Friday, June 8th at the Strategies for a New Economy 2012 Conference
domingo, 22 de julho de 2012
sábado, 21 de julho de 2012
David Shenk : The Genius in All of Us
David Shenk, Author, The Forgetting, Data Smog and The Immortal Game
Shenk presents a compelling case against the notion of genetic giftedness. Forget everything you think you know about genes, talent and intelligence. In recent years, some scientific evidence has emerged suggesting a completely new paradigm: not talent scarcity, but latent talent abundance. Integrating cutting-edge research from a wide swath of disciplines - cognitive science, genetics, biology, child development - Shenk reveals a highly optimistic new view of human potential.
Brain Power
From neurons to brain wiring, Dr. David
Walsh gives an easy-to-understand tour of children's and teens' brain
development and the impact of experience on the "wiring' of their
brains. Children are shaped by the stories they see and hear from
parents, relatives, and teachers which pass on values, attitudes, and
affect emotional and physical well-being. More than ever, media has
become a powerful storyteller in children's lives and raising healthy
kids in the media age involves making wise media choices.
A Whole New Mind : Daniel Pink at T.C. Williams
Author Daniel H. Pink discussed his bestseller "A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future" on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2009, at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria Virginia. A team of T.C. Williams High School Television Production students videotaped the lively lecture.
The talk, part of "Turn the Page!," a community-wide reading event sponsored by the Alexandria PTA Council in cooperation with Alexandria City Public Schools and the Alexandria Library, was originally telecast live on ACPS-TV.
Hervé Kempf : « Les démocraties occidentales sont-elles menacées par les oligarchies ? »
Aix-en-Provence - février 2011, à l’Institut d’études politiques
Le Mot de l’éditeur : L’oligarchie ça suffit, vive la démocratie
Après Comment les riches détruisent la planète et Pour sauver la planète, sortez du capitalisme, Hervé Kempf achève sa trilogie par un essai dénonçant le pouvoir des riches, ou plutôt des très riches qui se sont emparés des rouages de la démocratie. Nous croyons encore vivre dans un régime démocratique, mais nous n’en expérimentons en réalité qu’un simulacre : nous sommes conviés aux urnes, mais nous ne sommes plus souverains. Aujourd’hui les « oligarques » - financiers, lobbies, industriels - hantent les instances de décision, quand ils n’en font pas ouvertement partie. Ils tiennent les médias, instrument privilégié pour abrutir les citoyens et les maintenir dans leur passivité. Appuyée sur de nombreux exemples empruntés à toutes les démocraties de par le monde, l’argumentation d’Hervé Kempf est implacable et appelle à un sursaut : et si la vertu redevenait une valeur politique ?
Source :
Hervé Kempf, à Rimouski «L'Oligarchie ça suffit, Vive la Démocratie»
Présenté en collaboration avec : Greenpeace Québec, NON à une marée noire dans le St-Laurent, le CACE - Comité d’action et de concertation en environnement du Cégep de Rimouski, le Département de philosophie du Cégep de Rimouski, le Syndicat des Enseignantes et Enseignants du Cégep de Rimouski et le CADUCC.
Le 6 Mai 2011, Hervé Kempf, journaliste (le Monde) et écrivain français, était au Cégep de Rimouski pour discuter de son dernier livre : «L'Oligarchie ça suffit, Vive la Démocratie».
sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2012
Joseph LeDoux, Our emotional brains (2011 Copernicus Center Lecture)
The third Copernicus Center Lecture - "Our Emotional Brains" - was delivered by Professor Joseph LeDoux, a famous neuroscientist. The 2011 Copernicus Center Lecture was part of the 15th Kraków Methodological Conference - "The Emotional Brain: From the Humanities to Neuroscience and Back Again", which was co-organized by the Copenicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
Conference website:
Photos of the conference:
Earth Democracy - Vandana Shiva at Portland Community College
A talk by Dr. Vandana Shiva at Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, USA on February 24th, 2011.
Professor Steve Keen - Credit Money : How it Works and Why it Fails
What is credit money? Why does it fail? Prof. Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics, explains it all.
Recorded by Aaron Wissner at the 2010 Local Future conference.
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter (2 of 7)
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter (3 of 7)
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter (4 of 7)
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter (5 of 7)
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter (6 of 7)
Collapse of Complex Societies by Dr. Joseph Tainter (7 of 7)
newculture The collapse of complex societies of the past can inform the present on the risks of collapse. Dr. Joseph Tainter, author of the book The Collapse of Complex societies, and featured in Leonardo Dicaprio's film The Eleventh Hour, details the factors that led to the collapse of past civilizations including the Roman Empire.
Keynote talk delivered to the 2010 International Conference on Sustainability: Energy, Economy, and Environment organized by Local Future nonprofit and directed by Aaron Wissner.
Joseph Tainter Interview with Jim Puplava
Political disintegration is a persistent feature of world history. The Collapse of Complex Societies, though written by an archaeologist, will therefore strike a chord throughout the social sciences. Any explanation of societal collapse carries lessons not just for the study of ancient societies, but for the members of all such societies in both the present and future. Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching theory that accounts for collapse among diverse kinds of societies, evaluating his model and clarifying the processes of disintegration by detailed studies of the Roman, Mayan and Chacoan collapses.
The Biggest Bank Heist Ever! | HD
The award winning documentary 'Inside Job' [2011 | US] by the veteran crusader, Charles Ferguson is the most insightful and illuminating amongst a number of such attempts that deal with the global financial crisis, which is wrecking lives and economies across the world to this day.
The reason is that it successfully challenges the myths and lies surrounding the root causes of the crisis and tells us exactly how and why it happened, in a simple and straightforward way that anyone can understand.
IsuruFoundation® highly recommends this great film to anyone who wants to know why we the public are paying with our lives for the treacherous shenanigans of the filthy rich and the powerful.
The Global Minotaur: The Crash of 2008 and the Euro-Zone Crisis in Historical Perspective
Part of the Heyman Center's Money Series, "The Global Minotaur: The Crash of 2008 and the Euro-Zone Crisis in Historical Perspective" featured Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of Economics at the University of Athens. Responding was Justin Fox, Editorial Director of the Harvard Business Review Group.
quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2012
Robert Sapolsky - Stress and Health : From Molecules to Societies
Description: Few Westernized humans are likely to die of scarlet fever, malaria or malnutrition. Instead, we live well enough and long enough to succumb to the diseases of slow degeneration. It is increasingly recognized that a large percentage of such diseases can be caused by or worsened by stress. This lecture approaches the subject of stress and health from two very different perspectives.
To learn more about Dr. Sapolsky, visit :
Matt Taibbi : LIBOR Rate-Fixing Scandal "Biggest Insider Trading You Could Ever Imagine"
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi joins us to discuss the pattern of systemic corruption by 16 banks accused of rigging a key global interest rate used in contracts worth trillions of dollars. The London Interbank Offered Rate -- known as LIBOR -- is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other; some analysts say it defines the cost of money. Barclays was recently fined $453 million for rigging LIBOR, and a number of other banks are under investigation. "Ordinary people actually suffered when LIBOR was manipulated downward, mainly because local governments tended to lose money," Taibbi says. "Even the tiniest manipulation downward when you're talking about a thing of this scale would result in tens of trillions of dollars of losses. ... The banks weren't doing this just to make themselves look healthier, they were also doing this just to make money. They were trading against this information in what essentially was the biggest kind of insider trading you could possibly imagine." Taibbi is author of the book, "Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History."
