l'on jette des tonnes de nourriture pour ne pas que les cours s'écroulent, plutôt que de les offrir aux nécessiteux et de permettre à quelques centaines de milliers de personnes de ne pas mourir de faim chaque année,
6) J'accepte qu'il soit interdit de mettre fin à ses jours rapidement, en revanche je tolère qu'on le fasse lentement en inhalant ou ingérant des substances toxiques autorisées par les états,
7) J'accepte que l'on fasse la guerre pour faire régner la paix. J'accepte qu'au nom de la paix, la première dépense des états soit le budget de la défense. J'accepte donc que des conflits soient créés artificiellement pour écouler les stocks d'armes et faire tourner l'économie mondiale,
8) J'accepte l'hégémonie du pétrole dans notre économie, bien qu'il s'agisse d'une énergie coûteuse et polluante, et je suis d'accord pour empêcher toute tentative de substitution, s'il s'avérait que l'on découvre un moyen gratuit et illimité de produire de l'énergie, ce qui serait notre perte,
9) J'accepte que l'on condamne le meurtre de son prochain, sauf si les états décrètent qu'il s'agit d'un ennemi et nous encouragent à le tuer,
10) J'accepte que l'on divise l'opinion publique en créant des partis de droite et de gauche qui passeront leur temps à se combattre en me donnant l'impression de faire avancer le système. j'accepte d'ailleurs toutes sortes de divisions possibles, pourvu qu'elles me permettent de focaliser ma colère vers les ennemis désignés dont on agitera le portrait devant mes yeux,
11) J'accepte que le pouvoir de façonner l'opinion publique, jadis détenu par les religions, soit aujourd'hui aux mains d'affairistes non élus démocratiquement et totalement libres de contrôler les états, car je suis convaincu du bon usage qu'ils en feront,
12) J'accepte l'idée que le bonheur se résume au confort, l'amour au sexe, et la liberté à l'assouvissement de tous les désirs, car c'est ce que la publicité me rabâche toute la journée. Plus je serai malheureux et plus je consommerai : je remplirai mon rôle en contribuant au bon fonctionnement de notre économie,
13) J'accepte que la valeur d'une personne se mesure à la taille de son compte bancaire, qu'on apprécie son utilité en fonction de sa productivité plutôt que de sa qualité, et qu'on l'exclue du système si elle n'est plus assez productive,
14) J'accepte que l'on paie grassement les joueurs de football ou des acteurs, et beaucoup moins les professeurs et les médecins chargés de l'éducation et de la santé des générations futures,
15) J'accepte que l'on mette au banc de la société les personnes agées dont l'expérience pourrait nous être utile, car étant la civilisation la plus évoluée de la planète (et sans doute de l'univers) nous savons que l'expérience ne se partage ni ne se transmet,
16) J'accepte que l'on me présente des nouvelles négatives et terrifiantes du monde tous les jours, pour que je puisse apprécier a quel point notre situation est normale et combien j'ai de la chance de vivre en occident. je sais qu'entretenir la peur dans nos esprits ne peut être que bénéfique pour nous,
17) J'accepte que les industriels, militaires et politiciens se réunissent régulièrement pour prendre sans nous concerter des décisions qui engagent l'avenir de la vie et de la planète,
18) J'accepte de consommer de la viande bovine traitée aux hormones sans qu'on me le signale explicitement. J'accepte que la culture des OGM se répande dans le monde entier, permettant ainsi aux trusts de l'agroalimentaire de breveter le vivant, d'engranger des dividendes conséquents et de tenir sous leur joug l'agriculture mondiale,
19) J'accepte que les banques internationales prêtent de l'argent aux pays souhaitant s'armer et se battre, et de choisir ainsi ceux qui feront la guerre et ceux qui ne la feront pas. Je suis conscient qu'il vaut mieux financer les deux bords afin d'être sûr de gagner de l'argent, et faire durer les conflits le plus longtemps possible afin de pouvoir totalement piller leurs ressources s'ils ne peuvent pas rembourser les emprunts,
