segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010
Brain Evolution: The Accidental Mind
The Accidental Mind is a book by David J. Linden. It seeks to explain how brain evolution has given rise to those qualities that most profoundly shape our human experience.
Neurons have hardly changed from those of prehistoric jellyfish. "Slow, leaky, unreliable," as Linden calls them, they tend to drop the ball: at connections between neurons, signals have a 70 percent chance of sputtering out. To make sure enough signals do get through, the brain needs to be massively interconnected, its 100 billion neurons forming an estimated 500 trillion synapses.
Just as the mouse brain is a lizard brain "with some extra stuff thrown on top," Linden writes, the human brain is essentially a mouse brain with extra toppings. That's how we wound up with two vision systems. In amphibians, signals from the eye are processed in a region called the midbrain, which, for instance, guides a frog's tongue to insects in midair and enables us to duck as an errant fastball bears down on us. Our kludgy brain retains this primitive visual structure even though most signals from the eye are processed in the visual cortex, a newer addition. If the latter is damaged, patients typically say they cannot see a thing. Yet if asked to reach for an object, many of them can grab it on the first try. And if asked to judge the emotional expression on a face, they get it right more often than chance would predict especially if that expression is anger.
The brain stem is the oldest and smallest region in the evolving human brain. It evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and is more like the entire brain of present-day reptiles. For this reason, it is often called the 'reptilian brain'. Various clumps of cells in the brain stem determine the brain's general level of alertness and regulate the vegetative processes of the body such as breathing and heartbeat.
It's similar to the brain possessed by the hardy reptiles that preceded mammals, roughly 200 million years ago. It's 'preverbal', but controls life functions such as autonomic brain, breathing, heart rate and the fight or flight mechanism. Lacking language, its impulses are instinctual and ritualistic. It's concerned with fundamental needs such as survival, physical maintenance, hoarding, dominance, preening and mating. It is also found in lower life forms such as lizards, crocodiles and birds. It is at the base of your skull emerging from your spinal column.
The basic ruling emotions of love, hate, fear, lust, and contentment emanate from this first stage of the brain. Over millions of years of evolution, layers of more sophisticated reasoning have been added upon this foundation.
Brain Neurons & Brain Evolution - The Storytelling Ape
V.S. Ramachandran is Director of the Center for Brain and Cognition and Professor with the Psychology Department and Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, and Adjunct Professor of Biology at the Salk Institute. Ramachandran initially trained as a doctor and subsequently obtained a Ph.D. from Trinity College at the University of Cambridge.
Dr. Paul Broks: Into the Silent Land is a stunning look into how the human brain constructs a "self," or the essence of who we are as individuals. A neuropsychologist with twenty-five years' experience and a runner-up for the prestigious Wellcome Trust Science Prize, Paul Broks writes with a doctor's precision and clarity in a series of narratives about the fascinating world of the neurologically impaired, delving not only into the inner lives of his patients, but into a deeper understanding of how we define who we are. Fusing classic cases of neuropsychology with the author's own case studies, personal vignettes, philosophical debate, and thought-provoking riffs and meditations on the nature of neurological impairments and dysfunctions, Into the Silent Land is an illuminating study of neuroscience, and an extraordinary look into the unknown world of the self.
Dr. David Linden: David Linden is Professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. Following undergraduate work at the University of California, Berkeley with Joe Martinez, he performed his doctoral research in the lab of Aryeh Routtenberg at Northwestern University, examining the role of protein kinase C in long term synaptic potentiation and modulation of voltage-gated ion channels.
Linden has a long standing interest in scientific communication, serving on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Neurophysiology, Neuron, and The Cerebellum. He is author of a neuroscience book for a general audience, The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams and God
Evilness of Power
Evilness of Power from Jonathan Shockley on Vimeo.
An examination of the effects of power and hierarchy. Also available with German subs
Dutch subs
and Greek subs
Thomas Ferguson and Rob Johnson - When Wolves Cry Wolf
The Inaugural Conference @ King's, Institute for New Economic Thinking, Session 8:
Political Economy: What Can Government Do? What Will Government Do?
domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010
Coalition Of The Willing
Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.
'Coalition of the Willing' is a collaborative animated film and web-based event about an online war against global warming in a 'post Copenhagen' world.
‘Coalition of the Willing’ has been Directed and produced by Knife Party, written by Tim Rayner and crafted by a network of 24 artists from around the world using varied and eclectic film making techniques. Collaborators include some of the world’s top moving image talent, such as Decoy, World Leaders and Parasol Island.
The film offers a response to the major problem of our time: how to galvanize and enlist the global publics in the fight against global warming. This optimistic and principled film explores how we could use new Internet technologies to leverage the powers of activists, experts, and ordinary citizens in collaborative ventures to combat climate change. Through analyses of swarm activity and social revolution, 'Coalition of the Willing' makes a compelling case for the new online activism and explains how to hand the fight against global warming to the people.
To find out all about the project and to join our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or get the iPhone App visit:
Crónicas. Marinaleda, treinta años de lucha
La historia de Marinaleda (Sevilla) es muy singular. Como lo es también Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, su Alcalde en los últimos treinta años. Ambos, el Regidor y la Localidad, han luchado hasta alcanzar un más que aceptable bienestar social para los tres mil habitantes.