Manfred Max-Neef, Father of "Barefoot Economics" - Keynote at Zermatt Summit 2012
How to move from the current crisis to a stable economy?
Manfred Max-Neef is a Chilean-German economist in the field of international development. His most important books are: “From the Outside Looking In; Experiences in Barefoot Economics” and “Human Scale Development”.
Originally published by the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation.
Both books seek to counter the logic of economics with the ethics of wellbeing.His latest book: Economics Unmasked” is a profound critique of mainstream economics. He has worked for several UN agencies and betwen 1994 and 2002 he was Vice Chancelor of the Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia. In 1983 he received the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize).
He holds honorary doctorates from Jordan, Colombia, Argentina and the United States, and has been recipient of the University Award of Highest Honour from Japan. At present he is the Director of the Economics Institute at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Member of the Club of Rome, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and the New York Academy of Sciences.
Source :
Financiarización de la Naturaleza
Bajo el concepto de "Economía Verde", ingentes cantidades de dinero provenientes de la especulación financiera, buscan nuevas oportunidades de negocio y lucro en la naturaleza.
Cortometraje de animación sobre el secuestro de la naturaleza por los mercados financieros.
Una iniciativa de SOMO, Red eruopea Attac, Food&Water Europe, Friends of Earth, Amis de la Terre, Carbon Trade Watch, WEED, Ecologistas en Acción, Aitec y Campagna per la riforma della Banca Mondiale.
Producido y realizado por La Antena y AttacTV. Animado por desarme s.c.
Kontext TV : The Fight for Water Justice
Kontext TV broadcast with Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians/Blue Planet Project, Right Livelihood Award Laureate among others. Barely two years ago after extensive struggles from social movements the UN General Assembly declared access to clean water and sanitation a human right. However, still nearly 900 million people worldwide have no access to clean water. The overuse and contamination of freshwater reserves through industry and agriculture, climate change, privatization, and land grab threaten the future supply of water – particularly for the poorest populations in the global south. To deal with the future of the world’s water supply two large forums were held in Marseille in March. On the one hand the World Water Forum which encompasses besides private enterprises also UN authorities and governments. Since its formation this forum has been subject to increasing criticism because it is said to unilaterally serve private profit interests. For this reason for the third time the Alternative World Water Forum took place, a forum in which non-governmental organisations, social movements, and water activists from all over the world took part. Kontext TV was on site and spoke with participants of both forums about the root causes for the upcoming global water crisis, the effects of destructive technologies like fracking, and the role of social movements in the fight for water justice.
Source :
Source :
El poder somos todos - Manuel Monereo
"La peor burbuja en España es la burbuja mental. La sociedad está paralizada, en un doble estado de shock".
Con motivo de la celebración de la Academia de Pensamiento Crítico en Valencia, Manuel Monereo reflexiona sobre el estado actual de las cosas y el camino hacia un cambio verdadero.
Manuel Monereo es analista político, abogado laboralista, investigador del Centro de Estudios Políticos y Sociales, y ex-diputado de I.U.
Colabora con AttacTV para que podamos seguir produciendo contenidos.
David Graeber on Democracy
marisa holmes
The OWS Free University hosts David Graeber at Washington Square Park on Saturday, July 14th, 2012. We have a discussion about democracy and debt.
quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2012
What is land grabbing?
Answers from
Tony Clarke (Right Livelihood Award 2005), Polaris Institute, Canada
Camila Montecinos, GRAIN (Right Livelihood Award 2011), Chile
Lennart Olsson, LUCSUS, Right Livelihood College, Lund University
More on:
Stolen land stolen future
An APRODEV report on land grabbing in Cambodia: Investment in large-scale plantations and concessions frequently increases food insecurity for the poor and violates their rights. This report documents how affected communities in Cambodia have lost their livelihoods because of land grabbing. APRODEV calls for ensuring that EU trade policies and preferential trade schemes do not contribute to the violation of human rights by lack of action. APRODEV argues that evidence gathered builds sufficient grounds for investigations under the EU GSP program and that there are human rights abuses to which the suspension of trade preferences for sugar would be a sensible response.
Download the full report :
Crisis Globales, Soluciones Regionales
En este video, activistas de Asia, África, América Latina y Europa afirman que la integración regional es la única respuesta viable a las crisis económica, climática, alimentaria y energética.
Video Documental | 26 minutos | Abril 2012
Producido por:
Transnational Institute ( en cooperación con Focus on the Global South y Alianza Social Continental. Este video es parte de la iniciativa Agenda de los Pueblos para Regionalismos Alternativos
Entrevistas y guión: Cecilia Olivet
Video edición y animación: Ricardo Santos
Para ordenar una copia(s) gratis del DVD, escribir a
El lado oscuro de los acuerdos de inversión
Los movimientos de todo el mundo han denunciado los rescates y la evasión de impuestos que han enriquecido al 1% a costa del 99%, pero eso es solo una parte del cuadro. El TNI acaba de presentar un nuevo video de animación que revela, usando un lenguaje accesible, cómo los acuerdos internacionales de inversión son también una pieza clave del sistema económico global que está enriqueciendo a una pequeña elite corporativa a expensas de la ciudadanía.
El video explica, por ejemplo, que:
• las demandas de corporaciones contra gobiernos han aumentado casi un 1200% desde 1990
• la factura que debe pagar Argentina para defenderse de las demandas corporativas asciende a los 912 millones de dólares, una cantidad equivalente al salario medio anual de 140.000 maestros o de 75.000 doctores en hospitales públicos
• los abogados de las corporaciones, que tienen sus bufetes sobre todo en el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos, cobran unos 800 dólares por hora y animan a las corporaciones a presentar demandas
Global Investment Rules : Threat to Democracy and the Environment
Around the world, citizens have been
mobilizing to defend their environment and economic sovereignty from
transnational corporations, but there is another threat lurking in the
shadows that can ride roughshod over our rights. This is a video of
the Network for Justice in Global Investment
Der Große Ausverkauf - The Big Sellout (2006)
THE BIG SELLOUT ( is a political film. In various episodes the abstract phenomenon of privatisation is depicted in stories about very concrete human destinies around the globe. The documentary tells tragic, tragicomic but also encouraging stories of the everyday life of people, who day by day have to deal with the effects of privatisation politics, dictated by anonymous international financial institutions in Washington D.C. and Geneva, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
In his film, author and director FLORIAN OPITZ reveals the reality of the privatised and globalised world, which is supposed to be effective and shiny. He examines the effects of THE BIG SELLOUT, the worldwide privatisation of basic public services, such as water supply, electricity, public transportation, and even public health care. In South America, Asia, Africa, but also in Europe and the United States, OPITZ meets people, for whom these promises are nothing more than hollow phrases. And what he finds is that THE BIG SELLOUT has only just begun.
FLORIAN OPITZ talks to the architects of the new economic world order, as well as to ordinary people who have to deal with the politics of the former. He tells the story of a South African activist who helps poor families in Soweto, who are disconnected from electricity by the to-be privatised electricity supplier ESKOM, because they cannot afford to pay the high electricity bills anymore. Hunted by the Police and the company's security he and his team of guerilla electricians reconnect these families back, illegally.