20) J'accepte que les multinationales s'abstiennent d'appliquer les progrès sociaux de l'occident dans les pays défavorisés. Considérant que c'est déjà une embellie de les faire travailler, je préfère qu'on utilise les lois en vigueur dans ces pays permettant de faire travailler des enfants dans des conditions inhumaines et précaires. Au nom des droits de l'homme et du citoyen, nous n'avons pas le droit de faire de l'ingérence,
21) J'accepte que les hommes politiques puissent être d'une honneteté douteuse et parfois même corrompus. je pense d'ailleurs que c'est normal au vu des fortes pressions qu'ils subissent. Pour la majorité par contre, la tolérance zéro doit être de mise,
22) J'accepte que les laboratoires pharmaceutiques et les industriels de l'agroalimentaire vendent dans les pays défavorisés des produits périmés ou utilisent des substances cancérigènes interdites en occident,
23) J'accepte que le reste de la planète, c'est-à-dire quatre milliards d'individus, puisse penser différemment à condition qu'il ne vienne pas exprimer ses croyances chez nous, et encore moins de tenter d'expliquer notre Histoire avec ses notions philosophiques primitives,
24) J'accepte l'idée qu'il n'existe que deux possibilités dans la nature, à savoir chasser ou être chassé. Et si nous sommes doués d'une conscience et d'un langage, ce n'est certainement pas pour échapper à cette dualité, mais pour justifier pourquoi nous agissons de la sorte,
25) J'accepte de considérer notre passé comme une suite ininterrompue de conflits, de conspirations politiques et de volontés hégémoniques, mais je sais qu'aujourd'hui tout ceci n'existe plus car nous sommes au summum de notre évolution, et que les seules règles régissant notre monde sont la recherche du bonheur et de la liberté de tous les peuples, comme nous l'entendons sans cesse dans nos discours politiques,
26) J'accepte sans discuter et je considère comme vérités toutes les théories proposées pour l'explication du mystère de nos origines. Et j'accepte que la nature ait pu mettre des millions d'années pour créer un être humain dont le seul passe-temps soit la destruction de sa propre espèce en quelques instants,
27) J'accepte la recherche du profit comme but suprême de l'Humanité, et l'accumulation des richesses comme l'accomplissement de la vie humaine,
28) J'accepte la destruction des forêts, la quasi-disparition des poissons de rivières et de nos océans. J'accepte l'augmentation de la pollution industrielle et la dispersion de poisons chimiques et d'éléments radioactifs dans la nature. J'accepte l'utilisation de toutes sortes d'additifs chimiques dans mon alimentation, car je suis convaincu que si on les y met, c'est qu'ils sont utiles et sans danger,
29) J'accepte la guerre économique sévissant sur la planète, même si je sens qu'elle nous mène vers une catastrophe sans précédent,
30) j'accepte cette situation, et j'admets que je ne peux rien faire pour la changer ou l'améliorer,
31) J'accepte d'être traité comme du bétail, car tout compte fait, je pense que je ne vaux pas mieux,
32) J'accepte de ne poser aucune question, de fermer les yeux sur tout ceci, et de ne formuler aucune véritable opposition car je suis bien trop occupé par ma vie et mes soucis. J'accepte même de défendre à la mort ce contrat si vous me le demandez,
33) J'accepte donc, en mon âme et conscience et définitivement, cette triste matrice que vous placez devant mes yeux pour m'empêcher de voir la réalité des choses. Je sais que vous agissez pour mon bien et pour celui de tous, et je vous en remercie.
Realiza-se no próximo dia 15 de Junho, a partir das 14,30 h, em Lisboa, o Encontro de Economia Social promovido pelo CIRIEC Portugal e pela Rede Portuguesa de Formação para o 3º Sector, com a colaboração da Cooperativa António Sérgio para a Economia Social.