Marinaleda. El sueño de la tierra
Marinaleda. El sueño de la tierra Enviado por marinaledatv.
El documental Marinaleda: El sueño de la tierra (España, 2007, color, 90 min) de Eva Abad y Pablo García Cabrera, nos habla de la extraordinaria historia de Marinaleda, un pueblo de Sevilla que por medio de la lucha pacífica ha hecho realidad el viejo sueño de la tierra para quien la trabaja. Una hazaña colectiva basada en la solidaridad, una revolución socioeconómica en una de las regiones más atrasadas de Europa. Marinaleda ya no solo se enfrenta con sus viejos enemigos: ahora también debe consolidar sus logros.
Vemos momentos memorables como la toma del Cortijo El Humoso por parte de los jornaleros de Marinaleda, y también la lucha que durante más de 30 años han llevado a cabo los jornaleros de Andalucía, organizados a través del Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (S.O.C). Sus logros y el momento presente.
Entrevista a Joan Melé en el festival Barcelona Inspira Consciencia
Entrevista a Joan Melé en el festival Barcelona Inspira Consciencia 2
Entrevista a Joan Melé en el festival Barcelona Inspira Consciencia 3
Entrevista a Joan Melé en el festival Barcelona Inspira Consciencia 4
Dentro de los actos del festival Inspira Consciencia, organizado por Alambar Sinapsis en Barcelona, el periodista Borja Vilaseca entrevistó a Joan Antoni Melé, director territorial de Triodos Bank para Cataluña y Baleares. Su visión empresarial combinada con la ética y el planteamiento del mundo de la empresa desde lo personal, y no desde los posibles dividendos que arroje, no dejó indiferente. Tampoco su fuerza personal ni su magnetismo. Melé centró su discurso en las acciones y la voluntad para manifestar cambios en nuestro entorno.
El papel de la banca ética en el desarrollo de la agricultura ecológica
Con motivo de la II Conferencia Internacional sobre Agricultura Ecológica y Financiación, organizada por la Fundación Triodos y la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica (SEAE), que tuvo lugar el 27 de noviembre en el Palacio de Congresos de Madrid, Joan Melé, subdirector general de Triodos Bank, habla del papel de los ahorradores y consumidores en la creación de un precio justo en la agricultura ecológica.
Agricultura Ecológica: del campo a la mesa
Agricultura Ecológica: del campo a la mesa Enviado por AlbaceteTeVe.
España lidera el ranking europeo en superficie ecológica, y curiosamente, el 15 por ciento de esa producción se concentra en Castilla- La Mancha, segunda comunidad autónoma en superficie. Aunque la asignatura pendiente sigue siendo todavía el consumo, hay muchos que creen que con el carro de la compra también es posible cambiar las reglas del juego.
Explicación de como hacer un huerto, las constelaciones ,la luna, la Asociación Kokopelli de semillas puras no hibridas...
El amaranto, las judías, cebolla, fresas del bosque, acelga, melisa, coles y lechugas, Albahacas, la capuchina...
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010
Apoios ao MST
Declarações de apoio ao MST durante o governo Fernando Henique Cardoso. Participam o jurista Dalmo Dallari, a militante e companheira de Carlos Marighella Clara Charf, o músico Chico César, o dirigente comunista Apolônio de Carvalho, o fotógrafo Sebastião Salgado, o cantor e composição Chicio Buarque, o arquiteto Oscar Niemeyer, os bispos Dom Pedro Casaldáliga e Dom Tomás Balduíno e o ator Marcos Winter.
Eu apóio o MST: bispo Dom Pedro Casaldáliga
Veja vídeo com depoimento de Dom Pedro Casaldaliga, bispo emérito da Prelazia de São Félix do Araguaia, no Mato Grosso, sobre a importância da luta do MST.
Abaixo, leia trechos do depoimento.
"O MST é uma força alternativa. É uma força autônoma e estritamente popular, no sentido forte da palavra. Inclusive, mais do que um movimento, eu diria que deve ser sempre um estímulo, uma cutucada, para a movimentação.
"O MST poderia desaparecer, porque já deixou uma marca que não se apaga. Eu espero que por muitos anos ainda... A não ser que se acabe com o agronegócio e com o latifúndio. Aí não vamos necessitar do MST. Enquanto o diabo estiver solto aí, necessitamos do MST...
"[A luta vai continuar] enquanto houver latifúndio, produtivo ou improdutivo, no meu entender, porque latifúndio é sempre acumulação, sempre é exclusão, sempre é prepotência".
quarta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2010
A short film looking at the success of organic urban agriculture in Havana, Cuba. An example for cities around the world. A PUDDLEPICTURES production.
Evergreen Cooperatives - Place-Based Strategy for Worker Cooperative Development
Evergreen Cooperatives - Place-Based Strategy for Worker Cooperative Development from Permaculture Cooperative on Vimeo.
Hello, Cleveland! Evergreen's Place-Based Strategy for Worker Cooperative Development
The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative of Cleveland OH was launched in 2008. Its mission is to stabilize and revitalize six low-income neighborhoods (43,000 residents; median household income of $18,5000) of the Greater University Circle areas of Cleveland, Ohio.
