This is the 2nd Part of the discussion with Takis Fotopoulos about the The Multidimensional Crisis and Inclusive Democracy
at Oxford University. In this part you can listen to the analysis of the current economic crisis and the reasons behind it and behind such crisis that is unavoidable due to the inexorable function of the system of market/growth economy which leads to the growing concentration of economic power into the hands of (now transnational) elites. Then, Fotopoulos makes a brief analysis of the integral components of Inclusive Democracy (economic, political, ecological and social democracy) which, beginning from the fact that the concentration of power at all levels is the exclusive reason for the multi-dimensional crisis of our modernity, proposes an autonomous/democratic social system that secures the equal distribution of power in all realms of human activity, an Inclusive Democracy. Then, you can listen to the very interesting dialogue part between Fotopoulos and some of the participants which tries to answer to questions about "modernization criteria" for an Inclusive Democracy, the theory of the called "no-waste" and effective hierarchical structure of the market economy and the notion of "spontaneous hierarchies" (mentions of Pareto, Hayek, Russell, Arendt, Carter and others are made).