quarta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2010

America's Debt Crisis and the Need for Monetary Reform

Monetary Reform Talk, 4.09, Part 1: Introduction

Monetary Reform Talk, 4 09, Part 2 Early History

Monetary Reform Talk, 4 09, Part 3- Lincoln's Greenbacks

Monetary Reform Talk, 4 09, Part 4 Post Civil War

Monetary Reform Talk, 4.09, Part 5: Federal Reserve Act

Monetary Reform Talk, 4.09, Part 6: Chicago Plan of 1933

Monetary Reform Talk, 4.09, Part 7: Robert Hemphill quote

Monetary Reform Talk, 4.09, Part 8: Milton Friedman

Monetary Reform Talk, 4.09, Part 9: The Solution

Joe Bongiovanni's Montpelier VT presentation "America's Debt Crisis and the Need for Monetary Reform", April 8, 2009.

Joe promotes public, debt-free money creation by the US Treasury, as opposed to private money creation as debt by the Fed, as the solution to the debt crisis.

Learn more at http://www.economicstability.org/