The cooperative development strategy leverages a portion of the multi-billion dollar annual business expenditures (related to procurement and supply-chain) of anchor institutions (such as hospitals and universities) into the surrounding neighborhoods to create new businesses and jobs.
The first two Evergreen cooperatives (Evergreen Cooperative Laundry and Ohio Cooperative Solar) launched in October 2009; two more businesses are in the pipeline for 2010. The near-term (3 year) goal is to develop an integrated network of 10 cooperatives with approximately 500 worker-owners.
This presentation will focus on three topics: (1) the overall Evergreen strategy and how it is being financed and implemented; (2) building a culture of ownership within the Evergreen Cooperative Laundry; and (3) Evergreen's approach to governance, patronage, and long-term institutional viability.
Ted Howard is the founding Executive Director of The Democracy Collaborative, a research and policy center at the University of Maryland focused on community stabilization and wealth building. He is an architect of the Evergreen Initiative and has been appointed the Cleveland Foundation's Steven Minter Senior Fellow for Social Justice. Medrick Addison is the Operational Supervisor of the Evergreen Cooperative Laundry in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a member of the first group of worker-owners to join the coop and serves on the senior management team.
Filmed by Patrick O'Conner of for
segunda-feira, 23 de agosto de 2010
Prejudice: The Roots of Discrimination
Psych in the City 2007
Prejudice: The Roots of Discrimination may be Deeper than We Think
Dr. Stephen Wright
What does it mean to say that someone is prejudiced? Are things like racial prejudice or sexism a thing of the past?
Research in social psychology shows that prejudice is much more than thinking negative thoughts or treating people from other groups badly. Prejudice can also be found in our unconscious thoughts and feelings, and can leak out in our unintended actions.
The way that we think about ourselves and our own groups can also create and maintain prejudice and discrimination against others.
While alarming and disappointing to people who do not want to believe they are prejudiced, these new ways of recognizing and understanding prejudice also offer important insights into how we can combat it and reduce inequality.
Web site:
The Making of a Mind
On March 23, 2010, Dr. LouAnn Gerken, Professor, Psychology and Director, Cognitive Science, presented "The Making of a Mind" as the fourth public lecture in the University of Arizona College of Science's Mind and Brain Lecture Series.
We're all born with a brain, but when does our brain begin to construct a model of the world a mind? Research now suggests that infants not only absorb a remarkable amount of information about the physical and social world, they also use this information much like scientists to make guesses about the structure of that world. By creating tentative models of different aspects of the world based on very small amounts of data, infants use their developing models to predict the behavior of objects, people and the world around them.
Building Brains, Making Minds
On February 23, 2010, Dr. Lynn Nadel, University of Arizona Regents' Professor, Psychology, presented "Building Brains, Making Minds" in the first lecture of the College of Science's Mind and Brain Lecture Series.
What does the brain do? The ancients thought it was a radiator, cooling the blood. Modern views see it as an activator, using inputs from the environment in combination with prior knowledge to generate behaviors (walking, talking, eating and drinking) and mental states (feelings, desires and beliefs). Recently the idea has emerged that the brain acts as a predictor, using inputs and stored knowledge to generate models of the world, and of the consequences of possible actions we and others might pursue. These models can predict what will happen in the next minute, hour or decade, and allow us to behave in the most adaptive way.
They know what we're thinking?
Speakers: Matt Grist; Brendan O'Neill; Professor Gerry Stoker; Richard Wilson.
Chair: Claire Fox.
Gordon Browns bid for re-election has included the launch of a new politics, embracing: an Alternative Vote system; new e-petitions to allow the public to suggest topics for MPs to debate and devolving control of public services to local people. This is part of a package aimed at restoring public trust in Westminster. Indeed all mainstream parties support initiatives to connect with our concerns and win our votes. While flattering us as active political subjects, though, they increasingly view us as more like objects: cross-party enthusiasm for behavioural science means our brains and psychology are studied with anthropological zeal. George Osborne enthuses about new scientific disciplines that allow politicians to to develop a new approach to policymaking, based on empirical evidence about how people really behave. But should the public be flattered by such close scrutiny of our behaviour? Is there a danger of viewing the public as lab rats in need of nudging to entice us to make the right choices, incentivised to engage more pro-socially and vote for the right parties? Isnt this view of the public patronising or manipulative? Or is such scepticism old-fashioned? Do we need to refresh our views of how to engage the majority in decision-making beyond ideological choices? How can we best restore the electorate to their rightful place as subjects and masters of their democratically elected representatives? Whither the demos?
Sustainable Food: Earthen Path Organic Farm
Oak Center, Minnesota. You might say organic farmer Steven Schwen plows a different path through life; one built of a strong connection to the land, without many of the trappings we normally would associate as necessities of modern living.
It was a deliberate choice that he made. Schwen believes that we, as a society, have been lured down the path of consumerism, and profit, at the expense of the environment and of our souls. “I think it’s important for people to understand that we are all connected to land and labor… When I started out, I thought I’m going to change the world. And all of those people who went back to the land who are still doing this, we are going to do something to change this world. And you know, we are helping shape people’s thinking but I think there has been a lot of resistance because of the comfort levels that material security has been providing people. People have been saying, yeah, I want to do that someday. But circumstances are becoming such that people will not have those choices anymore, and people realize that.”
