domingo, 26 de junho de 2011

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011

"Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation" with Max Keiser

Guns and Butter - June 22, 2011 at 1:00pm

Click to listen (or download)

Financial occupation of Greece; IMF Greek Memorandum; financial terrorism; controlled demolition of European economies; asset grab; lawsuits against bankers and government; Pirate My Film, including crowd funding and copyright free media; new European funding facility in the planning stage; global bank; coming housing collapse and banking disaster; devaluation of the dollar; the wild card.

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Cold Evil : Technology and Ethics in the 21st Century


"In the past sin and evil have been seen by most religions as the product of personal decisions by individuals. Has our increasingly technological age created new forms of systemic sin and evil -- evil which is virtually immune from personal choice, that we are all complicit in and that threatens our collective existence, yet is unrecognized by our major religious denominations? Kimbrell will address this important technology and ethics issue."

Center for the Study of Science and Religion
Executive Director, International Center for Technology Assessment: Andrew Kimbrell

The Social Animal

Acclaimed New York Times columnist David Brooks explores new insights into human nature and the forces that shape our choices and actions. Chaired by Madeleine Bunting.

domingo, 19 de junho de 2011

Alan Kapuler: Open Pollinated Public Domain Plant Breeder

Visit for more videos and information on sustainable living. In part 3 of this ongoing video series, Alan Kapuler shares his deep appreciation for the biological and ecological systems of the garden. Through his plant breeding efforts, Kapuler seeks to extend into the public domain a lifetime of work cultivating, growing and cataloging his seeds for the benefit of humanity.

Seattle Green Festival 2011 - Follow the Money by David Korten

"We humans are confronting the reality of our nature as living beings"

"We must reorganize human economies to function as locally self-reliant subsystems of their local ecosystems."

"So follow the money and you will see the source and consequences of the evil that threatens the viability of human societies and the biosphere."

"For a society, money, which can be created with a simple accounting entry, should never be the defining constraint."

"These once highly sensible government programs now guarantee and subsidize loosely-regulated too-big-to-fail private banks engaged in financing speculation, financial bubbles, usury, asset stripping, and investment fraud."

"Critics will argue that the proposed actions represent unwarranted government interference in the market. In reality, Wall Street is a creation of government interference in the market."

David Korten is co-founder and board chair of YES! Magazine, co-chair of the New Economy Working Group, president of the People-Centered Development Forum, and a founding board member of the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE). His books include Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community, and the international best seller When Corporations Rule the World. 

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011

Nigel Farage: Bankers+politicians = 'unholy alliance' vs people


Renowned Eurosceptic and British Euro MP Nigel Farage says saving the banks is why politicians are so determined to bail out Greece and keep it in the Eurozone.

sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

TEDxUVM - Robert Costanza

Robert Costanza is Professor and Director of the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics. Dr. Costanza's research has focused on the interface between ecological and economic systems, particularly at larger temporal and spatial scales. Starting in the fall, he will begin in his new position at Portland State University as Professor and Director at the Center for Sustainable Processes and Practices. He will leave his legacy at UVM, and today will present on ways to create a sustainable and desirable future.

Debtocracy (2011). Versión con subtitulos integrados en español

"Debtocracy - Χρεοκρατία - Deudocracia" es un documental realizado por los periodistas griegos Katerina Kitidi y Ari Hatzistefanou, y distribuido en internet libremente por sus autores, que busca las causas de la crisis y de la deuda en Grecia, y que propone soluciones que el Gobierno y los medios de comunicación dominantes ocultan.

Leida Rijnhout: Growth, Exploitation and Global Justice


[en] Beitrag von Leida Rijnhout, Executive Director bei ANPED im Podium 1 «Wachstum, Ausbeutung und globale Gerechtigkeit» auf dem Attac-Kongress «Jenseits des Wachstums» in Berlin, 21.5.2011.