Another storyline is about a Philippine mother living with her family in a slum area in Metro-Manila. For years now she has been struggling to find money to pay for the dialysis, her son needs twice a week. If she doesn't succeed until the end of the week, her son will die.
A humorous British train driver and union activist is the protagonist of the third episode. Having proudly started his career in the most efficient railway system in Europe, some years later he finds himself in a privatised, totally fragmented, and run down industry whose service regularly collapses. He is constantly fighting for his colleagues who have been facing more and more pressure from their private employers over the recent years. Pressure that has already lead to a numerous deadly accidents in the British railway system.
Last but not least, THE BIG SELLOUT tells us about the fight of the Bolivian citizens of Cochabamba against an US corporation that had tried to take over the municipal water supply. The tempted takeover lead to the first “water war” in human history, in which tens of thousands Bolivian citizens fought against the Bolivian police and military.
Allthough depicting the tragic privatisation failures all over the world there is a lot of hope in the episodes. In a desperate situation that seems to have no alternative to a „survival of the fittest“ mentality, people unite and stand up against a seemingly all-powerful enemy.
In the documentary, Joseph Stiglitz, one of the world's best known economists and Nobel Prize winner for economy makes the viewer understand where the dogma of privatisation came from, who profits from it, and what societies lose, when following it blindly. As refined former director of the World Bank, he comes from the world of financial institutions, but today he is fighting for the losers of the privatisation process, triggered by these same organizations.
THE BIG SELLOUT is a very special film: The different storylines of the film are not narrated one after the other, but woven together and carefully intertwined in a thrilling, episodical structure that is as compelling as truthful, and results in a film that is even more exciting than the sum of its parts.
Blue Gold : World Water Wars
In every corner of the globe, we are polluting, diverting, pumping, and wasting our limited supply of fresh water at an expediential level as population and technology grows. The rampant overdevelopment of agriculture, housing and industry increase the demands for fresh water well beyond the finite supply, resulting in the desertification of the earth.
Corporate giants force developing countries to privatize their water supply for profit. Wall Street investors target desalination and mass bulk water export schemes. Corrupt governments use water for economic and political gain. Military control of water emerges and a new geo-political map and power structure forms, setting the stage for world water wars.
We follow numerous worldwide examples of people fighting for their basic right to water, from court cases to violent revolutions to U.N. conventions to revised constitutions to local protests at grade schools. As Maude Barlow proclaims, “This is our revolution, this is our war”. A line is crossed as water becomes a commodity. Will we survive?
Please paypal donate to the film makers on their website:
or consider buying the DVD:
Corporate giants force developing countries to privatize their water supply for profit. Wall Street investors target desalination and mass bulk water export schemes. Corrupt governments use water for economic and political gain. Military control of water emerges and a new geo-political map and power structure forms, setting the stage for world water wars.
We follow numerous worldwide examples of people fighting for their basic right to water, from court cases to violent revolutions to U.N. conventions to revised constitutions to local protests at grade schools. As Maude Barlow proclaims, “This is our revolution, this is our war”. A line is crossed as water becomes a commodity. Will we survive?
Please paypal donate to the film makers on their website:
or consider buying the DVD:
terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2012
Mina Bissell : Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer
For decades, researcher Mina Bissell pursued a revolutionary idea -- that a cancer cell doesn't automatically become a tumor, but rather, depends on surrounding cells (its microenvironment) for cues on how to develop. She shares the two key experiments that proved the prevailing wisdom about cancer growth was wrong.
Neuromarketing : consommateurs sous influence ?
Générer des désirs, de l'envie, pour nous faire acheter des produits dont nous n'avons pas forcément besoin, c'est depuis toujours le principe de la pub et plus largement du marketing. Mais les grandes marques disposent maintenant de méthodes beaucoup plus intrusives, grâce au progrès des neurosciences sur le fonctionnement de notre cerveau.
Source :
Gar Alperovitz’s Green Party Keynote : We Are Laying Groundwork for the "Next Great Revolution"
At the Green Party's 2012 National Convention in Baltimore over the weekend, Massachusetts physician Jill Stein and anti-poverty campaigner Cheri Honkala were nominated the party's presidential and vice-presidential contenders. We air the convention's keynote address delivered by Gar Alperovitz, a professor of political economy at the University of Maryland and co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative. Alperovitz is the author of, "America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, and Our Democracy." In his remarks, Alperovitz stressed the importance of third-party politics to challenge a corporate-run society. "Systems in history are defined above all by who controls the wealth," Alperovitz says. "The top 400 people own more wealth now than the bottom 185 million Americans taken together. That is a medieval structure."
Watch our additional coverage from the Green Party National Convention at
Vandana Shiva on the Problem with Genetically-Modified Seeds
For more go to :
Bill talks to scientist and philosopher Vandana Shiva, who’s become a rock star in the global battle over genetically modified seeds. These seeds -- considered “intellectual property” by the big companies who own the patents -- are globally marketed to monopolize food production and profits. Opponents challenge the safety of genetically modified seeds, claiming they also harm the environment, are more costly, and leave local farmers deep in debt as well as dependent on suppliers. Shiva, who founded a movement in India to promote native seeds, links genetic tinkering to problems in our ecology, economy, and humanity, and sees this as the latest battleground in the war on Planet Earth.
The Politics and Ethics of Change : Bristol Big Green Week – Schumacher Lectures
Film of the Bristol Green Week Schumacher Lecture 2012: The Politics and Ethics of Change (more info below).
The other green week films can be found here:
More on Schumacher here:
More on Bristol green week:
The Politics and Ethics of Change, Speakers: Caroline Lucas MP (Leader of the Green Party), Patrick Curry (author, Ecological Ethics) & Polly Higgins (Eradicating Ecocide). Caroline, Britain's first Green Party MP, reflects on how major environmental issues fare in the political world; Patrick advocates an ethical approach to nature and Polly updates us on the major piece of global lawmaking she has initiated with her campaign to eradicate Ecocide.
More info on the speakers :
BBC Four - Surviving Progress (2012) Documentary
Documentary telling the double-edged story of the grave risks we pose to our own survival in the name of progress. With rich imagery the film connects financial collapse, growing inequality and global oligarchy with the sustainability of mankind itself. The film explores how we are repeatedly destroyed by 'progress traps' - alluring technologies which serve immediate need but rob us of our long term future. Featuring contributions from those at the forefront of evolutionary thinking such as Stephen Hawking and economic historian Michael Hudson. With Martin Scorsese as executive producer, the film leaves us with a challenge - to prove that civilisation and survival is not the biggest progress trap of them all.
Source :
Paulo de Morais no Canal "Q" - As negociatas dos políticos/MAFIOSOS
Paulo Morais, ex-vice-presidente da CM do Porto e vice-presidente da ONG "Transparência e Integridade" diz que o parlamento é o grande centro da corrupção em Portugal e que a corrupção é a verdadeira causa da crise. Entrevista de Luís Gouveia Monteiro.
Também vale a pena ver :
I AM (Full Documentary)
I AM ( is a 2011 documentary film written, narrated, and directed by Tom Shadyac. The documentary explores Shadyac's personal journey after a 2007 bicycle accident, "the nature of humanity" and "world's ever-growing addiction to materialism." The film, shot with Shadyac and a team of four, contrasts sharply with Shadyac's previous comedic work.