Steven Schwen was not born into farming, and in fact, first went to medical school before realizing it was living a more sustainable existence that he needed to pursue.
…”I guess I grew up in the country, and my family lived a mile and a half out of town. I spent my childhood looking under logs to see what lived there and running around in the woods, and just animals and nature were my life.”
His parents recognized his early love of nature, especially of bugs, and suggested it could lead to a career in science, and so they encouraged him to become a doctor. But Schwen later discovered that the concept of general practitioner that he had growing up, the country doctor that paid house visits, was quickly becoming a thing of the past.
Upon graduating college in the early 1970’s, Schwen developed a vision of a sustainable world based upon the model of an agrarian society: small towns, local economies, and more people on the land. It was the only vision he could imagine that presented a lifestyle without the need for oil. During our interview, Schwen asks, “You know what one family can do with a team of horses, or with their own labor”?
As you can see in this, and the other related videos, Schwen shows us his answer— a lot!
Seeds of Life: David Vs. Goliath
In an ongoing David versus Goliath legal battle, Frank Morton, an organic seed breeder in Philomath, Oregon, along with the plaintiffs listed in this lawsuit, have successfully sued the USDA and its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), for failure to require an environmental impact statement (EIS) prior to deregulation of Monsanto's Roundup Ready sugar beet.
domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010
Agent Orange : André Bouny s'entretient avec René Balme
André BOUNY est né handicapé, atteint de spina-bifida, dans la campagne pauvre du sud de la France. Suivant des études paramédicales (en odontologie) à Paris, il proteste contre la guerre qui fait rage au Viêt Nam, dans la rue et par ses peintures exposées au Grand Palais.
Ému par la découverte de ce pays ravagé par la guerre, où il rencontre mutilés et malades, il fonde en 1997 l’association caritative DEFI Viêt Nam, (Donner Ensemble Former Informer), qui s’engage également dans la campagne contre les mines antipersonnel. Quelque 300 tonnes d’équipement médical, recueillies et mises en conformité, sont expédiées par bateaux (électrocardiographes, lits médicalisés, fauteuil roulants, à destination de services de chirurgie et de radiologie, de maternités, cabinets dentaires, etc). L’association à but non lucratif pourvoit aussi à la formation de personnel médical vietnamien en France, facilite le parrainage d’enfants (une petite fille issue d’une famille misérable est récemment devenue institutrice) ; informe sur l’Agent Orange et distribue des aides aux victimes de ce poison chimique contenant de la dioxine.
André enchaîne les voyages au Viêt Nam où il adopte deux enfants. En 2004, il adresse une lettre ouverte à John Kerry, diffusée dans la presse internationale. Puis il constitue et conduit le Comité International de Soutien aux victimes vietnamiennes de l’Agent Orange (CIS) qui comprend de très nombreuses personnalités dans des domaines d’expertises variés. Infatigablement, il explique les conséquences de ce poison dans tous les médias qui osent en parler (radios, télés, journaux et sites Internet). Il est intervenu lors des trois éditions des Rencontres Internationales pour le Désarmement Nucléaire, Biologique et Chimique (RID-NBC), mais aussi en d’autres lieux prestigieux comme la Cité de l’Espace, et même à l’ONU lors de la 4e session du Conseil des droits de l’homme.
Son livre se fonde sur 40 ans d’expérience et d’intérêt porté au peuple et à la culture du Viêt Nam, comme à son histoire.
Myths of Mental Illness
Does paranoia exist? Does schizophrenia exist? Does mental illness exist? Who are R.D. Laing, Thomas Szasz, & Wilhelm Reich? How has the mental health system changed? What causes mental illness? Is there a mass malaise or mass alienation of mass schizophrenia? How can the mentally ill recover? These are some of the questions this video attempts to answer.
heartspeak /
Kim Pate, B.A., B.Ed. (P.D.P.P.), LL.B, M.Sc (in progress) Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies. Kim is an advocate, activist and ally of women and girls in prison in Canada. She has worked with and on behalf of marginalized, victimized, criminalized, and imprisoned youth, men and women for more than two decades.
In addition to exploring the current trends toward the increased marginalization, victimization, criminalization, and institutionalization of women, especially poor and racialized women, as well as those classified as having disabling mental health and intellectual challenges, Kim discusses the historical and global tendency to further such oppression in prisons.
Tim Jackson: Prosperity Without Growth
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
So much of the analysis of how we respond to climate change assumes that economic growth and emissions reduction are compatible goals. But is this wishful thinking? To question maximizing economic growth as an organizing principle of society seems close to economic heresy.
Enter Tim Jackson, a professor of Sustainable Development and author of the book, Prosperity Without Growth. He argues it's time to re-think the very notion of growth and what it means to be genuinely prosperous.
Jackson is speaking as part of the 2010 Alfred Deakin Lecture series, "Brave New World?" Curated by Tim Flannery, the 2010 Deakins presents the climate change challenge from ten different perspectives, with a focus on ten different spheres of life.