Vandana Shiva speaks about the lunacy of economic growth


[en] Auftaktrede beim Attac-Kongress «Jenseits des Wachstums» ( in Berlin, 20.5.2011. Die Inderin Vandana Shiva ist Umwelt- und Bürgerrechtlerin, Trägerin des alternativen Nobelpreises,Vorsitzende des International Forum on Globalization, Mitglied des Club of Rome und des Exekutivkomitees des Weltzukunftsrates.

Les ânes

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2011

"Europe's Financial Class War Against Labor, Industry and Government"

with Dr. Michael Hudson.
Guns and Butter - June 16, 2010 at 1:00pm

Click to listen (or download)

Economic crisis in Europe created by predatory lending; European Central Bank stranglehold on the Eurozone; the Euro; foreign banks decimate Greece's social structure; Marx's industrial capital versus fictitious capital; Latvia as a model for the rest of Europe; Hudson's financial and fiscal plan for Latvia; the Cold War and its ruinous effect on progressive economic thought.

Prof. Michael Hudson - 2010 AMI Monetary Reform Conference


Prof. Michael Hudson - 2010 AMI Monetary Reform Conference #2

Prof. Michael Hudson - 2010 AMI Monetary Reform Conference #3

Prof. Michael Hudson - 2010 AMI Monetary Reform Conference #4

Prof. Michael Hudson - 2010 AMI Monetary Reform Conference #5

Prof. Michael Hudson speaks on Exciting Developments in Brazil, Latvia and Iceland at the 2010 American Monetary Institute Monetary Reform Conference. (

Prof. Michael Hudson, Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Author, Super Imperialism and Global Fracture

quinta-feira, 9 de junho de 2011

Un autre monde est possible

"Un Autre Monde est Possible" c'est le slogan qui résume toute l'espérance du mouvement altermondialiste.
Carnet de route de Keny Arkana, une rappeuse de 23 de Marseille, présente un documentaire contre la mondialisation de la misère et de la violence, contre la destruction de la planète et la manipulation de nos esprits. Dans ce documentaire d'une heure qui s'écoute avec autant de révolte que de plaisir, Keny transmet sa foi en la vie, en l'autre, en l'espoir à travers les analyses de militant-es de tous les continents.
Un autre monde est possible est un pamphlet des luttes des mouvements sociaux à travers le monde : Brésil, Phillipines, Argentine, France, Suisse, Belgique, Bolivie, Mexique, Inde, Mali et Tchad contre l'ordre du tout économique et le tout marchand du néolibéralisme. Il traduit les impacts de ses politiques assassines des institutions de Breton Woods sur les menages privés de courant, de marchés d'écoulement des produits à la suite des privatisations des entreprises nationales. C'est aussi un condensé d'information revelateur du malaise que vit notre planète qui est appelé à disparaitre si rien n'est fait pour empecher ses capitalistes. Mais bien évidememment c'est l'espoir traduit par la jeunesse consciente qui termine le film et nous invite à nous engager pour l'avènement d'un autre monde plus juste et plus solidaire. des acteurs de rap, reggae, de musique traditionnel et bien d'autres vous retiennent jusqu'à la fin de ce film de 60 minutes.

Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation

Pour Sauver La Planète, Sortez Du Capitalisme - Hervé Kempf

Paul Ariès - Mal au travail

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2011

Crisis is Not Behind Us

Randal Wray: Banks are bigger than in '07, are cooking their books to show profits - need regulation and increase in purchasing power and jobs program to avoid bigger crash

Michael Parenti - "The Face of Imperialism"

Michael Parenti talks about his new book "The Face of Imperialism"

domingo, 5 de junho de 2011

Dr. Vandana Shiva at the CSSC Encounters by Amherst Media

Philosopher, environmental activist & author, Vandana Shiva, is a world-renowned environmental leader and thinker. Director of the Research Foundation on Science, Technology, and Ecology, she is the author of many books, including Water Wars: Pollution, Profits, and Privatization.