Shadyac had suffered post-concussion syndrome after a 2007 bicycle accident in Virginia, experiencing months of acute headaches and hyper-sensitivity to light and noise. The injury followed the cumulative effects of previous mild head injuries Shadyac had suffered surfing, mountain biking and playing basketball.
A 2011 New York Times article stated that: "the symptoms of a concussion [didn't] go away. Something as simple as a trip to the grocery store was painful for Shadyac, whose brain was unable to filter various stimuli.
After medical treatments failed to help, he isolated himself completely, sleeping in his closet and walling the windows of his mobile home with black-out curtains. As his symptoms finally began to subside, the director wanted to share his inner quest in the way he knew best: through film." Shadyac likened the experience to Dante's Seventh Circle of Hell.
Shadyac subsequently gave away his excess fortune, opening a homeless shelter in Charlottesville, Virginia and making a key donation to Telluride, Colorado's effort to set aside a natural area at the town's entrance. He reoriented and simplified his life, sold his 17,000-square-foot (1,600 m2) Los Angeles mansion and moved into a trailer park -- albeit the exclusive Paradise Cove park in Malibu.
In the film, Shadyac conducts interviews with scientists, religious leaders, environmentalists and philosophers including Desmond Tutu, Noam Chomsky, Lynne McTaggart, Elisabet Sahtouris, David Suzuki, Howard Zinn, and Thom Hartmann. The film asks two central questions: What's Wrong With the World? and What Can We Do About it?. It is about "human connectedness, happiness, and the human spirit", and explores themes including Darwinism, Western mores, loneliness, the economy, and the drive to war. The documentary includes animated scenes explaining scientific concepts, as well as clips from the films Wall Street and It's a Wonderful Life.
The L.A. Times said the film "was collection of sound bites that validate the filmmaker's point of view. What lifts the film above its dubious boilerplate assemblage of talking heads and archival images is Shadyac himself. With his gentle, self-mocking humor, he comes across as an exceptionally mellow, earnest and likable guy." Roger Ebert gave the film a negative review, stating that the "film is often absurd and never less than giddy with uplift, but that's not to say it's bad. I watched with an incredulous delight, and at the end, I liked Tom Shadyac quite a lot...he offers us this hopeful if somewhat undigested cut of his findings, in a film as watchable as a really good TV commercial, and just as deep. " Proceeds from the documentary go to the Foundation for I AM, which supports various charities.
James Howard Kunstler : It's Too Late for Solutions
Author and social critic James Howard Kunstler has been one of the earliest, most direct, and most articulate voices to warn of the consequences -- economic and otherwise -- of modern society's profligate wasting of the resources that underlie its growth.
In his new book Too Much Magic, Jim attacks the wishful thinking dominant today that with a little more growth, a little more energy, a little more technology -- a little more magic -- we'll somehow sail past our current tribulations without having to change our behavior.
Such self-delusion is particularly dangerous because it is preventing us from taking intelligent, constructive action at the national level when the clock is fast ticking out of our favor. In fact, Jim claims we are past the state where solutions are possible - instead, we need a response plan to help us best brace for the impact of the coming consequences. And we need it fast.
domingo, 8 de julho de 2012
O marketing da loucura - Psiquiatria obscura - MVL
CCHR: Comissão dos Cidadãos para os Direitos Humanos:
Documentário produzido pela CCHR expondo os erros cometidos pelos psiquiatras aliados da indústria dos medicamentos, que visam unicamente o lucro financeiro, que seus princípios e fundamentos carecem de embasamento, e seus postulados são facilmente contestáveis pois se baseiam na mentira e no engodo.
Documentário produzido pela CCHR expondo os erros cometidos pelos psiquiatras aliados da indústria dos medicamentos, que visam unicamente o lucro financeiro, que seus princípios e fundamentos carecem de embasamento, e seus postulados são facilmente contestáveis pois se baseiam na mentira e no engodo.
Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatístico : A Farsa Mais Mortífera da Psiquiatria
Visite o site da CCHR (
Uma farsa pseudo-científica elaborada...
São 943 páginas e lista 374 "distúrbios" mentais.
É a base para a lista de distúrbios mentais na Classificação Internacional de Doenças, usada em todo o mundo.
E embora pese menos de 2 quilos, a sua influência invade todos os aspectos da sociedade moderna: os nossos governos, os nossos tribunais, os nossos militares, os nossos média e as nossas escolas.
Usando-o, os psiquiatras podem obrigá-lo a tomar drogas psiquiátricas, retirar-lhe os seus filhos e tirar as suas liberdades mais preciosas.
É o Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Doenças Mentais, e é o motor que impele uma indústria psiquiátrica de 330 mil milhões de dólares.
Mas haverá alguma solução por detrás do DSM? Ou não é nada mais do que uma farsa pseudo-científica elaborada?
Os criadores dos documentários de Lucros de Matar, O Marketing de Loucura e Erro Mortal, documentaram a verdade chocante da farsa mais mortífera por detrás da psiquiatria.
Uma farsa pseudo-científica elaborada...
São 943 páginas e lista 374 "distúrbios" mentais.
É a base para a lista de distúrbios mentais na Classificação Internacional de Doenças, usada em todo o mundo.
E embora pese menos de 2 quilos, a sua influência invade todos os aspectos da sociedade moderna: os nossos governos, os nossos tribunais, os nossos militares, os nossos média e as nossas escolas.
Usando-o, os psiquiatras podem obrigá-lo a tomar drogas psiquiátricas, retirar-lhe os seus filhos e tirar as suas liberdades mais preciosas.
É o Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Doenças Mentais, e é o motor que impele uma indústria psiquiátrica de 330 mil milhões de dólares.
Mas haverá alguma solução por detrás do DSM? Ou não é nada mais do que uma farsa pseudo-científica elaborada?
Os criadores dos documentários de Lucros de Matar, O Marketing de Loucura e Erro Mortal, documentaram a verdade chocante da farsa mais mortífera por detrás da psiquiatria.
Stress : Portrait of a Killer
The stress response: in the beginning it saved our lives, making us run from predators and enabling us to take down prey. Today, human beings are turning on the same life-saving physical reaction to cope with 30-year mortgages, $4 a gallon gasoline, final exams, difficult bosses and even traffic jams — we can't seem to turn it off. So, we're constantly marinating in corrosive hormones triggered by the stress response.
Now, scientists are showing just how measurable — and dangerous — prolonged exposure to stress can be. Stanford University neurobiologist, MacArthur "genius" grant recipient, and renowned author Robert Sapolsky reveals new answers to why and how chronic stress is threatening our lives in Killer Stress, a National Geographic Special. The hour-long co-production of National Geographic Television and Stanford University was produced exclusively for public television.
In this revelatory film, discoveries occur in an extraordinary range of places, from baboon troops on the plains of East Africa to the office cubes of government bureaucrats in London to neuroscience labs at the nation's leading research universities. Groundbreaking research reveals surprising facts about the impact of stress on our bodies: how it can shrink our brains, add fat to our bellies and even unravel our chromosomes. Understanding how stress works can help us figure out ways to combat it and mitigate negative impacts on our health.