Are we, the series asks, willing to take the hard personal, political and economic choices that will truly reduce emissions? Are we brave enough to make the changes -- in thought and deed -- that are required of us? Are we able to shape this new world, or will it shape us?
Tim Jackson Interview
Tim Jackson Interview from Sustainable Future on Vimeo.
This Conversation was recorded in London in July 2009 as part of Sustainable Future's Project 2058. To find out more about Sustainable Future project, visit
sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010
Débat Décroissance conte Croissance
Débat Décroissance conte Croissance 1 Enviado por nature-boy-79
Débat Décroissance conte Croissance 2
Débat Décroissance conte Croissance 3
Débat Décroissance conte Croissance 4
Débat Décroissance conte Croissance 5
Ecologie écolo décroissance vert bio biologique environnement énergie fossile pétrole gaspillage poubelle poison toxique montagne nature respect terre villa paysans simple aventure arbres arbrisseau altermondialiste anticapitaliste libertaire communisme économie partie déforestation énergie pétrole mode de vie société égoïsme philosophie consommation poubelle matérialisme religion bouddha jésus jainisme saint Tibet mouton vegan veganisme végétarien végétalien légume tomate patate pomme de terre fruit corps étude primate biologie ethnologue sante neige eau couleur charpente menuiserie freegan apocalypse fin du monde enfant homme guerre politique lobby supermarché industrie argent fric travaille pauvre précaire désobéissance civile mer océans viande OGM toxique sauvage soja maïs colza bétail élevage gavage Environnement OGM Soja rogrès écologie déforestation Amazonie Amérique Asie oiseau cheval paradis dalai lama Nicolas Hulot Greenpeace paix guerre exploitation esclave riche mondialisation entreprises profit intérêt bourse spéculation famine soja riz inde Russie socialisme communisme extrémisme délocaliser usine ouvriers précaire salaire RMI sécurité sociale chômage dette suicide mort France UMP Toxique poison lobby pharmacie supermarché Enterprise profit danger capitalisme altermondialiste société vie manipulation démocratie intérêt état altermondialistes anticapitalistes antilibérale capitalisme communisme arbres montagne sagesse eau faune flore ville village paix violence
sexta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2010
The Frinky Science of the Human Mind
(July 11, 2009) Baba Shiv delves into the surprising workings of the brain during his lecture. "Frinky", a combination of "freaky" and "funky" was an apt descriptor for the mental experiments he describes. Deftly incorporating the anatomy of the brain, Shiv makes the case that emoitional responses are vital to responsible decision making, and that -- despite popular belief -- rational thought is perhaps not all it's cracked up to be.
Stanford University:
John S. Knight Fellowships Reunion & Conference
Stanford University Channel on YouTube:
Hooked on Growth - Meet the Filmmaker
Dave Gardner's upcoming documentary Hooked on Growth looks at modern society and asks, why are we behaving irrationally? There's overwhelming evidence we've reached the limits to growth, yet continue in our addiction to it. In a search for the cure, Dave starts with the need to tell different stories and shares examples from several folks he's interviewed. He highlights an amusing segment which depicts a family's impacts remaining in their yard! This "crowd-produced" film will also show activities at the community level which could make a huge positive difference.
Educación y Cooperativismo - CONFERENCIA MAGISTRAL Lic. Juan Carlos Tedesco
Parte 2
Parte 3
Parte 4
Parte 5
CONFERENCIA MAGISTRAL Lic. Juan Carlos Tedesco FACE Nov 2009
quinta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2010
Orwell Rolls in his Grave
Director Robert Kane Pappas’ ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE is the consummate critical examination of the Fourth Estate, once the bastion of American democracy. Asking whether America has entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for the truth, Pappas explores what the media doesn’t like to talk about: itself. Meticulously tracing the process by which media has distorted and often dismissed actual news events, Pappas presents a riveting and eloquent mix of media professionals and leading intellectual voices on the media. Among the cast of characters in ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE are Charles Lewis, director of the Center for Public Integrity, Vincent Bugliosi, former L.A. prosecutor and legal scholar, film director and author Michael Moore, Rep. Bernie Sanders, Danny Schecter, author and former producer for ABC and CNN, and Tony Benn, former member of the British Parliament. ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE provides a vital forum for ideas that will never be heard in mainstream media. From Globalvision’s Danny Schecter: “We falsely think of our country as a democracy when it has evolved into a mediacracy – where a media that is supposed to check political abuse is part of the political abuse.” New York University media professor Mark Crispin Miller says, “These commercial entities now vie with the government for control over our lives. They are not a healthy counterweight to government. Goebbels said that what you want in a media system – he meant the Nazi media system - is to present the ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.” From the very size of the media monopolies and how they got that way to who decides what gets on the air and what doesn’t, ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE moves through a troubling list of questions and news stories that go unanswered and unreported in the mainstream media. Are Americans being given the information a democracy needs to survive or have they been electronically lobotomized? Has the frenzy for media consolidation led to a dangerous irony where in an era of more news sources the majority of the population has actually become less informed? ORWELL ROLLS IN HIS GRAVE reminds us that 1984 is no longer a date in the future
quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2010
What Makes a Life Significant?