O Encontro destina-se a investigadores, estudiosos, dirigentes e técnicos das organizações da economia social. São dois os temas a apresentar: A investigação na economia social em Portugal, pelo Prof. Rui Namorado da Universidade de Coimbra; A formação profissional nas organizações da economia social, pelo Prof. Manuel Belo Moreira do Instituto Superior de Agronomia.
Na segunda parte do Encontro haverá uma mesa redonda com a participação dos responsáveis das organizações parceiras da Cooperativa António Sérgio.
O Encontro realiza-se no Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (Pólo Universitário da Ajuda) e a participação está aberta a todos os interessados.
Ecolonie has just celebrated its 20th birthday. This ecological community is located in the North of France, in the last 10 years the community have developed their self -sustainability, spreading the community out 40 hectares of land, and usefully incorporating goat farming and cheese production into their vision. The philosophy of the community is grounded in the belief of living in harmony with nature, and aims to be a European centre where different cultures meet in a friendly, open atmosphere.
This short film is part of "The Journey" an unique documentary project that delves into environmental, socio-culture and economic issues, with a questioning mind.
The focus of the project is to find and film inspiring ideas and projects over a wide spectrum of individuals and cultures, whilst examining our ability to reform our ideals, and our lifestyle in order to make positive changes for our planet and the human race.
The “Journeymen” (a person whom travels in order to gain experience, skills and knowledge) go in search of these stories – equipped only with minimal filming gear and personal possessions, they document their experience as they travel to global communities to observe, question and learn.
It is an organic process that grows, evolves and takes it’s own direction. With no planned route nor destination, the journeymen believe they will connect with the right people and places at the right time to film, aid and guide them on.
The project is currently filming and traveling through the UK. As the project travels short films are uploaded that can be viewed on this website. It is the long-term goal that this project will travel internationally to create a feature length film that will be released, to be viewed for free.
The projects aims to benefit individuals, projects and communities by sharing knowledge, offering solutions and connecting people through film.
It is the hope this project will touch and inspire people, by conveying the beauty within human nature and our world and resonating what is actually possible, when it comes it comes to our ability to change the world for the better.
know of an inspiring story? want to get involved?
Gross National Happiness USA is sponsoring a Conference on Changing what we Measure from Wealth to Well-Being in Burlington, Vermont USA June 1-4, 2010 on using well-being and happiness indicators to measure progress and develop policy instead of the outdated GDP measure of the velocity of money in the economy. Come and hear Bill McKibben, Bob Costanza, Jeffery Hollender, Susan Andrews, Vicki Robin, John deGraaf, Con Hogan, Ron Colman, Gwen Hallsmith, Eric Zencey and others. Info and registration at
A two-part investigative series called "Silencing the Whistleblowers" reports that when fraud investigators working within big banks tried to warn their superiors of shady practices, they were not only ignored, but frequently harassed, demoted or even fired. We speak to the article’s author, journalist Michael Hudson, and one of the whistleblowers profiled in the article, Ed Parker, the former head of mortgage fraud investigation at Ameriquest.
O entrevistou Stathis Kouvélakis, professor grego de filosofia política no King´s College em Londres, sobre a presente situação na Grécia.
Ralph Nader offers the vision of some of our super-rich changing the political narrative and returning Congress to the people. He talks up his new book, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us, imagining in detail what 18 of the super-rich could be urged to accomplish, selecting those who already have demonstrated an interest in saving our society. At All Souls Unitarian Church NYC, March 12, 2010, camera: joefriendly
Ralph Nader Q and A after Super-Rich Save Us Talk
Ralph with his usual brilliance handles some hostile questions, like how can we trust people who managed to get rich by immoral means. Answer: in their twilight years some of the super-rich have demonstrated a willingness to pay back society and actually do good deeds.