For over three decades, Robert Sapolsky has been working to advance our understanding of stress — in particular how our social standing (our place in various hierarchies) can make us more or less susceptible to the damaging effects of stress. Throughout the film, he weaves the grim realities of the impact of chronic stress with his wry observations about 21st century life. "The reality is I am unbelievably stressed and Type A and poorly coping," says Sapolsky. "Why else would I study this stuff 80 hours a week? No doubt everything I advise is going to lose all its credibility if I keel over dead from a heart attack in my early 50s. I'm not good at dealing with stress. But one thing that works to my advantage is I love my work. I love every aspect of it."
The film is based partly on Sapolsky's best-selling book Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: Stress, Disease and Coping. In addition to his professorship at Stanford, Sapolsky is a research associate with the Institute of Primate Research at the National Museum of Kenya. He is also the author of Monkeyluv, A Primate's Memoir and The Trouble with Testosterone, a Los Angeles Times Book Award finalist.
Scientists from the University of North Carolina, the University of London, Rockefeller University and the University of California, San Francisco share their compelling insights into how stress impacts the body, giving stress a new relevance and urgency to our increasingly complex lives.
Source :
Making a Killing : The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging
Psychotropic drugs. It’s the story of big money-drugs that fuel a $330 billion psychiatric industry, without a single cure.
The cost in human terms is even greater-these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year.
And the death count keeps rising. Containing more than 175 interviews with lawyers, mental health experts, the families of victims and the survivors themselves, this riveting documentary rips the mask off psychotropic drugging and exposes a brutal but well-entrenched money-making machine.
Before these drugs were introduced in the market, people who had these conditions would not have been given any drugs at all.
So it is the branding of a disease and it is the branding of a drug for a treatment of a disease that did not exist before the industry made the disease.
Source :
FRONTLINE : The Medicated Child
In recent years, there's been a dramatic increase in the number of children being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders and prescribed medications that are just beginning to be tested in children. The drugs can cause serious side effects, and virtually nothing is known about their long-term impact. "It's really to some extent an experiment, trying medications in these children of this age," child psychiatrist Dr. Patrick Bacon tells FRONTLINE. "It's a gamble. And I tell parents there's no way to know what's going to work."
In The Medicated Child, FRONTLINE producer Marcela Gaviria confronts psychiatrists, researchers and government regulators about the risks, benefits and many questions surrounding prescription drugs for troubled children. The biggest current controversy surrounds the diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Formerly called manic depression, bipolar disorder was long believed to exist only in adults. But in the mid-1990s, bipolar in children began to be diagnosed at much higher rates, sometimes in kids as young as 4 years old. "The rates of bipolar diagnoses in children have increased markedly in many communities over the last five to seven years," says Dr. Steven Hyman, a former director of the National Institute of Mental Health. "I think the real question is, are those diagnoses right? And in truth, I don't think we yet know the answer."
Like many of the 1 million children now diagnosed with bipolar, 5-year-old Jacob Solomon was initially believed to suffer from an attention deficit disorder. His parents reluctantly started him on Ritalin, but over the next five years, Jacob would be put on one drug after another. "It all started to feel out of control," Jacob's father, Ron, told FRONTLINE. "Nobody ever said we can work with this through therapy and things like that. Everywhere we looked it was, 'Take meds, take meds, take meds.'"
Over the years, Jacob's multiple medications have helped improve his mood, but they've also left him with a severe tic in his neck which doctors are having trouble fully explaining. "We're dealing with developing minds and brains, and medications have a whole different impact in the young developing child than they do in an adult," says Dr. Marianne Wamboldt, the chief of psychiatry at Denver Children's Hospital. "We don't understand that impact very well. That's where we're still in the Dark Ages."
DJ Koontz was diagnosed with bipolar at 4 years old, after his temper tantrums became more frequent and explosive. He was recently prescribed powerful antipsychotic drugs. "It is a little worrisome to me because he is so young," says DJ's mother, Christine. "If he didn't take it, though, I don't know if we could function as a family. It's almost a do-or-die situation over here." DJ's medicines seem to be helping him in the short run, but the longer-term outlook is still uncertain. "What's not really clear is whether many of the kids who are called bipolar have anything that's related to this very well-studied disorder in adults," says Dr. Thomas Insel, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health. "It's not clear that people with that adult illness started with what we're now calling bipolar in children. Nor is it clear that the kids who have this disorder are going to grow up to have what we used to call manic-depressive illness in adulthood."
While some urge caution when it comes to bipolar in children, FRONTLINE talks with others who argue that we should intervene with drug treatments at even younger ages for children genetically predisposed to the disorder. "The theory is that if you get in early, before the first full mood episode, then perhaps we can delay the onset to full mania," says Dr. Kiki Chang of Stanford University. "And if that's the case, perhaps finding the right medication early on can protect a brain so that these children never do progress to full bipolar disorder."
Source :
The Marketing of Madness : Are We All Insane?
The Marketing of Madness is the definitive documentary on the psychiatric drugging industry. Here is the real story of the high income partnership between psychiatry and drug companies that has created an $80 billion psychotropic drug profit centre.
But appearances are deceiving. How valid are psychiatrists’ diagnoses – and how safe are their drugs? Digging deep beneath the corporate veneer, this three-part documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal dangerous and often deadly sales campaigns.
In this film you’ll discover that… Many of the drugs side effects may actually make your ‘mental illness’ worse. Psychiatric drugs can induce aggression or depression. Some psychotropic drugs prescribed to children are more addictive than cocaine. Psychiatric diagnoses appears to be based on dubious science. Of the 297 mental disorders contained with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, none can be objectively measured by pathological tests.
Mental illness symptoms within this manual are arbitrarily assigned by a subjective voting system in a psychiatric panel. It is estimated that 100 million people globally use psychotropic drugs.
The Marketing of Madness exposes the real insanity in our psychiatric ‘health care’ system: profit-driven drug marketing at the expense of human rights.
This film plunges into an industry corrupted by corporate greed and delivers a shocking warning from courageous experts who value public health over dollar.
Source :
DSM - Le coup de poker le plus funeste de la psychiatrie
Le Manuel Diagnostique & Statistique (DSM) : 374 "troubles" et .... Zéro guérisons. Une imposture pseudoscientifique complexe...
Il fait 943 pages et énumère 374 "troubles" mentaux. C'est sur lui qu'est fondée la liste des troubles mentaux de la Classification Internationale des Maladies, utilisée dans le monde entier.
Et bien qu'il ne pèse qu'un peu plus de deux kilos, son influence se répand dans tous les secteurs de la société moderne: nos gouvernements, nos tribunaux, nos armées, nos médias et nos écoles.
Avec lui, les psychiatres peuvent imposer l'administration de psychotropes, saisir votre enfant et même vous priver de vos libertés personnelles les plus précieuses.
Il s'agit du Manuel diagnostique et statistique de la psychiatrie (DSM), la locomotive qui mène une industrie psychiatrique de 330 milliards de dollars.
Mais le DSM repose-t-il sur des preuves ? Ou n'est-il qu'une imposture pseudoscientifique complexe ?