Sissela Bok writer, philiosopher
Louis Menand writer, 2002 Pulitzer Prize
Cornel West professor, Princeton University
James Kloppenberg professor, American history, Harvard University
Philosopher Sissela Bok, Harvard professor Louis Menand, and Princeton professor Cornel West discuss what makes a life significant, in a panel discussion moderated by James Kloppenberg.
A little over a century ago, the Harvard psychologist and philosopher William James gave a public lecture entitled "What Makes a Life Significant?" In honor of the 100th anniversary of his death and to celebrate his enduring influence, this panel of distinguished scholars revisits the question posed in that lecture from a range of historical and contemporary starting points. What do we, in the 21st century, think "makes a life significant"? What can the academy contribute to an exploration of that question?
Robert Whitaker - Psychotropic Drugs and Children
Robert Whitaker writer, journalist
Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of an Epidemic, discusses the disturbing effects of psychotropic drugs prescribed for children. Such medications, used for ADHD, depression, and anxiety, for example, have become commonplace over the past 30 years. This practice profoundly alters the lives of the children, and so now we, as a society, urgently need to address this question: do the medications help the children thrive and grow up into healthy adults? Or does this practice do more harm than good over the long term. Robert Whitaker emphasizes two things: first, the need for an objective, evidence-based approach to evaluating these drugs; and second, the need for better public understanding of how these medications work.
Douglas Hofstadter : Analogy as the Core of Cognition
In this Presidential Lecture, cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter examines the role and contributions of analogy in cognition, using a variety of analogies to illustrate his points.
The Human Visual Pathways: Maps, Plasticity, and Reading
Brian A. Wandell
Stein Family Professor and Chair
Electrical Engineering (by courtesy)
Constructive memory : Remembering The Past to Imagining The Future
As part of UBC Psychologys 5th Annual Quinn Memorial Lecture (QML), held on Friday, 9 October 2009, from 4:30 - 5:30 pm. The title of this lecture is "Constructive memory: Remembering the past to imagine the future. " Daniel L. Schacter is Kenan Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. Schachter is a renowned researcher whose research on memory and amnesia memory has had a profound impact on psychological science in general and cognitive neuroscience in particular. This webcast is sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre.
Dark Ages - History Channel
The once-powerful Rome--rotten to the core by the fifth century--lay open to barbarian warriors who came in wave after wave of invasion, slaughtering, stealing, and ultimately, settling. As chaos replaced culture, Europe was beset by famine, plague, persecutions, and a state of war that was so persistent it was only rarely interrupted by peace.
Dark Ages 7of10 - History Channel
Dark Ages 8of10 - History Channel
Dark Ages 9of10 - History Channel
Dark Ages 10of10 - History Channel
terça-feira, 17 de agosto de 2010
Dark Ages - History Channel
The once-powerful Rome--rotten to the core by the fifth century--lay open to barbarian warriors who came in wave after wave of invasion, slaughtering, stealing, and ultimately, settling. As chaos replaced culture, Europe was beset by famine, plague, persecutions, and a state of war that was so persistent it was only rarely interrupted by peace.
Dark Ages 2of10 - History Channel
Dark Ages 3of10 - History Channel
Dark Ages 4of10 - History Channel
Dark Ages 5of10 - History Channel
Chris Hayes Calls on the Fed to Open the Spigot
It’s bikini season! No, not that bikini — the bikini graph that shows job losses falling and job growth picking up under Obama. But lately that picture has changed as the economy slows. And on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, Chris Hayes explained why the Fed should shoulder the blame.
Chris uses a simple metaphor: imagine we’re all farmers, dependent on the rain. Our farm is the economy, and rain is money. Right now we’re in “the worst drought since the Great Depression,” Chris says (and he doesn’t mean the Dust Bowl). The Fed is in charge of irrigating the fields to make sure there’s a regular flow of water, but it “refuses to open the spigot,” worrying that “some day there might be flooding!”
How can this be? Well some farms — otherwise known as the banks — have pipes that run directly into the dam, and some have personal reservoirs, so they’re just fine. “While you and your neighbors try to scratch a few potatoes out of the stone dead earth, the banks are having water fights and the big wealthy farmers are installing slip and slides,” Chris explains. Watch the full segment:
Chris uses a simple metaphor: imagine we’re all farmers, dependent on the rain. Our farm is the economy, and rain is money. Right now we’re in “the worst drought since the Great Depression,” Chris says (and he doesn’t mean the Dust Bowl). The Fed is in charge of irrigating the fields to make sure there’s a regular flow of water, but it “refuses to open the spigot,” worrying that “some day there might be flooding!”
How can this be? Well some farms — otherwise known as the banks — have pipes that run directly into the dam, and some have personal reservoirs, so they’re just fine. “While you and your neighbors try to scratch a few potatoes out of the stone dead earth, the banks are having water fights and the big wealthy farmers are installing slip and slides,” Chris explains. Watch the full segment:
Talk - Chris Hedges - War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning
Talk by Chris Hedges author of "War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning" given April 23, 2010 at the 8th Annual Western Regional International Health Conference "War & Global Health" held at the University of WA in Seattle.
Poverty Scholars Program Hosts Chris Hedges
Poverty Scholars Program Hosts Chris Hedges from Poverty Initiative on Vimeo.