Kari Lydersen has penned an absorbing book, “Revolt on Goose Island.” It chronicles how 250 members of the UE, a progressive union, occupied a factory, “Republic Windows,” in Dec., 2008, located in Chicago, IL, rather then just meekly submit to its closing. It’s labor history at its best. This “direct action” came not long after AFL-CIO labor leader Richard L. Trumka denounced the evils of “globalization,” and the predatory schemes of the Wall Street boy-ohs. Ms. Lydersen’s “Book Talk” event was held at Red Emma’s Coffee House, a worker-owned store, in Baltimore, MD, on April 9, 2010.
Entrevista a Pascual Serrano quién nos habla de la desinformación y de cómo los medios de comunicación ocultan el mundo.
Más contenidos en
Con motivo de las Jornadas de Economía Crítica 2010, organizadas por Economistas sin Fronteras, Attac y Plataforma 2015, AttacTV entrevistó a Pedro Páez Pérez, Representante Plenipotenciario del Presidente de la República de Ecuador.
Second BWS Annual Conference: Wittgenstein & Naturalism
This is the first day proceedings of the Second BWS Annual Conference: Wittgenstein & Naturalism.
Video: Dr. C. Athanasopoulos, FHEA
Education for a Changing Biosphere: Ecology and Economics.
Dr. David Suzuki's keynote address at Simon Fraser University's "First Year in Focus: Engaging Students in their First Year and Beyond" conference on Wednesday May 13, 2009.
Human beings have exploded in numbers, technological prowess and consumptive demand with a consequent ecological footprint that is undermining the very life support systems of the planet.
As we have moved to an urban environment, the economy has become our highest priority predicated on the notion that a healthy economy is constantly growing in order to afford to do everything that matters.
We have come to see the twin crises of economic meltdown and ecological degradation as mutually exclusive so we tackle one or the other. Yet ecology, the study of survival and well being of species, informs us that without clean air, water, soil and energy and biodiversity, like any other species, we suffer and die.
Environmentalism recognizes that we also have social and spiritual needs that are just as essential for the full development of our potential.
The economy, like the market and currency, are not forces of nature like gravity or the laws of thermodynamics. It is a human invention and since it is deeply flawed, it is a mistake to do all we can to perpetuate it, we have to fix it.
Two fundamentals flaws are the dismissal of natures "services" (pollination, cleansing water, exchange of CO2 for O2, etc) as externalities and the belief that the economy can and must grow indefinitely.
Dr. Suzuki explores some of our misconceptions, fundamental truths and reconciliation of ecology and economics.
Peak Moment 163: What if future leaders became sensitive to local environmental and social issues before stepping into leadership roles? Tanya Narath describes nine day-long events in the Leadership Institute for Ecology and the Economy's program: Students visit a watershed for ecological context; tour an organic farm (sustainable agriculture); take a walking tour from which students' urban design ideas are presented to the mayor; explore social issues like racial injustice, homelessness, and poverty; consider water ecology, local economy, transportation and land use.
A l'occasion de son nouveau livre, "La haine de l'Occident" (Eds Albin Michel), l'ancien rapporteur spécial des Nations Unies pour le droit à l'alimentation, Jean Ziegler, s'entretient avec Rue89. Une interview plus violente encore que la charge contenue dans le livre. Bientôt sur
Militainment, Inc. offers a fascinating, disturbing, and timely glimpse into the militarization of American popular culture, examining how U.S. news coverage has come to resemble Hollywood film, video games, and "reality television" in its glamorization of war. Mobilizing an astonishing range of media examples - from news anchors' idolatry of military machinery to the impact of government propaganda on war reporting - the film asks: How has war taken its place in the culture as an entertainment spectacle? And how does presenting war as entertainment affect the ability of citizens to evaluate the necessity and real human costs of military action? The film is broken down into nine sections, each between 10 and 20 minutes in length, allowing for in-depth classroom analysis of individual elements of this wide-ranging phenomenon.