Produit par les créateurs des documentaires primés "Profits macabres", "Le marketing de la folie" et "Erreur fatale", voici la vérité choquante pour mettre en plein jour le coup de poker le plus funeste de la psychiatrie;
TV Lobotomie - La vérité scientifique sur les effets de la télévision
Pour les spécialistes, tel Michel
Desmurget, il n'y a plus de doute : la télévision est un fléau. Elle
exerce une influence profondément négative sur le développement
intellectuel, les résultats scolaires, le langage, l'attention,
l'imagination, la créativité, la violence, le sommeil, le tabagisme,
l'alcoolisme, la sexualité, l'image du corps, le comportement
alimentaire, l'obésité et l'espérance de vie.
Le cerveau et ses automatismes 1/2 : La magie de l'inconscient
Des séquences animées en 3D prouvent que notre capacité de raisonnement atteint vite ses limites et peine à influencer nos comportements. Des objets banals tels que des allumettes et des chaises permettent des expériences surprenantes quand ils sont manipulés par des chercheurs.
Pour prouver le bien-fondé de leurs thèses, ces derniers n'hésitent pas à s'élancer sur une planche de surf ou à étudier les méthodes des prestidigitateurs. Autant de raisons de s'inquiéter parfois, notamment quand nous apprenons que notre cerveau prend les décisions sept secondes avant que nous en ayons conscience !
Un fascinant périple aux quatre coins du monde, de l'Australie à l'Allemagne en passant par les États-Unis et la Suède, pour observer nos neurones dans tous leurs états.
Source :
Le cerveau et ses automatismes 2/2 - Le pouvoir de l'inconscient
À 90 %, les actes que nous entreprenons au quotidien se déroulent à notre insu, avec un cerveau en pilotage automatique... La conscience ne serait ainsi qu'une sorte de clap de fin qui se manifeste lorsque tout est déjà joué - un tour de passe-passe de notre cerveau pour nous faire croire que nous avons encore notre mot à dire.
L'amour est le domaine dans lequel nous sommes le plus assujettis à des automatismes inconscients, mais selon les individus, ce sont quatre cerveaux différents qui président au choix de l'élu(e).
Les ballets que dansent dopamine, sérotonine, testostérone, oestrogènes, endorphine et ocytocine dans notre tête ne peuvent que nous la faire perdre. La grande distribution qui, elle, a les pieds sur terre, a sollicité les neurosciences pour comprendre et faire fructifier nos humeurs "acheteuses".
D'autres experts étudient la part d'intuition qui intervient chez des personnes en état de stress devant une table de casino ou chez des pilotes devant un simulateur de vol.
Souce :
LE TUBE : Les effets de la télévision sur le cerveau
Source :
Le Temps de Cerveau Disponible (FR)
Cruauté, violences psychologiques et sexuelles, humiliations : la téléréalité semble devenue folle. Son arrivée au début des années 2000 ouvrait une nouvelle ère dans l'histoire de l'audiovisuel. Cinquante ans d'archives retracent l'évolution du divertissement : comment la mise en scène de l'intime, dans les années 80, a ouvert un nouveau champ, comment la privatisation des plus grandes chaînes a modifié le rapport au téléspectateur. A l'aide de spécialistes, dont le philosophe Bernard Stiegler, ce documentaire démontre comment l'émotion a fait place à l'exacerbation des pulsions les plus destructrices.
(Diffusé sur France2 en 2010)
(Diffusé sur France2 en 2010)
Publicite : Cerveau étudié pour consommer ... à l'impulsion
Comment augmenter la frénésie des achats. Voilà que l'on étudie l'impacte sur le cerveau l'impacte des campagne de communication publicataires, politiques. Publicité, marketing et médicine. Quid de l'oeuf et de la poule ?
La achats compulsifs. Voilà le saint graal de tout bon marketing.
Détruire pour consommer toujours plus
... quitte à dégrader volontairement les produits pour produire plus. L'obsolescence programmée est étudiée par nos chers ingénieurs des temps modernes. La nature finie du monde ne comblera jamais la cupidité infinie des capitalistes. La croissance à tout prix, comment y parvenir : - créer un besoin, un manque, une attirance (publicité) - le crédit, permettre aux pauvres de consommer pour devenir encore plus esclave du système - obsolescence programmée pour remplacer un produit mort par programmation anticipée - gaspillage volontaire et étudié ou l'on croit à une pseudo recyclage dans les pays en voie de développement. Vive la liberté de consommer dans nos consocraties ! - La fragilité des bas nylons DUPONT, ... - Adieu les réfrigérateurs et lave-linge durant 25 ans, .. - Cahier des charge de renouvellement du produit, ... - Les ampoules de plus en plus fragiles (les nouvelles ampoules fluo-compacte emettent un champs électro-magnétique contrairement aux ampoules au filamment de tungstène dites à incandescence). - La batterie de l'iPod d'APPLE qui ne dure que 18 mois. Réponse d'APPLE : "Acheter un nouvel iPod". - Les imprimantes programmées pour ne plus imprimer aucune page après un certain temps, - Pays du tiers-monde = Décharges de nos biens "usés". La liste de leur destruction programmée est encore longue ! Note : Le logiciel pour débloquer les imprimantes EPSON Stylus est SSC Service Utility développé par un jeune russe. Espérons que de tels logiciels puissent apparaitre pour les imprimantes HP, CANON, BROTHER, ...
L'esclavage moderne
Dans un monde où 1% de la population possède 40% de la richesse de la planète, dans un monde où 34.000 enfants meurent chaque jour de pauvreté et de maladies évitables et où 50% de la population mondiale vit avec moins de deux dollars par jour.
Une chose est clair : Quelque chose tourne très mal...
Vulgarisation des procédés de création d'argent par la banque centrale américaine - la Réserve Fédérale - Où comment l'argent est crée à partir de dette et pourquoi il est virtuellement impossible de s'en débarrasser...
Extrait du Film Zeitgeist: Addendum
sábado, 7 de julho de 2012
Waiting for Superman (2010)
Every morning, in big cities, suburbs and small towns across America, parents send their children off to school with the highest of hopes. But a shocking number of students in the United States attend schools where they have virtually no chance of learning--failure factories likelier to produce drop-outs than college graduates. And despite decades of well-intended reforms and huge sums of money spent on the problem, our public schools haven't improved markedly since the 1970s. Why? There is an answer. And it's not what you think. From "An Inconvenient Truth" director Davis Guggenheim comes "Waiting for 'Superman'", a provocative and cogent examination of the crisis of public education in the United States told through multiple interlocking stories--from a handful of students and their families whose futures hang in the balance, to the educators and reformers trying to find real and lasting solutions within a dysfunctional system. Tackling such politically radioactive topics as the power of teachers' unions and the entrenchment of school bureaucracies, Guggenheim reveals the invisible forces that have held true education reform back for decades.
Profits macabres - L'histoire cachée des drogues psychiatriques
Big Pharma's Big Fines - ProPublica :
GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay a $3 billion fine
Les drogues psychiatriques. C'est une histoire de gros sous: des psychotropes qui alimentent une industrie psychiatrique de 330 milliards de dollars, sans le moindre traitement efficace. Le coût en vies humaines est encore plus dévastateur: ces drogues psychiatriques tuent à l'heure actuelle près de 42000 personnes par an. Et le bilan ne cesse d'empirer.
Ce documentaire prenant, qui contient plus de 175 interviews, avec des avocats, des experts de la santé mentale, des familles de victimes et d'anciens patients rescapés, révèle l'horreur des drogues psychiatriques et dénonce une entreprise commerciale très lucrative, sans pitié et bien huilée.