The Poverty Initiative's Poverty Scholars Program hosted Chris Hedges on Saturday, April 10th in James Chapel at Union Theological Seminary. He addressed the assembled low-income organizers, religious leaders and media makers from around the country who had convened from April 8-11th for “Strategic Dialogues” on the topics of the role of religion, media and communications in building a movement to end poverty. Chris Hedges' remarks were in dialogue with Poverty Scholars Dan Jones with the Philadelphia Student Union, Ron Blount with the Unified Taxi Workers Alliance and others.
Chris Hedges on Literacy
Social critic and author of "Empire of Illusion", Chris Hedges talks about the end of literacy and the triumph of spectacle in American culture.
Chris Hedges on "Empire of Illusion"
Social critic and author of "Empire of Illusion", Chris Hedges talks about the end of literacy and the triumph of spectacle in American culture.
segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2010
Ken Robinson: Escolas matam a criatividade?
Escolas matam a criatividade? Ken Robinson acha que sim.
Mais TEDTalks em Português:
Traduzido pelo colaborador Helio Alberto Silvério Fernandes
sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010
¿Sería Buenos Aires? / Maybe Buenos Aires? (2006) from on Vimeo.
A universal story that touches upon many of the themes that cross the modern world we live in:
dislocation of people, destruction of their dreams overnight by crises they are not responsible for
and their efforts to survive.
(Spanish with English subtitles)
National Young Artists Awards InJuve 2006 (Spain)
With the Participation of:
Written & Directed by
Produced by
in association with
Filmed by
Music by
Music Score Composed by JORDI HOMS (2006)
From the Album 'El Rastro' (2002)
From the Album 'França Xica' (2005)
From the Album 'This Is Our Punk-Rock' (2003)
Edited by
Sound Mixing/Postproduction
Houtech Produccions (Barcelona)
Archive footage by
Venteveo Video (Argentina)
English Translation by
Running Time: 48 minutes
This work is licensed under a:
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
New Orleans International Human Rights Film Festival 2008 (USA)
Vercelli Art Movie Festival. 2008 (Italy)
In asociation with Amnesty International
The British Museum - 2008 London Premiere
In asociation with the London International Documentary Festival and PocketVisions (UK)
Argentina - Catalunya Culture Festival. Barcelona 2008 (Spain)
1001 International Documentary Film Festival
Official Selection. Istanbul 2007 (Turkey)
Document5 – International Human Rights Documentary Festival. Glasgow 2007 (UK)
Fest-i-Kült – Intercultural Film Festival. Ankara 2007 (Turkey)
Mercadoc – Malaga Film Festival. 2007 (Spain)
Young Artists National Exhibition – Injuve (Various cities, Spain) 2006/2007
Krakow Film Market 2007 (Poland)
Ojocojo International Film Festival
Member of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity - UNESCO. Madrid 2006 (Spain)
L’Alternativa Independent Film Festival of Barcelona 2006 (Spain)
Last Updates: (+5.000 views)
Documentary Connection
Food Matters Official Trailer
"Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food." -- Hippocrates
That's the message from the founding father of modern medicine echoed in the controversial new documentary film 'Food Matters' from first-
time Producer-Directors James Colqhuoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.
"With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and ourtendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with
our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. 'Food Matters' sets about uncovering the trillion dollar
worldwide "Sickness Industry" and giving people some scientifically verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally." - James
And in what promises to be the most contentious idea put forward, the filmmakers have interviewed several world leaders in nutrition and natural healing who claim that not only are we harming our bodies with improper nutrition, but that the right kind of foods, supplements and detoxification can be used to treat chronic illnesses as fatal as terminally diagnosed cancer.
'Food Matters' is to be launched globally via the internet using full screen video technology.
The film's official website can be found at
sexta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2010
Green is the Color of Money
As environmentalism becomes mainstream, corporations and well funded environmental organizations work hand in hand to divert the public's efforts into market driven solutions.
With runaway climate change looming in the horizon, we must ask ourselves what are the tactics we are going to use to stop the destruction and take us beyond symbolic gestures.
quinta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2010
Keiser Report №68: Markets! Finance! Scandal!
This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert look at Tier Terra and future crimes. In the second half of the show, Max talks to former banking regulator William K. Black about rackets and fraud in the financial sector.
Emma Goldman - An exceedingly dangerous woman
movie by Mel Bucklin
Emma Goldman (18691940) stands as a major figure in the history of American radicalism and feminism. An influential and well-known anarchist of her day, Goldman was an early advocate of free speech, birth control, women's equality and independence, and union organization. Her criticism of mandatory conscription of young men into the military during World War I led to a two-year imprisonment, followed by her deportation in 1919. For the rest of her life until her death in 1940, she continued to participate in the social and political movements of her age, from the Russian Revolution to the Spanish Civil War.