Filmmaker Info Written, produced & narrated by Roger Stahl
Filmmaker's Bio ROGER STAHL | Writer, Producer & Narrator
Roger Stahl is Assistant Professor of Speech Communication at the University of Georgia. His work has appeared in publications such as Rhetoric and Public Affairs, Encyclopedia of Political Communication, and Critical Studies in Media Communication.
Praise for the Film
"Highly recommended, especially for courses on mass communications and popular culture."
- Educational Media Reviews Online
"Roger Stahl's Militainment is a real eye-opener. In a highly engaging and well-documented film, Stahl shows how the media have largely functioned as instruments of propaganda in recent U.S. military interventions, and he documents as well the culture of militarism in popular entertainment, ranging from TV shows, sports, and toys, to video games, all of which present war as entertainment. This development is both shocking and dangerous and contributes to a militarization of our culture and society that makes us more likely to go to war, despite our traumatic experiences in Iraq (and now Afghanistan). Every citizen should awaken to these dangers and Stahl's documentary is an important tool of enlightenment that should be widely used in the classroom and public spaces."
- Douglas Kellner | UCLA | Author, The Persian Gulf TV War and Media Spectacle and the Crisis of Democracy
Veinte años atrás, el Valle de Alto del Carmen aún no se beneficiaba del progreso económico de Chile, por lo que cualquier promesa de trabajo y progreso, creaba grandes expectativas. Fue por ello que cuando la Empresa Nevada (hoy conocida como Barrick) llegó a posicionarse con un proyecto minero a la cabecera de esta zona de valles, trajo muchas promesas e ilusiones.
Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, los habitantes de la zona se dieron cuenta de que se trataba de un inmenso proyecto que, con la destrucción de los glaciares de la zona, se proponía destruir el agua, su principal riqueza, sentando las bases de lo que más tarde se conocería como el proyecto "Pascua Lama".
Dirección: Coyote Films
Remember when gas was over $4 a gallon? Remember the global food crisis that resulted in dozens of food riots around the world and plunged over 100 million people around the world into hunger?
Surprisingly, these crises werent caused by a shortage of oil or food. Instead, they were brought on by the same thing that caused the global economic crisis market deregulation. While we had to pay more for our gas and food, big-time investors made a bundle. Luckily, we already know how we can avoid future gas and food bubbles. The answer is proven and cheap all we need to do is say yes to it.
Watch this video and explore the website: to learn more about how speculators brought about last years food and oil bubbles. And write to your members of Congress telling them to take action to avoid future bubbles.
On April 20, 2010, author and political gadfly Ralph Nader gave a lecture at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), in Baltimore, MD. He spoke before a near capacity audience for over an hour. Mr. Nader spotlighted corporate power and abuses in the U.S., and how AIG, the insurance titan, is the biggest recipient of “welfare--$182 Billion!” He showed how the workers in Western Europe have long had splendid social programs, like: “universal health insurance,” that are regularly denied our citizens. Mr. Nader submitted that the American psyche is dominated by a “fundamentalist market” ideology. Corporation loyalty, he also charged, citing various examples of gross abuse, is to the “dollar sign,” and not to the country. Professor Fimin DeBrabander of MICA introduced Mr. Nader.
sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010
High bitrate performance Greensleeves:
Anonymous setting from the Ballet Lute book, which is probably the earliest known setting of the tune, and Francis Cutting's (1571 - 1596) set of variations upon it.
Paula Bär-Giese - soprano
Hans Meijer - lute
Handsome, gifted and recently married to Catherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII was the envy of Europe when he penned 35 royal compositions in the early years of his long and turbulent reign. (Thirty-five Compositions Ref: E1801 The complete secular works of King Henry VIII consisting of partsongs and instrumental consorts. Publisher Stainer & Bell)
Truly a Renaissance prince, he was also a gifted composer who excelled in portraying the pleasures of courtly life through words and music. His daughter, Elizabeth, inherited his gifts, and was a keen dancer and an excellent performer on the virginals.