Source :
Le Marketing de la Folie
« La psychiatrie est probablement la force la plus destructive qui ait affecté la société les soixante dernières années. »
Thomas Szasz, Professeur honoraire en psychiatrie
Le marché des psychotropes rapporte gros. L'alliance entre la psychiatrie et les firmes pharmaceutiques leur a permis de réaliser plus de 80 milliards de dollars de ventes de psychotropes. Mais les apparences sont trompeuses. Que valent les diagnostics psychiatriques, et jusqu'à quel point ces psychotropes sont-ils sans danger?
Ce documentaire révèle les faits derrière le vernis social d'un marketing habile et soi-disant scientifique qui dissimule une campagne de vente de produits dangereux et parfois fatals. Aux yeux des psychiatres et du DMS, le manuel des diagnostiques psychiatriques, nous sommes tous fous, sans exception.
Articles reliés :
Thomas Szasz, Professeur honoraire en psychiatrie
Le marché des psychotropes rapporte gros. L'alliance entre la psychiatrie et les firmes pharmaceutiques leur a permis de réaliser plus de 80 milliards de dollars de ventes de psychotropes. Mais les apparences sont trompeuses. Que valent les diagnostics psychiatriques, et jusqu'à quel point ces psychotropes sont-ils sans danger?
Ce documentaire révèle les faits derrière le vernis social d'un marketing habile et soi-disant scientifique qui dissimule une campagne de vente de produits dangereux et parfois fatals. Aux yeux des psychiatres et du DMS, le manuel des diagnostiques psychiatriques, nous sommes tous fous, sans exception.
Articles reliés :
Au cœur de la Voie lactée. Spéciale Nuit des étoiles
Un fabuleux voyage dans le cosmos à travers cent mille années-lumière pour comprendre l’histoire et l’évolution de notre galaxie, du big bang à aujourd’hui.
La Voie lactée est le nom de la galaxie dans laquelle se situe le système solaire. Sa forme générale est un disque spiral. Elle s’est formée à partir d’un nuage de gaz il y a environ 12 milliards d’années. Son diamètre est de cent mille années-lumière et elle contient entre 200 et 400 milliards d’étoiles. C’est à un fascinant voyage à travers l’espace-temps que nous convie ce documentaire, qui retrace les moments clés de l’histoire de la Voie lactée et fait le point sur l’état de nos connaissances. Les dernières innovations technologiques en terme d’images 3D et d’effets spéciaux permettent au spectateur de voguer à la recherche des trous noirs super-massifs ; de découvrir comment naissent et meurent les étoiles ; et de voler au coeur de notre galaxie pour tenter d’en comprendre la forme, le fonctionnement et l'évolution depuis le big bang jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Images haute définition étonnantes en provenance de la NASA et du télescope Hubble, paroles de scientifiques et d’astronomes qui repoussent toujours plus loin les frontières de nos connaissances font de ce documentaire à la fois esthétique et pédagogique un très bel événement pour la Nuit des étoiles.
Documentaire de Duncan Copp (Royaume-Uni, 2010, 1h36mn)
Production : Dox Productions, National Geographic
Source :,CmC=4059590.html
Liberty Bound
A US Citizen's journey of discovery into the lies, oppression, and corruption that has invaded her country since 9/11.
Through original footage, archived footage, and interviews with people such as Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, and Michael Ruppert, Liberty Bound explores the state of the union and its ostensible move toward fascism. We talk with people who have been interrogated by the Secret Service and threatened with arrest for doing such benign things as sending an email, turning around during a Bush speech, and having a philosophical discussion on a train.
Blue Moose Films, LLC
Producer: Christine Rose
Director: Christine Rose
Himself: Howard Zinn
Himself: Michael Parenti
Himself: Michael Ruppert
Michael Parenti : Diversity & Orthodoxy in the Media - Lecture 1
Michael Parenti discusses Diversity and Orthodoxy in Media at the Modern Media Censorship Lectures.
Open Seeds : Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
As the world begins to digest the implications of intellectual property for online censorship, another IP issue threatens an even more fundamental part of our daily lives: our food supply. Backed by legal precedent and armed with seemingly inexhaustible lobbying funds, a handful of multinationals are attempting to use patents on life itself to monopolize the biosphere.
Find out more about the process of patenting life and what it means for the food supply on this week's GRTV Backgrounder.
Vandana Shiva : Earth Democracy
Dr. Vandana Shiva is a physicist and ecologist who is active in biodiversity conservation and protection of farmers' and women's rights. In this interview, Shiva reflects on the current economic and ecological crises, their roots and the way forward for a democratic, sustainable future
Michael Parenti : Democracy and the Pathology of Wealth
brightpathvideo presents social critic and noted author Michael Parenti speaking about Democracy and the Pathology of Wealth. Parenti will be discussing developments in the U.S. political scene, the occupy movement and the struggle against corporate capitalism.
Michael Parenti is an internationally known award-winning author and lecturer. He is one of the nation's leading progressive political analysts. His highly informative and entertaining books and talks have reached a wide range of audiences in North America and abroad.
Parenti's writings cover a wide range of subjects: U.S. politics, culture, ideology, political economy, global imperialism, fascism, communism, democratic socialism, free-market orthodoxies, religion, ancient and modern history, news and entertainment media, environmentalism, sexism, racism, ethnicity, and his own early life.
For more information visit his website
The Secret of Oz by Bill Still
What’s the Movie About?
It is well known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 president bid of Democrat William Jennings Bryan.
The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum’s and Bryan’s belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America.
We believe Baum’s symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America – and the rest of the world. Practically speaking, 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1939 MGM release of the The Wizard of Oz movie, so interest will be very high. Even Oz websites put up by kids get millions of hits.
It is well known in economics academia that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in 1900 is loaded with powerful symbols of monetary reform which were the core of the Populist movement and the 1896 and 1900 president bid of Democrat William Jennings Bryan.
The yellow brick road (gold standard), the emerald city of Oz (greenback money), even Dorothy’s silver slippers (changed to ruby slippers for the movie version) were the symbol of Baum’s and Bryan’s belief that adding silver coinage to gold would provide much needed money to a depression-strapped, 1890s America.
We believe Baum’s symbols represent the only solution to relieve the growing economic hardship here in America – and the rest of the world. Practically speaking, 2009 marks the 70th anniversary of the 1939 MGM release of the The Wizard of Oz movie, so interest will be very high. Even Oz websites put up by kids get millions of hits.
More info :
sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2012
Reflections with John Pilger
27/06/12 In association with BBC College of Journalism
Renowned investigative journalist, author and documentary film-maker John Pilger will be joining us in conversation with broadcaster, journalist and writer Charles Glass to look back on half a century of reporting from around the world.
Born in Sydney, Australia, Pilger arrived in London in the 1960s and joined Reuters later moving to the London Daily Mirror, then Britain's biggest selling newspaper and undergoing remarkable changes to a serious tabloid.
He has reported from all over the world, covering numerous wars, notably Vietnam and the Middle East. He was the youngest journalist to be named Journalist of the Year and the first to win it twice.
In the United States Pilger reported the upheavals of the late 1960s and 1970s, marching with America's poor from Alabama to Washington following the assassination of Martin Luther King. He was in the same room when Robert Kennedy, the presidential candidate, was assassinated in June 1968.