For more information see:
The Money Masters 1. Amos del dinero. Parte 1 (1996)
Parte 1 (1h:43m) Historia de la creación del banco central estadounidense. Este documental relata como fue la lucha por el control de la emisión de la moneda norteamericana, que finalmente dio lugar al establecimiento en 1913 del Federal Reserve Bank (FED), banco privado (en apariencia gubernamental) que monopoliza la emisión del dolar y las reglas monetarias de ese país, y que actualmente tiene dominio del circuito financiero mundial. Revela la trama oculta que dio lugar a independencias, guerras, ciclos económicos y control político. El enfoque crítico y bien fundamentado permite comprender la crisis actual del capitalismo y la monstruosa deuda que encadena Estados, empresas y particulares en el presente. Material esencial para aquellos que creemos que un cambio del sistema social, económico, político e ideológico ES POSIBLE. Más info en: Narrador: Bill Still Directores: B. Still, Patrick Carmack USA-EUA-EE.UU. Año: 1996 Audio: Inglés. Subtítulos en español.
2ºParte-Final (1h:46m) Historia de la creación del banco central estadounidense
Es este documental se explica como funciona el fraudulento sistema monetario internacional, donde tienen a todas las personas en la esclavitud ya que las personas y los gobiernos tienen deudas con los banqueros que nunca van a poder pagar, mientras que estos parásitos (Banqueros) se enriquecen con su usura y manejan al mundo a su antojo.
¡Comprad, comprad, malditos!
Gran parodia sobre los productos y servicios que explotan la palabra "sostenibilidad" de modo incorrecto o mal entendido, encontrado en el canal del usuario ViralKauai. Con la participación de Jerry Mander.
Creemos que es muy importante esforzarse para que el público general comprenda bien el problema de los límites del crecimiento en el uso de recursos naturales por parte de la civilización moderna dominante, ya que el sistema económico suele acabar fagocitando todo tipo de etiquetas bienintencionadas en origen, y pervierte su uso y sentido para ponerlo al servicio de los beneficios económicos.
Aquellos que no entiendan "por qué ser tan sarcástico" con el consumismo verde y con la mercantilización y uso inadecuado del concepto de sostenibilidad probablemente no entienden bien la situación que viviremos en las décadas venideras. Un posible guión a seguir, en la red y en español, para entender las generalidades de los diversos aspectos a tener en cuenta al hablar de sostenibilidad podría ser el siguiente:
1) Ver "Aritmética, Población y Energía", de Gabriel Tobar, disponible en Google Video. 52 minutos. Muy didáctico vídeo casero, adaptado de una charla académica del Dr. Albert Bartlett; es muy importante prestar atención a todo hasta el apoteósico final.
2) Leer el resumen sobre la crisis energética que se avecina redactado por la Asociación para el Estudio de los Recursos Energéticos (AEREN).
3) Ver el documental "The Story of Stuff" (La Historia de las Cosas), de 21 minutos, subtitulado en español aquí:
4) Ver esta entrevista a Serge Latouche:
5) Leer la página "1ª visita" del blog de decrecimiento en blogspot, en que se hace una lúcida disección de un anuncio de Acciona:
6) Ver el documental "Money as Debt" (El dinero es Deuda), 47 minutos, doblado al español aquí:
Y desde aquí procédase según la intuición y gusto personal dicte.
El tipo de crítica que se hace en este vídeo se puede encontrar a menudo en el blog "Ni nuclear ni otras, gracias" de Gabriel Tobar. Precisamente el día en que subimos este vídeo tiene una entrada muy acorde con el tema del eco-consumismo:
Otros autores a escuchar (libros, artículos periodísticos, ensayos, y entrevistas disponibles en la red) serían por ejemplo Richard Heinberg, Derrick Jensen, Vincent Cheynet, Paul Ariès, Mariano Marzo, y los artículos de Pedro Pietro en el website de AEREN.
¿Qué nivel de destrucción hará que empieces a oponerte?
Derrick Jensen reflexiona en el jardín de su casa materna sobre la degradación del medio ambiente y de la calidad de la vida humana general por parte del sistema de consumo ilimitado que beneficia a unos pocos. Jensen plantea que toda persona tiene que tener un límite o nivel umbral tras el cual dirá "Basta". ¿Cuántas especies llevaremos a la extinción antes de que la mayoría queramos parar esto? ¿Cuánta riqueza natural y salud mental adicional costará todavía el Imperio del consumo?
Véase otro breve de Derrick Jensen aquí:
Emma Goldman: Una mujer sumamente peligrosa
"Emma Goldman: Una mujer sumamente peligrosa" ("Emma Goldman: An exceedingly dangerous woman", 2003) es un documental de Mel Bucklin que gira en torno a la figura de Emma Goldman, considerada durante más de treinta años cómo el enemigo público número uno en Estados Unidos, no por cometer actos violentos, sino por utilizar el arma más peligrosa que está a la mano de todo ser humano: la razón. Con una vida apasionante, Emma Goldman, junto a Alexander Berkman, se encontrará en el ojo del huracán del movimiento anarquista desde finales del S. XIX hasta buena parte de la primera mitad del S. XX.
Decrecimiento, una clave del ecologismo social
El libro Claves del ecologismo social, refleja el espíritu de Ecologistas en Acción. Un libro imprescindible para quien quiera acercarse a temas como la deuda ecológica, el decrecimiento, la biodiversidad, el ecofeminismo, el consumo crítico, la soberanía alimentaria, el capitalismo global o el cambio climático, entre otros muchos.
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