The old song Greensleeves is a traditional English folk song dating back to the sixteenth century. There has been considerable debate regarding the identity of the composer of the lyrics and music or melody of the song Greensleeves. The most popular belief about the identity of the composer relates to the legend that the words and lyrics of the song were written for Anne Boleyn (1502-1536) by King Henry VIII (1491-1547) during their turbulent courtship.. Anne, the youngest daughter of Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, rejected Henry's attempts to seduce her. This rejection is apparently referred to in the song, when the writer's love "cast me off discourteously." It is not known if the legend is true, but the song is still commonly associated with Boleyn in the public mind.
Hans Holbein (1497/8--1543) was the first great British artist, and is regarded as one of the greatest artists of all time. He moved to England from Basel in 1526--8 and then again in 1532--43, an extremely turbulent time in English history when all around were losing their heads. His arrival effectively brought the Renaissance in painting from continental Europe to Britain.
Hans Holbein project:
Alas, my love, you do me wrong
To cast me off discourteously
For I have loved you well and long
Delighting in your company.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my lady Greensleeves
Your vows you've broken, like my heart
Oh, why did you so enrapture me
Now I remain in a world apart
But my heart remains in captivity
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my lady Greensleeves.
I have been ready at your hand,
To grant whatever you would crave,
I have both wagered life and land,
Your love and good-will for to have.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my lady Greensleeves.
If you intend thus to disdain,
It does the more enrapture me,
And even so, I still remain
A lover in captivity.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my lady Greensleeves.
Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
To God I pray to prosper thee,
For I am still thy lover true,
Come once again and love me.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight
Greensleeves was my heart of gold
And who but my lady Greensleeves.
What problems do you think the Super-Rich should unite to solve?
Click HERE to give us your suggestions.
"In the cozy den of the large but modest house in Omaha where he has lived since he started on his first billion, Warren Buffett watched the horrors of Hurricane Katrina unfold on television in early September 2005. . . . On the fourth day, he beheld in disbelief the paralysis of local, state, and federal authorities unable to commence basic operations of rescue and sustenance, not just in New Orleans, but in towns and villages all along the Gulf Coast. . . He knew exactly what he had to do. . ."
So begins the vivid fictional account by political activist and bestselling author Ralph Nader that answers the question, "What if?" What if a cadre of superrich individuals tried to become a driving force in America to organize and institutionalize the interests of the citizens of this troubled nation? What if some of America's most powerful individuals decided it was time to fix our government and return the power to the people? What if they focused their power on unionizing Wal-Mart? What if a national political party were formed with the sole purpose of advancing clean elections? What if these seventeen superrich individuals decided to galvanize a movement for alternative forms of energy that will effectively clean up the environment? What if together they took on corporate goliaths and Congress to provide the necessities of life and advance the solutions so long left on the shelf by an avaricious oligarchy? What could happen?
This extraordinary story, written by the author who knows the most about citizen action, returns us to the literature of American social movements—to Edward Bellamy, to Upton Sinclair, to John Steinbeck, to Stephen Crane—reminding us in the process that changing the body politic of America starts with imagination.
Ralph Nader begins speaking at 5:20. Presented by the nationally recognized entrepreneurship center, the Rothman Institute of Entrepreneurship at Fairleigh Dickinson University, this half-day intensive seminar is designed to help executives from nonprofits, social enterprises, and small and medium-sized businesses better understand important trends and key factors for success as they seek to grow their organizations. The event was held at the University's College at Florham campus in Madison, New Jersey on September 16, 2009. Q & A starts at 48:25 minutes.
quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010
Anna KOWALSKA baroque guitar
Anton BIRULA theorbo
Gaspar Sanz CANARIOS performed by LUTEDUO - a fantasy compilation ... if Sanz ever met Bach.... The famous Canarios is intercepted by themes from J.S. Bach cello suites Nr 4 and 6
Susan George is a is the author of fourteen books written in French and English and widely translated. She is president of the Board of the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam, a decentralised fellowship of scholars living throughout the world whose work is intended to contribute to social justice and who are active in civil society in their own countries. She is also honorary president of ATTAC-France (Association for Taxation of Financial Transaction to Aid Citizens) where she also served as vice-president between 1999 and mid-2006 and remains a member of the scientific council. Her most recent books are Hijacking America: How the Religious and Secular Right Changed What Americans Think (2008) which exists in French, Spanish and Italian and will soon appear in Korean, Japanese and Brazilian Portuguese; We the Peoples of Europe (2008), also in French, Nous, Peuples dEurope (2005) and Spanish. Other recent books are Another World is Possible if (2004) and The Lugano Report: On preserving capitalism in the 21st century (1999), both available in many other languages. Her well-known first book How the Other Half Dies: the Real Reasons for World Hunger is now available on her TNI homepage. She has received honorary doctorates from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and the Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia of Madrid as well as the first Outstanding Public Scholar Award of the International Political Economy section of the International Studies Association.
From one of the world's leading thinkers and speakers on creativity and innovation, a breakthrough book about talent, passion, and achievement.
The element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. When people arrive at the element, they feel most themselves and most inspired and achieve at their highest levels. The Element draws on the stories of a wide range of people, from ex-Beatle Paul McCartney to Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons; from Meg Ryan to Gillian Lynne, who choreographed the Broadway productions of Cats and The Phantom of the Opera; and from writer Arianna Huffington to renowned physicist Richard Feynman and others, including business leaders and athletes. It explores the components of this new paradigm: The diversity of intelligence, the power of imagination and creativity, and the importance of commitment to our own capabilities.
With a wry sense of humor, Ken Robinson looks at the conditions that enable us to find ourselves in the element and those that stifle that possibility. He shows that age and occupation are no barrier, and that once we have found our path we can help others to do so as well. The Element shows the vital need to enhance creativity and innovation by thinking differently about human resources and imagination. It is also an essential strategy for transforming education, business, and communities to meet the challenges of living and succeeding in the twenty-first century.
joefriendly Poverty Initiative at Union Theological Seminary brought Chris Hedges to their Poverty Scholars Strategic Dialogues on Media and Religion and he delivered a monumental address urging the poor deal effectively with the right wing's grip on power, counter their fascistic racial targeting of Islam and other scapegoats like immigrants, gays, feminists, and lefties, by getting the public to see it's a deliberate distraction to prevent our realizing the need to replace obsolete economic institutions, a corrupt media, and a criminal government lacking in legitimacy. Poverty Initiative convened 90 Poverty Scholars--low-income organizers, faith leaders and media makers from over 41 organizations. Check out and help make change happen!
NYC, April 10, 2010. Camera and audio by Joe Friendly
Eduardo Galeano: "El mundo se divide en indignos e indignados"
The Crime of Ecocide
"... move away from property laws to trusteeship laws, so rather than I own, to I owe. I owe a duty of care to this planet."
12-year old Victoria Grant explains why Canada (her homeland) and most of the world, is in debt.
"How the Media Frames Political Issues" by Scott London
In The Emergence of American Political Issues (1977) McCombs and Shaw state that the most important effect of the mass media is "its ability to mentally order and organize our world for us. In short, the mass media may not be successful in telling us what to think, but they are stunningly successful in telling us what to think about."[13] The presidential observer Theodore White corroborates this conclusion in The Making of a President (1972):
The power of the press in America is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public discussion; and this sweeping political power is unrestrained by any law. It determines what people will talk and think about - an authority that in other nations is reserved for tyrants, priests, parties and mandarins.[14]
McCombs and Shaw also note that the media's tendency to structure voters' perceptions of political reality in effect constitutes a bias: "to a considerable degree the art of politics in a democracy is the art of determining which issue dimensions are of major interest to the public or can be made salient in order to win public support."[15]