His newspaper reports and films from Cambodia and East Timor alerted much of the world to those tragedies and struggles He has won an Emmy and a BAFTA for his documentaries, which have also won numerous US and European awards, such as as the Royal Television Society's Best Documentary
Imperial America: Gore Vidal Reflects on the United States of Amnesia
In his latest book Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia acclaimed author Gore Vidal writes that, "Not since the 1846 attack on Mexico in order to seize California has an American government been so nakedly predatory." Gore Vidal joins us in our firehouse studio to discuss President Bush, elections and much more. [includes rush transcript]
Our guest for the program is a national icon. He is the author of more than 20 novels and five plays. He is one of the best known chroniclers of American history and politics and his works have been translated into dozens of languages across the globe. He once told a magazine interviewer, "There is not one human problem that could not be solved... if people would simply do as I advise." And for more than a half a century, he has done just that." I am talking about Gore Vidal.
He published his first novel, Williwawa, in 1946 at the age of 21. He began writing poems and stories as a young teen-ager and began his first novel while he was still in high school. His grandfather was a senator and his father worked for the Roosevelt administration. But rather than pursuing a family career of politics and privilege, Gore Vidal dedicated himself to writing and critiquing the injustices of American society. Following the publication of the first two of his latest trilogy of books examining the American empire, Vidal was described as the last "noble defender" of the American republic, America’s last "small-r" republican. The third and final book of the trilogy has just been published. It is called "Imperial America: Reflections on the United States of Amnesia."
In his latest book, Gore Vidal writes that "Not since the 1846 attack on Mexico in order to seize California has an American government been so nakedly predatory." He describes the current president as being like "a man in one of those dreams who knows he is safe in bed and so can commit any crime he likes in his voluptuous dream. No one can stop him."
Gore Vidal joins us in our firehouse studio.
Source :
Gore Vidal looks back on his remarkable life - full
Gore Vidal - literary lion, political gadfly, raconteur and friend of the famous. Vidal is renowned for his historical novels, essays, plays and more. For more than half-a-century, he has been an outspoken critic of American imperialism and more . Now at the age of eighty-one, Vidal looks back on his remarkable life in the second volume of his memoirs. The book is called "Point to Point Navigation".
Academy of Achievement : Gore Vidal
Gore reflects on his many public roles across many historical frontiers as the last of the great post-war novelists.
The Interview was conducted in June 3, 2006.
The full transcript of the exchange may be found here :
The Interview was conducted in June 3, 2006.
The full transcript of the exchange may be found here :
Interview with Gore Vidal for the pilot season of The Typeset
Interview with Gore Vidal, prolific American novelist, playwright, and essayist, one of the great stylists of contemporary American prose, and an active critic of contemporary American political culture, for the pilot season of The Typeset (a No Island Media Production)
quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012
Vandana Shiva : Giving up Growth
Dr. Shiva speaks about the dangers of corporate greed, measuring happiness instead of profits, and the importance of a strong commitment to the greater good.
Graphics and Illustration by Albert Kwon.
Directed by Jon-Erik Lappano.
Music: "Quittin' Time" by Patrick Lee.
Interview by Corporate Knights at the OCAD President's Speaker Series. Her talk was entitled "Soil not Oil: Earth's design in times of climate change."
Podcast Produced by Corporate Knights Inc.
Enric Durán : La Cooperativa Integral "Una Aplicación del Decrecimiento" Feb 2011
Coloquio y charla de Enric Duran, en el que expone con muchos detalles cómo ha sido el recorrido que dio origen a la Cooperativa Integral Catalana, el actual proceso que ha seguido y la resolución de dudas que pueden surgir fácilmente tras esta exposición.
Tras el 15M ha resurgido con fuerza esta iniciativa abrazada ahora desde diferentes ámbitos del estado, creándose distintas propuestas de creaciones de Cooperativas Integrales.
- AUZOLAN Cooperativa Integral (Navarra y Euskadi)
- Cooperativa Integral Valenciana
- Cooperativa Integral de Madrid y alrededores
Más info :
Enric Durán :
La democracia inclusiva como proyecto político para una nueva síntesis libertaria
Conferencia de Takis Fotopoulos en las jornadas del CeNTenario de la CNT "Alternativas al capitalismo: la autogestión a debate". Barcelona, abril de 2010.
En inglés, subtitulada en castellano.
También en Youtube con subtítulos en catalán, alemán, francés, castellano e inglés :
Takis Fotopoulos : O que é democracia inclusiva? entrevista com Oliver Ressler
Entrevista com o Takis Fotopoulos sobre o projecto de democracia inclusiva, tomada por Oliver Ressler vídeo para sua série "Alternative Economics, Alternative Societies" em 19 Julho 2003. Neste vídeo, Fotopoulos discute os componentes da democracia inclusiva: político, económico, a democracia no nível social e ecológica da democracia. Ele também está oferecendo uma análise aprofundada do ID é proposto um modelo económico de mercado, menos e menos economia de dinheiro. Finalmente, ele se refere à estratégia de transição para a transformação para uma sociedade autónoma, por uma democracia inclusiva.
Sobre democracia inclusiva :
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Sobre Oliver Ressler :
Director: Oliver Ressler
La financiarisation de la nature
Court-métrage d'animation sur la mainmise des marchés financiers sur la nature et les réelles alternatives portées par la société civile.
Une initiative de : SOMO, European Attac Network, Food&Water Europe, Friends of Earth Europe, Les Amis de la Terre France, Carbon Trade Watch, WEED, Ecologistas en Acción, Aitec and Campagna per la riforma della Banca Mondiale.
Produit par La Antena, AttacTV. Animé par Desarme s.c.
quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012
History Channel : Prophets of Doom
Today's world has troubles unique to its time in history, from the global financial crisis to technological meltdowns to full scale, computerized global war. Observing the convergence of such events, contemporary prophets have begun to emerge from obscurity to suggest that these conditions might be signs of the demise of the modern world. These men are historians as well, using all manner of information and patterns from the past to provide context for where we are going. Their predictions interpret the current state of affairs in our world as evidence that the America we know may come to an end. The men proposing these ideas are not crackpots living on the streets of New York; they are intelligent, learned men who come armed with the evidence to back up their claims.
Source :
END:CIV - Resist or Die - WWW.ENDCIV.COM
END:CIV ( examines our culture's addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?"
The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations are usually traced to overuse of resources. As we write this, the world is reeling from economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, the headlines re-hash stories of scandal and betrayal of the public trust. We don't have to make outraged demands for the end of the current global system — it seems to be coming apart already.
But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this all-consuming madness and into a saner future.
Backed by Jensen's narrative, the film calls on us to act as if we truly love this land. The film trips along at a brisk pace, using music, archival footage, motion graphics, animation, slapstick and satire to deconstruct the global economic system, even as it implodes around us. END:CIV illustrates first-person stories of sacrifice and heroism with intense, emotionally-charged images that match Jensen's poetic and intuitive approach. Scenes shot in the back country provide interludes of breathtaking natural beauty alongside clearcut evidence of horrific but commonplace destruction.
END:CIV features interviews with Paul Watson, Waziyatawin, Gord Hill, Michael Becker, Peter Gelderloos, Lierre Keith, James Howard Kunstler, Stephanie McMillan, Qwatsinas, Rod Coronado, John Zerzan and more.
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